Chapter 273
Qin Xiaonian loosened the rope tied around his waist, then squatted down, and shouted into the hole he just climbed in: "Mr. Bo, you can come here!"

Didn't hear Mr. Bo's answer, Qin Xiaonian thought Mr. Bo didn't hear it, so he pulled the rope hard.

Without any obstruction, Qin Xiaonian directly pulled a large length of the rope over.

"What's going on? Is Mr. Bo not there anymore?"

Qin Xiaonian quickly pulled the rope, and he pulled all the tens of meters of rope over.

Knowing that something was wrong, Qin Xiaonian squatted down and took the flashlight Mr. Bo gave him to shine into the cave. It was pitch black inside, and Qin Xiaonian didn't find anything unusual.

Logically speaking, if Mr. Bo was waiting there, he should not have lost his voice just now, but now even the rope has been completely pulled over, and there is no movement over there, it should be Mr. Bo something happened.

"Qin Xiaonian!"

Mr. Bo's voice came from behind, Qin Xiaonian suddenly turned around, and saw Mr. Bo who was looking at him with a smile on his face.

"What's the matter with you? Why are you here?" Qin Xiaonian pointed at the entrance of the cave he came in.

Mr. Bo smiled helplessly: "Not long after you came in, I accidentally touched a mechanism, and the group of terracotta figurines inside suddenly changed their positions, and then a door appeared. Walking, I didn't expect to come here."

Mr. Bo gave up feeling apologetic, because Qin Xiaonian's body was covered with dust and his face was covered with ashes at the moment, and he looked like a beggar.

Qin Xiaonian frowned, Mr. Bo didn't tell the truth at all, if that was the case, he should have pulled the rope to inform himself, Mr. Bo must have hidden some secret.

However, Qin Xiaonian didn't intend to get into the details. After all, he and Mr. Bo are just a cooperative relationship, and it's normal to have some precautions.

Qin Xiaonian wiped off the dust on his face, and put the rope back into the backpack.

"Okay, since we've already arrived here, let's find our way quickly!" Qin Xiaonian said expressionlessly.

His trust in Mr. Bo is getting less and less, and Mr. Bo is more and more guarded against him, and there may be some problems in the future.

I have been worrying about Mr. Bo just now, and I haven't had time to observe the newly arrived tomb.

There are many books in this tomb. Qin Xiaonian randomly picked up one and opened it. The characters inside were all written in Western Regions. He didn't have much memory in the illusion, and he didn't know these characters.

"We don't know these characters, and it's useless to read them!" Mr. Bo casually threw the book in his hand on the ground.

Qin Xiaonian looked at a book on the floor and seemed to remember something.

In the illusion, Qin Xiaonian rarely sees people using books to record things. Most people use leather scrolls. Books are considered scarce goods in the Western Regions. As for Yang Yu and Yang Miao, they brought them from the Central Plains. There are not so many books.

There are so many books here, they must have been brought here in the time after he left the illusion, and it is even more impossible to know who brought them here.

"Why are you in a daze? Let's go!" Standing in front of the entrance, Mr. Bo called out to Qin Xiaonian who was meditating, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

In Mr. Bo's eyes, Qin Xiaonian has been acting strangely ever since he entered this tomb, and has done many things that go against his understanding of him.

Mr. Bo felt that Qin Xiaonian was a little out of his control, and he had to kill Qin Xiaonian immediately after getting the five cores.


Qin Xiaonian responded, and turned off the flashlight. There are torches here, and lighting is not a problem. There is no need to waste precious electricity here.

As soon as the two stepped into the entrance, they both felt that their eyes were darkened, and the strength of their bodies seemed to be emptied.

"Not good!" Qin Xiaonian secretly cried in his heart.

He was careless. It is not normal for the books in the tomb to be so complete. He met mice in the hole he came here. The hole is connected to the tomb. Mice like to chew on books and the like. Something, none of the books in this tomb was destroyed, which is too abnormal.

"Hahaha, I thought you guys had a lot of ability, but it seems that you can only stop here!"

The sound came from all around the tomb, and the dwarf did not know what method he used to monitor the actions of the two of them all the time.

"If you have the guts to come out and fight one-on-one, hide and hide, what kind of hero is he?"

Mr. Bo sat cross-legged on the ground, cursing the dwarf while organizing the toxin into his heart.

"Heroes? You don't have to provoke me. Do you really think I will be fooled twice for the same thing?"

The dwarf's voice was very immature, like a child's, which should be related to the fact that he just changed his body.

Qin Xiaonian remained silent. Now that he has fallen into the trap of the other party, he doesn't know what will happen next. It is best to recover quickly.

Now that the two of them have finished drinking the milky white liquid, they can only rely on their own strength to suppress the toxins in their bodies.

Although there will be no problems for a while, the strength will definitely be greatly affected, and it is very likely that the plans of the two of them will be ruined.

"Damn dwarf, die for me!" Mr. Bo was also very angry at the moment after being tricked by such a low-level trick.

"Don't talk about it, he suffered a loss once, he won't show up so easily, let's quickly suppress the poison in our body!" Qin Xiaonian dissuaded, now they waste one more minute, it will be more It's dangerous.

Mr. Bo suppressed his stomach full of anger and didn't make a sound. He closed his eyes and focused on suppressing the poison in his body.

Half an hour later, the two finally suppressed the poison in their bodies, but their strength was somewhat limited, and they were less confident in dealing with dwarves.

"So what if you can suppress the poison in your body, next, I will let you know that you are looking for your own death!"

The dwarf's voice was full of resentment. He was destroyed by Qin Xiaonian and all the remaining substitutes. In this desert, it is more difficult to create a body created by the technique of blood sacrifice.

He would not let Mr. Bo and Qin Xiaonian die like this before a new body was obtained from the blood sacrifice.

"Seeking death? Dwarf, are you really willing to kill us?" The corners of Qin Xiaonian's mouth curled up slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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