Chapter 250 The Shocking Secret
"Fire Core didn't give birth to spiritual wisdom, it was actually controlled by people!"

Qin Xiaonian came to this conclusion from the murals.

The murals depict the story after the fire core taught these ancestors of the Western Regions the art of lighting fire.

The murals they saw before were just the pious ancestors of the Western Regions who regarded the fire core as their god and worshiped it with great piety. What they painted here were heartbreaking pictures.

Huohe was rejected by countless ancestors of the Western Regions here, and they all blamed Huohe for the lack of water.

At the beginning, it was just a rebellion by the ancestors of the Western Regions. Later, because of the continuous decrease of water sources, more people rebelled. A riot broke out in this mysterious kingdom. The reason for the riot was because of the fire core.

The fire core is no longer a fire pattern in the mural here, but a person. This person wears a golden crown and looks exactly like a Central Plains person.

When seeing this person for the first time, Qin Xiaonian thought of the mummy he met just now. That mummy might be the person painted on the mural.

"The mummy should be the guardian of the fire core, but the mural depicts a scene from a long, long time ago. The mummy has been dead for more than a hundred years at most, and the time does not match. If it is correct, it should be The descendants of the Fire Core Guardian."

Qin Xiaonian thought of this, and then continued to look at other murals.

The guardian of the fire core was spurned by the ancestors of the Western Regions. He escaped from the town he built and came to an uninhabited desert to live in the desert.

Because of his appearance, this desert began to appear vegetation, and gradually water sources appeared, and the water sources began to become oasis.

Seeing this, Qin Xiaonian felt a little sad. These ancestors of the Western Regions were able to survive and develop on the oasis entirely because of the guardian of the fire core. If it wasn't for him, the place where they lived would have long been turned into a desert.

Sure enough, on another mural, the town where the fire core guardian originally existed has become a deserted city, with corpses everywhere, and people have to find a new place to live.

Finally one day, a girl found the oasis where the guardian of the fire core was located. On the oasis, the girl knew the identity of the guardian of the fire core and developed feelings with the guardian of the fire core.

The guardian of the fire core promised to let the girl's people come to the oasis to survive, and the oasis soon became a town again.

The girl's family members learned from the girl that the guardian of the fire core has a way to turn the desert into an oasis, and they began to covet the fire core in his hand.

Finally, one day disaster came, and someone finally couldn't help but kill the guardian of the fire core.

Because the ability to turn a desert into an oasis is so tempting, the water source is simply gold in the desert.


Seeing this, Qin Xiaonian couldn't help but curse, he hated ungrateful people the most in his life.

There are only two simple paintings in the back, one is the explosion of the fire core, destroying the entire oasis, and the other is the rejuvenation of the oasis.

After watching the mural, Qin Xiaonian let out a deep breath. The painting of destroying the oasis is very satisfying, but the last picture Qin Xiaonian couldn't figure out why the desert was full of vitality again?

Isn't the guardian of the fire core dead?
"This doesn't look like a fire core. Isn't the fire core powerful and destroys everything? How can it turn a desert into an oasis? Shouldn't this be the ability of the water core?"

Qin Xiaonian was also puzzled by this point.

"Forget it, I will definitely know the reason after seeing the fire core!"

Unable to figure it out, Qin Xiaonian stopped thinking about it, and simply continued to dig deeper. The murals made him feel uneasy for a long time, and he was eager to find the answer.

"Qin Xiaonian!"

A familiar voice sounded from the darkness.

Qin Xiaonian shone a flashlight at the place where the sound came from, just in time to see Mr. Bo hiding in a corner and only being hit.

"Turn off the light quickly!"

Mr. Bo stepped forward quickly, grabbed the flashlight from Qin Xiaonian's hand and turned it off, then said to him in a low voice.

"There are monsters inside!"

Just a simple sentence, Qin Xiaonian became nervous.

He didn't encounter many dangers along the way, good guy, it turned out that the dangers were elsewhere.

"Is there any other road on the road you came from? We can't go this way!"

Mr. Bo asked in a low voice.

"Yes, but I don't know where those roads lead to. You said there is danger here. What kind of danger makes you so afraid?"

Qin Xiaonian asked, in the darkness, he couldn't see clearly what was in front of him, and he also had some mistrust of Mr. Bo now.

After all, the two hadn't been together for a while, and according to his speculation, it should be Mr. Youbo's former partner.

"Some monsters that can manipulate flames should be controlled by the fire core. The fire core wants to destroy this place! Then escape!"

Mr. Bo said word by word, very seriously, as if worried that Qin Xiaonian would not believe it.

"Okay then, let's go back, there are still a few roads to go over there!"

Qin Xiaonian became wary of Mr. Bo. During the time the two separated, something he didn't know happened. Mr. Bo was obviously worried about what he found in the past.

Taking Mr. Bo back to the main hall, along the way, Qin Xiaonian deliberately quickened his pace so that Mr. Bo would not have time to look at the murals on the wall.

There is no other reason, it is because of what Mr. Bo said just now, the fire core is not trying to destroy this place.

When he came to the main hall, Mr. Bo saw the charred corpse and looked at Qin Xiaonian strangely.

"Have you met a monster?"

Qin Xiaonian nodded, and then said: "It's not a monster, it's just that this corpse is manipulated by bugs!"

Without hiding anything, Qin Xiaonian told the whole story.

After listening to what Qin Xiaonian said, Mr. Bo fell into deep thought, and said after a long time: "These insects that manipulate the corpses should be the same type as those used by World Tree to manipulate dead corpses, but those insects that turn corpses into zombies have passed through The transformation of the world tree."

"you sure?"

Qin Xiaonian was a little shocked.

"Well, now I know some reasons. Although World Tree is subject to five cores, it also benefits from the power of five cores."

"The power of the five-core guardian is extremely terrifying. World Tree destroyed too many things in order to find the five-core, and got too much power that he didn't have."

"If we want to completely destroy the World Tree, we must understand and be able to use the power of the five cores, otherwise, we will not be his opponent at all!"

Mr. Bo talked eloquently, and picked up a charred bug corpse and observed it in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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