Chapter 15 Harsh Environment
Passing through a large eucalyptus forest, you will see a large stretch of grassland bushes and a road and hills.

At the beginning, the grassland was fairly sparse, but as it gradually deepened, the grassland became denser and there were more and more bushes, making the road more and more difficult to walk.

The front is full of knee-high weeds, and if you are not careful, you may be scratched by the bushes.

Several people had been walking for several hours, and the sweat continued to slide down their cheeks like broken threads.

Mu Keke raised his hand to wipe away the sweat, his face was full of exhaustion.

"Hey, shit!"

Suddenly, Chang Xinfeng exclaimed from behind.

It turned out that Chang Xinfeng didn't pay attention to the bushes under his feet, tripped and fell, and fell on the grass unexpectedly.

"Chang Shao, are you okay?" Pan Lili who was next to him hurriedly helped him up.

"Damn, how long do we have to go? We've been walking for hours, and this place is still there?" He hammered the ground impatiently.

Seeing this, Mu Keke and the others stopped and stared at Qin Xiaonian. After walking for so long, they couldn't reach their destination. They really couldn't move.

"What's the matter? If you don't hurry up and hurry, it will be dark soon, don't waste time." Qin Xiaonian, who was walking in the front to open the way, couldn't help but turn around and asked.

"Qin Xiaonian, what kind of road are you taking here? After walking for a long time, you can't see the end."

Chang Xinfeng sat slumped on the ground and said angrily.

"If you feel tired, you don't have to go, no one is forcing you to go."

Qin Xiaonian's eyes were sharp.

Chang Xinfeng was furious: "Now I suspect that you are leading the way blindly. After walking for so long, except for grass or grass, will you lead the way?"

Qin Xiaonian didn't speak, but squatted down, gently pinched a piece of soil with his fingers, put it on the tip of his nose, and sniffed it carefully.

When they were in the army, the instructors once taught them to use the soil to judge the specific location of the water source.

"Every detail in nature has a reason for its existence. As long as you follow the rules, you can find everything you want."

The instructor's words echoed in his ears.

According to the previous judgments, Qin Xiaonian can conclude that he did not go wrong, and the humidity in the soil is getting higher and higher.

"Qin Xiaonian, how long do we have to go!"

Mu Keke scratched a bag on his neck vigorously.

There are a lot of mosquitoes here, and Mu Keke's thin skin and tender meat can be said to be a rare delicacy for these mosquitoes. Even though she wrapped it layer by layer, she still couldn't resist it.

If you don't pay attention to the exposed skin, you will be bitten by mosquitoes.

He Tao's whole body was soaked in sweat, he turned on the kettle and took a sip of water.

"Don't worry about drinking He Tao! We don't have much water left!" Mu Ke said hurriedly.

Originally, there were not many water containers, just a few jugs found by the man in black and a few plastic bottles washed up by the waves.

These waters add up to a full budget, even if Qin Xiaonian and the others drink sparingly, they can only drink for two days.

Not to mention such a high-intensity long-distance trek that loses a lot of water and urgently needs to compensate for a large amount of water.

I originally planned to drink two days of water, but within half a day it was almost exhausted.

Qin Xiaonian shook the kettle on his chest, there was still more than half of the kettle in it.

For Qin Xiaonian, even in the desert, he only needed a sip of water to gather all his strength.

One of the special forces is thirst training.

On the Gobi Desert, exposed to the scorching sun, he could only drink a small sip of water every hour to keep his body functioning.

In this harsh and even perverted test, everyone's body is developed to the extreme, and the body will use every drop of water incomparably delicately.

The instructor who was in charge of supervision held a bottle of water and spoke to them.

"Want to drink?" Then, in the eyes of many greedy and even murderous eyes, he poured water on the ground and stomped hard.

They all jumped on it in a swarm, grabbed the wet soil and stuffed it into their mouths, and even fought for a handful of soil.

The perverted training has created Qin Xiaonian's powerful circulatory system, and after walking for so long, he didn't sweat a little.

Qin Xiaonian handed the kettle to Mu Keke.

"I still have water here, you can share it."

Before Mu Keke could recover, Chang Xinfeng stood up on the ground, grabbed the water bottle, unscrewed the cap and poured water into his mouth.

Seeing this, Qin Xiaonian snatched the kettle back, but there was only a little bit of water left in the pot.

"Ah, I'm so thirsty!" Chang Xinfeng wiped his mouth contentedly.

"Is my water delicious?" Qin Xiaonian's eyes were full of gloom.

"It's not bad, it's quite sweet." Aunt Chang Xinfeng provocatively said with a look of "what can you do to me".

"Chang Xinfeng, how can you do this! Everyone has their own water, why do you drink other people's water, what does Qin Xiaonian drink?"

Mu Keke pursed his mouth, very dissatisfied.

"What's the matter, I'm done drinking, he still has so much water, can't I order it?"

Chang Xinfeng was confident and confident, without the slightest sense of guilt.

"Since your parents didn't teach you not to mess with other people's things, I don't mind teaching you for you."

A cold light flashed in Qin Xiaonian's eyes, he shook his hands, and punched his head and face with his fist.

If you don't teach him a lesson, he doesn't know why the flowers are so popular!


He Tao looked at Chang Xinfeng with a bruised nose and swollen face, and thought of the heart-piercing scream just now, he couldn't help but shudder.

"Why bother? What's the point of provoking this killing god?" He Tao murmured inwardly.

"Here, this is my water, take it and pour some." Mu Keke handed Qin Xiaonian his water bottle.

"No, I have a solution!"

Qin Xiaonian glanced at her chapped lips, but still rejected her.

"It's already getting late, and I won't be able to see the road clearly when I set off again. I'll rest here today, just in time to find fresh water."

"Heh, you said it lightly, where are you going to find fresh water!"

Chang Xinfeng, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face, couldn't help ridiculing when he heard this.

"If you can conjure fresh water out of thin air, I'll call you dad directly!"

"I don't want a son like you who would embarrass his ancestors, you bastard."


Qin Xiaonian's angry Chang Xinfeng almost vomited blood.

Naihe wanted to continue the quarrel, Qin Xiaonian ignored him at all, and began to observe carefully.

After some searching, Qin Xiaonian came to a small grove not far away, with a few small trees vaguely growing in it.

Qin Xiaonian took out his dagger and started digging, soon digging out a small hole.

"Hehe, I want to see how you can dig out today..."

Before he finished speaking, Chang Xinfeng's face froze.

A stream of clear water literally came out of the pit.

"Wow! There's really water!" Mu Keke couldn't be happier, his little face was tinged with excitement.

Not only that, the water got bigger and bigger, and soon became as thick as a wrist from a little finger, and then thicker than a thigh!
Let me go, is this the main artery dug into Nongfu Spring?
Qin Xiaonian was shocked, no good!

He quickly shouted in the direction of Mu Keke and the others: "Run!"

A few people were shocked and quickly ran to a higher place.

The water level continued to rise, and the hollow that Qin Xiaonian dug to get water before was quickly filled with water, forming a small pond with a circumference of several hundred meters.

Qin Xiaonian breathed a sigh of relief when the water level stabilized.

It seems that the underground river has been dug. It is estimated that it happened to coincide with the flooding period of the underground river, and the river surged, so this depression could be filled.

"This water is very clean, you can drink it directly, but to be on the safe side, let's filter it and boil it before drinking it." Qin Xiaonian instructed He Tao.

Hearing this, He Tao hurriedly picked up the kettle to scoop up water and prepared to boil it.

Only Chang Xinfeng's face turned blue and white, unable to speak.

After the shock settled down, Mu Keke blinked and asked curiously: "Qin Xiaonian, how did you find the water?"

Qin Xiaonian smiled and pointed to the ground: "Depend on it."

He judged that there was water below based on the humidity of the soil.

(End of this chapter)

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