Chapter 289 The Return
Everyone looked at the back of the Blood Wolf King, and sure enough, they saw a person sitting on it, but the distance was too far to see what the person sitting on it looked like.

"There's one more person behind!"

Another person came out of the forest, seeing the color of his clothes, Rose yelled, "They seem to be Qin Xiaonian and Mr. Bo!"

Everyone looked at each other and continued to examine carefully in disbelief.

"It seems to be true."

"I'll go, what kind of show operation is this!"

Their faces were full of shock and surprise. The shock was that Qin Xiaonian and the others were together with the wolves. The surprise was that the two finally came back, and the big stone in their hearts could finally be let go.


He Tao was still a little afraid of these blood wolves, so he just waved and shouted on the cliff.

After confirming Qin Xiaonian's identity, Mu Keke immediately put down the rolling wooden ladder and climbed down, rushing towards the blood wolf king.

She has been worried for too long, today Qin Xiaonian finally returned safely, she couldn't help but want to hug Qin Xiaonian immediately.

Qin Xiaonian turned over and jumped off the blood wolf king's back, and hugged Mu Keke with open arms.

"Why did it take you so long to come back, you're so worried about me!"

Tears rolled in the eyes, Mu Keke sobbed a little.

Qin Xiaonian caressed Keke's back, and said softly: "I'm sorry for worrying you, I encountered some accidents on the road, and I came back a little late."

Mu Keke hugged Qin Xiaonian tightly, as if afraid that he would leave now, "Just come back safely."

The two of them were chatting for a while, but Mr. Bo couldn't drive and came to them and coughed dryly, "You two can do it, there are so many wolves watching, maybe the size of the wolves will increase after a while." It's going to expand."

Being ridiculed by Mr. Bo, Mu Keke let go of Qin Xiaonian shyly, took Qin Xiaonian's hand, and looked at the blood wolf king timidly.

I was so excited to see Qin Xiaonian just now, I forgot that there was such a huge beast beside me.

"Big guy, let me introduce you, this is my girlfriend!"

Qin Xiaonian hugged Mu Keke, and proudly introduced to the Blood Wolf King.


The blood wolf king howled, and a dozen female blood wolves ran to the blood wolf king, rubbing their bodies against the blood wolf king.


The blood wolf king roared, looking at Qin Xiaonian with disdain, as if saying, "I have so many wives, but you only have one."

"Hahaha, you are the best, I can't compare to you!"

Qin Xiaonian laughed. The Blood Wolf King is very spiritual and can understand human speech, but his IQ is at most like that of a seven or eight-year-old child.

Let Mr. Bo and Mu Keke go back first, and Qin Xiaonian arranged some habitats for these blood wolves.

The environment here is very different from the place where they lived at the beginning. Many blood wolves' hunting skills have dropped a lot after coming here, and it will take a long time to adapt.

Qin Xiaonian found a cave for these blood wolves not far from their camp that could shelter them from wind and rain. Although it was not very big, it was enough for these blood wolves to live here temporarily.

Wait until they have time to slowly build a safer and more stable lair for these blood wolves.

Their camp doesn't have much defensive force, and they can only deal with very limited situations. Many times they can only be trapped on the cliffs and wait for the enemy to leave, such as today.

If these blood wolves really came to besiege them, it is estimated that Mu Keke and others will really be trapped on the cliff for ten days and a half months.

But the situation is different now. The addition of the blood wolves has made their strength much stronger. As long as it is not invaded by a large number of zombies, there will be basically nothing that they cannot handle.

After the blood wolves settled down, Qin Xiaonian came to the camp.

Seeing the changes in the camp, he was very relieved. Before the camp, he was busy before and after, and finally only made a simple prototype. Unexpectedly, after leaving for a period of time, the camp turned upside down. Variety.

"You did a great job!"

Qin Xiaonian patted He Tao on the shoulder.

"Naturally, I don't even look at who my boss is!" He Tao patted his chest with a proud face.

With a helpless smile, Qin Xiaonian shook his head and said, "I'll go to heaven with just a few compliments, what kind of signal flares are being released today, if we hadn't come back, you wouldn't have been besieged here for ten days and half a month!"

"Ten days and half a month is nothing, boss, let me tell you, even if the wolves keep us trapped for half a year, we are not afraid!"

Speaking of which, He Tao opened the door of a wooden room, which contained huge pieces of bacon, and there were several stone jars, in which were some kimchi they made by themselves.

"I didn't expect you to do so many things during our absence, it's really amazing!"

Qin Xiaonian was very happy about everyone's growth.

At the beginning, he led them who didn't understand anything on this deserted island, doing everything by himself, but now he realizes that it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish, as the human potential is endless.

Now besides his strength, He Tao is also a person who can take charge of his own affairs. With him in the camp, Qin Xiaonian is also relieved a lot.

"By the way, boss, we captured a member of the Inujin sect!"

He Tao thought of Marcos who was left aside by them.

"Inujin Sect, I've never heard of such a strange Christian name, their leader can't be a dog, right?"

Following He Tao to Marcos, Qin Xiaonian frowned and looked at Marcos who was lying on the ground trembling.

"He was terribly frightened by the Blood Wolf King just now. He was fine at first, but he didn't expect to become like this."

Mu Keke shrugged helplessly. If he knew that he would scare Marcos into such a state, he should have prevented He Tao from doing such a thing.

He Tao smiled wryly, originally planning to wait for Qin Xiaonian to come back to see what to do with the Inu God Sect members, but now everything is useless.

"Okay, leave him alone for now, we have to celebrate tonight!"

He Tao threw Marcos into the cabin, and then shouted loudly.

"Okay, I think we should discuss the matter of the water core first. Now that we have found three cores, we can solve the world tree a little bit, and then leave this small island!"

Mr. Bo said slowly, it took them more than ten days to get back to the camp, and he was already a little anxious, worried about what might happen.

"What's the rush, you just came back, don't you celebrate? And we also want to hear what happened along the way."

He Tao frowned and looked at Mr. Bo. He hadn't seen Mr. Bo for a while, and he felt that Mr. Bo seemed to be a different person.

(End of this chapter)

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