Chapter 244 Stonehenge

A large group of fire ants rushed towards the two of them, and the two of them fought and retreated vigorously to protect them. For a while, the group of fire ants could not get close to their bodies.

Qin Xiaonian blasted a strong wind with his palm, trying to force the group of guys back, but this group of fire ants were very cunning, they would directly burrow into the soil as soon as they felt something was wrong, which directly made Qin Xiaonian's attack miss.

"Why are these beasts so difficult to deal with!"

Qin Xiaonian said angrily as he kicked away the fire ants coming from his feet.

Whether to fight or not to fight, they are planning to force Qin Xiaonian to die here.

"You can't be led by them!"

Mr. Bo thought for a moment, his palms smashed into the ground, and bursts of invisible energy burst out.


With Mr. Bo as the core, all the sand within a radius of [-] meters exploded, and countless fire ants were sent flying into the sky.

Seeing this, Qin Xiaonian took advantage of the situation and shot the ants floating in the air as quickly as possible.


After finally clearing out a large clean area under the feet, if you don't run now, when will you wait!

The two of them exerted their strength on their legs and sprinted at full speed, and finally rushed out of the range of the sand.

"Phew! It's safe."

It was not until this moment that Qin Xiaonian's heart was relieved.

And those fire ants didn't give up and chased after them, but after leaving the sand, without the cover of the sand, Qin Xiaoke was no longer afraid of these guys.

The legs spun on the ground for a while, and a strong wind blew up, blowing all the fire ants away.

"Go back to your lair and reflect on yourself!" Qin Xiaonian grinned.

These fire ants are all affected by the fire core, so they grow so big. I don't know how many animals have strayed into it over the years, and they devoured them without even bones left. Fortunately, Qin Xiaonian's strength Strong escaped.

At this time, Qin Xiaonian and Qin Xiaonian had arrived at the outskirts of the fire core, which was a desert with stone buildings on it.

"It looks like we've arrived."

Sensing the rising temperature in the air, Mr. Bo spoke.

Qin Xiaonian took a look around. These stones were built together in a very simple way without any polishing and carving. They cleverly used the mechanical structure and did not use a nail to fix them throughout the process. They relied on their own gravity to build the building. Such a large building.

It can be said that this building contains the crystallization of human wisdom, and it is really uncanny workmanship, and the two of them can't help but feel emotional when they walk in it.

"So hot!"

It's just that the temperature inside is too high, even with Qin Xiaonian's physique, he can't help but feel a burst of heat in his body, and sweat can't stop bursting from his forehead.

Fortunately, the two of them brought a lot of water with them. There was plenty of water in the jungle before, but now in this desert, water is not so easy to find.

If they hadn't been lucky enough to find a small pond to replenish enough water, their current water would not be enough.

Qin Xiaonian took out the kettle and took a big gulp. In this kind of place, he must keep in good shape at all times to deal with various situations that may arise.

"Qin Xiaonian, didn't you realize that we've been walking for a long time, why haven't we left this complex?" Mr. Bo said suddenly.

"So you feel the same way!" Qin Xiaonian was startled.

According to their initial estimate, they only need three hours to get out of this complex of buildings, but now a whole morning has passed, and they are still staying in this desert, which is obviously very unreasonable.

The two of them stopped in their tracks. In such a scorching and hot environment, moving forward undoubtedly consumes a lot of energy, and we should not waste energy in vain before we figure out the situation.

"Although this is a desert, with these stone pillars as a reference, I have carefully recorded all the way just now. Up to now, we have not been going around in circles, and have been moving forward."

"But the spaciousness of the place is obviously unreasonable. It is obvious that this place is not far from the front hall, but after walking for so long, I just haven't reached it."

"It's impossible to see a ghost in broad daylight, right? Why do you always encounter such ghosts hitting the wall!"

Qin Xiaonian wiped his sweat and muttered. .

"If that hall is a mirage..." Mr. Bo suddenly proposed a bold idea.

"What mirage?!"

Qin Xiaonian was startled, but then he thought for a while that there were indeed conditions to form a mirage here.

But after thinking about it for a few seconds, Qin Xiaonian resolutely rejected it: "No, it can't be a mirage!"

"If it's a mirage, it will disappear at night, and the mirage also refracts objects, which means that this hall is indeed real, and it shouldn't be too far away from us. We are heading in the right direction."

Mirages occur at the ground or sea level, not in the sky. Specifically, mirages are caused by the uneven density of the air near the surface, which causes the light emitted by distant objects to enter the human eye through multiple refractions.

In ancient times, the ancients regarded this phenomenon as a miracle, like the legendary Penglai fairy island, which can be seen but never climbed.

"Everything remains the same, the hall really exists, it's just that we were deceived and took a detour." Qin Xiaonian said firmly.

"Did you find anything?" Mr. Bo asked.

"The boulders, it's definitely the ghosts of these boulders."

"At first I thought these boulders were purely for decoration, but now I think about how it could be so simple. At that time, there was a shortage of manpower, and no one would bother to transport such a pile of boulders here and put them in shape."

"I can't even believe that there is no mystery in it, here, look." Qin Xiaonian took out a compass from his pocket and handed it to Mr. Bo.

Mr. Bo looked down at the compass shaking around and couldn't stop for a long time.

The magnetic field is chaotic!

The abnormality of the compass shows that this place is definitely not ordinary.

"This should be the labyrinth set up by the Guardian Clan back then. I have been abroad and heard about the local Stonehenge, and it is similar to this place." Qin Xiaonian said.

"These boulders are connected one by one, successfully disrupting the surrounding magnetic field, which leads to confusion in our vision and thinking. We always think that we are moving forward, but we are just going around in circles."

"In that case, let's destroy these boulders." Mr. Bo suggested.

"No, the consequences of destroying the boulders are very serious. These boulders are linked together. Once one is destroyed, all the boulders will collapse, and we will be buried without digging our own graves." Qin Xiaonian hurriedly stopped.

"Since it cannot be destroyed, how can we get out?" Mr. Bo was puzzled.

"Fortunately, I was quite interested in this thing and studied it. I didn't expect that it would come in handy one day. In the Three Kingdoms, Mr. Zhuge once trapped Lu Xun's [-] troops with piles of boulders. Fortunately, he finally It was only after being instructed by an expert that he escaped successfully."

"You mean looking for the gate of life?" Mr. Bo responded.

"That's right, this is our hope, we can escape if we find the door of life!"

(End of this chapter)

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