Chapter 208 Body Bag

After Qin Xiaonian left for a few days, the camp became more and more beautiful under the construction of Mu Keke and the others.

He Tao patrols the surroundings every day to prevent things that threaten them.

Today he has gone farther and is almost approaching the coast.

Climbing up a big tree, He Tao looked at the vast sea.

Suddenly, he saw a huge ship appearing on the coastline, and his eyes suddenly opened wide.


He was very excited. After waiting for so long, they finally saw a ship sailing on the sea for the first time.

This is their hope of escaping from this island, and He Tao doesn't want to miss it.

He immediately climbed down from the tall trees and quickly ran towards the beach.

When he was about to approach the shore, he immediately picked up a pile of dry firewood and set up a fire. In order to make the smoke bigger, after the fire rose, He Tao took out his saber and cut some branches into it.

"Quick, look here!"

He Tao shouted anxiously in his heart, and kept adding firewood in his hands, hoping that someone on that boat could see the thick smoke coming out of here.

Suddenly, He Tao saw the sailing boat stop.

He was ecstatic, thinking that the ship saw his signal and was considering whether to come over.

However, he was desperate the next moment, because the ship suddenly disappeared above the sea for some unknown reason!
"Is this the same as we were back then?"

He Tao remembered that they were also inexplicable when they encountered shipwreck, and the same is true for this ship now.

He stayed here for a long time, and the hope that had just been ignited was shattered like this, and he felt extremely uncomfortable.

Back in the camp, He Tao told Mu Keke and the others what he had encountered.

After hearing this, Rose shook her head: "When approaching this island, the communication equipment and power system on the ship will fail, so don't expect someone to come to rescue us!"

In order to find out the secrets of this island, their organization in black lost countless people. Those actions were well prepared, but they also paid a heavy price.

Those unprepared ships came here, simply looking for a dead end.

"Ah! Let's go to the coast tomorrow and see, maybe we can save some people in distress."

Mu Keke sighed. When she was in trouble, she hoped that someone could help her. Fortunately, she met Qin Xiaonian.

"No! I don't agree, how much we have paid today, how those people can sit back and enjoy the benefits as soon as they come up, I don't agree!"

Pan Lili stood up, very excited, and stared at Mu Keke fiercely.

"Pan Lili, if someone helped us back then, how could we have encountered so many difficulties? Now that we have become stronger, shouldn't we help the weak?"

"Although the law of the jungle is followed here, are we going to lose our humanity?" Mu Keke also stood up, angrily yelling at Pan Lili.

"You two, don't make trouble. Brother Nian is not here now. This matter really needs to be carefully considered." He Tao stood up and stopped the two of them from arguing.

Rose looked at Mu Keke, was silent for a while and said slowly: "I agree with Mu Keke's proposal."

Pan Lili looked at Rose in disbelief.

"We also agree with Mu Keke's proposal!" Xiao Rou also responded.

The minority obeys the majority, and now Pan Lili has nothing to say. If Rose and her stand on the same front, maybe she will fight again.

But Rose's decision puzzled her. Pan Lili took Rose to a place where no one was around, and asked, "Master Rose, why do you want to speak for Mu Keke? Shouldn't we be together?"

"What are you excited about? It's not just about saving a few people. Whether they can be found is another matter. Besides, what Mu Keke said is good. We are born as human beings, and we cannot lose our humanity!"

Rose spoke word by word. Although she came out of the men in black organization, she still had her true nature.

"Human nature? Heh, there is no human nature here. It is really strong to be able to survive. Since you want to save you, go by yourself. It is impossible for me to save those trash!"

After speaking, Pan Lili returned to her residence.

Looking at Pan Lili's back, Rose sighed. She knew that no matter what she said, Pan Lili would never listen to her.

Thinking of the human nature that Mu Keke said before, she felt a burst of emotion again. She grew up in the black organization since she was a child. The black organization is a place that destroys humanity. people.

Since she fell in love with the degenerate, she slowly discovered the beauty of the world, and gradually her heart became gentle. For the sake of degeneration, she gave up the chance to sit in a high position. For the sake of degeneration, she betrayed the organization. to this island.


Early the next morning, after He Tao and the others packed their luggage, they set off towards the beach.

The camp is already close to the periphery of the island, not far from the beach.

After walking for two hours, everyone finally came to the beach.

"There's nothing here, is it possible that no one is alive?" Xiaorou murmured.

He Tao walked to the shore, picked up a piece of clothing that was covered by sand, and held it in his hand: "There are clothes that washed up on the shore here. Let's search along the coastline, and maybe we can find the person who was washed ashore."

A few people began to search slowly along the coastline, and they harvested a lot of clothes, bottles and cans along the way, and they picked up these things without stopping.

These things may not be regarded as precious things in the outside world, but they are absolutely good things here.

When moving in the jungle, it is easy to cut their clothes. Their current clothes are all tattered. If they are placed in the outside world, this is something that even beggars are unwilling to wear. On a desert island, it is a precious resource. .

"There seems to be a person in front!"

Mu Keke pointed to a dark, human-shaped thing in the distance and shouted.


He Tao ran towards that thing.

When they came closer, they found that it was a body wrapped in a body bag.

"What's going on?" He Tao frowned.

Wrapped in a body bag, the man was dead when he washed ashore.

"He was killed, and he was tortured before he died. Just look at the wounds on the corpse."

Compared to He Tao and the others, Rose was much calmer, and slowly lifted off the corpse's clothes. There were wounds under the clothes, and several fingers were missing.

Mu Keke covered his mouth. Although he encountered many disgusting things on the island, he still couldn't stop his stomach from seeing such a cruel scene.

"There's a body bag in front too!"

He Tao ran over, opened the body bag, and found that the body inside was a woman, whose death was exactly the same as that person just now.

(End of this chapter)

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