Chapter 304 Entrance Wonder
Qin Xiaonian was walking alone in the wilderness. It has been two days since he left the camp. In these two days, he frantically absorbed the energy in the three cores. He felt that his strength had reached a point and he could no longer continue to improve. up.

"It turns out that strength is divided into realms, and I don't know what realm Yang Yu's strength is in."

Qin Xiaonian said to himself.

The hair on the top of his head has grown back, all because of the benefits he obtained from constantly absorbing the energy in the three cores.

Absorbing energy can not only speed up the metabolism, but also the body is slowly being transformed. Now he feels that he is very ethereal, very sensitive to everything around him, and can hear even small sounds.

He didn't know where the water core was, so he could only find a general direction to move forward at will.

It was all because of Mr. Bo that it was so easy to find the position of the three cores before. Now without Mr. Bo, it is much more difficult to find the water core.

He didn't regret coming out alone, he thought his choice was the most correct, so as not to hurt the people he cared about.

World Tree has been pushing him forward, so he fulfilled World Tree's wish to gather five cores as soon as possible.

However, he was also a little worried in his heart. He couldn't ignore Yang Yu's words. Once his body couldn't bear the power of the five cores, he might die.

Once he is dead, Mu Keke and the others have no chance of survival. World Tree will definitely kill everyone on the island, and then transform them into zombies and the like.

He has been trying to use Inugami's scepter for the past few days, but it still has no effect. It seems that this scepter will become invalid after it is out of Inugami's control.

"Let's leave this thing to someone who is destined!"

After speaking, Qin Xiaonian found a deep pit, which was full of mud, threw the scepter into it, and continued to move forward.

I don't know how much that predestined person has to memorize to get this scepter.

These are not Qin Xiaonian's concern, he feels that he has deviated from his original position.

Looking at the vast expanse of grassland, Qin Xiaonian frowned tightly. The water core must be a place with abundant water sources, but it doesn't look like it is a place with water.

"Qin Xiaonian, after waiting for you for so long, you are finally here!"

A familiar voice came from behind Qin Xiaonian. Looking back, it was the fallen angel who had been here for a long time.

"It's the arrangement of World Tree."

Qin Xiaonian said, and then slowly walked to the side of the fallen angel.

"Of course, otherwise, who else on this island can see foresight." The fallen angel shrugged and said.

"You seem to have found yourself."

The fallen angel said calmly: "Of course, the stronger the strength, the smaller the constraints will be. Those zombies on this island will become like me one day."

"Hehe, this method is simply to revive a person in a different direction. The World Tree is really powerful, but if I were you, I might as well die. Being controlled by others is different from being dead."

Qin Xiaonian didn't attack the fallen angel because he was an enemy, but instead communicated with him calmly.

"Everyone has a different way of living. Maybe you think it would be worse than death, but how can you understand the benefits if you haven't experienced such a thing."

"Okay, whether it's good or bad will be decided in the future, take me away now!"

Not wanting to argue with the fallen angel on this issue, Qin Xiaonian urged the fallen angel.

Of course I will go, but I am still waiting for someone.

As he spoke, he looked behind Qin Xiaonian, with a smile on his lips.

Qin Xiaonian turned around and saw Li Zitong, who had completely changed his appearance, with his hand on the dagger at his waist.

It is really surprising that Li Zitong has become like this in just a few days.

"You don't have to be wary of me, I'm not here to deal with you, but I will help you get the water core inside!"

Li Zitong changed his temperament of wanting to kill Qin Xiaonian when he saw Qin Xiaonian before, and spoke without any emotional fluctuations, like an emotionless machine.

"Hehe, World Tree really gave me face. It's really rare to send you two generals over!"

Qin Xiaonian was in a daze. Suddenly, his former opponent became a partner, and his former friend became an enemy. This is really ironic.

"You don't need to say anything, since you already know everything, let's go!"

Li Zitong didn't look at Qin Xiaonian, and walked ahead first.

World Tree has already understood them, and Yang Yu's appearance shows that Qin Xiaonian already knows the purpose of World Tree, so now they are in a mutually beneficial relationship, and it depends on who wins the final battle.

Qin Xiaonian followed the two of them, and now everyone's goal is to find the water core.

"Not far ahead is the entrance where the water core is."

The fallen angel pointed to a small black figure ahead, looking at that appearance, like an ancient shipwreck.

"It was originally a deep sea, but because of the water core, it suddenly became a shallow one. Whenever the sunset ebbs, the sunken ship will be exposed to the air, and we only need to enter it at that time."

The fallen angel said slowly, this information is the result of years of observation and exploration by the servants of the World Tree, and there is absolutely no possibility of mistakes.

Qin Xiaonian nodded, and then asked: "Will you not be drowned when you enter it?"

The fallen angel laughed loudly as if he had heard some joke: "Haha, joke, the power of the water core created a huge hole below, without a drop of water in it, even if you stay in it for a year, you won't be killed. drown."

"Okay, it's still some time before the sunken ship is fully exposed. During this time, we'd better take a careful inventory of the supplies."

After the fallen angel finished speaking, he put down his backpack and checked the supplies inside.

Qin Xiaonian didn't sit down and count it because he didn't need it at all. He memorized everything in his backpack, what was used and what was not used. This was a habit he had developed over the years. .

The sun gradually set, and the setting sun dyed the entire sea red, and the tide slowly receded. The small black shadow just now gradually grew bigger, and a huge ancient shipwreck came into Qin Xiaonian's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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