Chapter 351 Life and Death!
He saw white roofs and could smell the disinfectant.

His body was very warm, and a woman looked at him with very gentle eyes.

"Look at how handsome our son is, he really looks like you!"

A rough man's voice sounded from the side. Qin Xiaonian turned his head, took a look, and saw a very vicissitudes man looking at him.

"Is this what it looks like after coming out of the Gate of Rebirth? I came back alive again, and I didn't lose my memory. It should be the reason why I came here directly. I don't know if this counts as cheating?"

Now, Qin Xiaonian can't control so much anymore.

Only by experiencing life and death can he break through. This is considered to be an experience, and he does not know when he will be able to go back. He has been here for such a long time. Is the door closed? If it is closed, how can he go back?

"Maybe there is only one more death! In this world of the living, there must be nothing to ask."

Qin Xiaonian wanted to die, but now he couldn't even die because he was too young.

Time passed slowly like this, he gradually praised here, when he grew up he wanted to die, but seeing the love of his parents here, he suddenly felt a little bit reluctant, and then waited for his parents to slow down Slowly grow old, and one's own children grow up slowly.

When his parents died and he could die with peace of mind, he thought of his children again, and then wanted to watch his sons and daughters grow up.

"Finally we can leave safely!"

At this time, Qin Xiaonian is already an old man. He has experienced this child's life, although ordinary, but happy.

Coming to the place of death again, Qin Xiaonian suddenly felt reluctant, and now his state of mind has become the same as that old man back then.

He wanted to go back a little, to see his descendants.

"Perhaps this is the meaning of life." Qin Xiaonian couldn't help laughing, then glanced at the huge gate of death, then turned around and walked towards the huge eyeball.

Among them, the eyeball looks the most abnormal, maybe this is the way back.

Qin Xiaonian walked for a long time, like a century, but he still couldn't reach that eyeball.

"Is it really impossible to go there?" Qin Xiaonian was very tired in his heart, hesitating whether to go back, this idea just came up in his mind, and then he vetoed it.

After persisting for so long, I always feel unwilling to go back like this.

"I can't believe I can't get there!"

After walking for a long time, Qin Xiaonian saw a different scene, which gave him a glimmer of hope.

The scene here is beginning to change, slowly becoming full of life, there is no longer magma erupting underground, and the surroundings are no longer blood-red.

"Old sir, you are here!"

A familiar voice came into his ears, Qin Xiaonian looked at the person who spoke, and his body trembled suddenly, because this person looked exactly like him.

"Hehe, reincarnation? This is just a trick to deceive people!" Qin Xiaonian ignored the soul that looked exactly like himself, and went straight to the eyeball.

"Qin Xiaonian, you went wrong, I'm here!" Mu Keke's voice sounded behind him, and Qin Xiaonian's footsteps froze again, but this time he didn't look back, but moved forward firmly.

"Grandpa, don't go forward!" Several children were calling him, this is his grandson in this life.

But he still didn't look back. Although he was very reluctant to let go of these things, they couldn't make him lose himself.

He finally came to the eyeball and saw the whole picture of the eyeball. It was not an eyeball, but a crack in a canyon, but it was shaped like an eyeball.

Qin Xiaonian stepped into it, surrounded by orange light, his eyes couldn't open because of the light, and it took him a long time to get used to it.

There was nothing in the canyon, and after walking for a long time, the orange light dissipated, and Qin Xiaonian came to a giant gate, which was slowly closing, and there were ghosts walking outside the gate, but they walked very slowly.

"This is considered to be back!"

Qin Xiaonian stretched out his hand to take a look, and what he saw was his own body, and there was nothing illusory about it.

"Have I made a breakthrough or have I not?" Qin Xiaonian didn't feel the improvement of his strength, and felt a little puzzled in his heart.

"Forget it, now is not the time to discuss this, I'd better go out quickly, the door might be closed soon!"

Qin Xiaonian quickly ran towards the door. He stayed inside for such a long time, and it was only a few hours outside, which really surprised him.

Before he got to the door, the giant door was slowly closing. Qin Xiaonian accelerated the speed. Once the giant door was closed, it would take 30 years to open it again. By that time, he would have starved to death up.


Several ghosts grabbed him, and for some reason, the ghosts seemed to want to pull him into the chasm.

"Get out of my way!" Now the door is about to close, and if he is pulled in like this, the only thing waiting for him is death.

The fire core appeared in his hand, and immediately launched an attack on these ghosts.

These few ghosts who had a chance to get reincarnation were instantly wiped out by Qin Xiaonian, but more and more ghosts rushed towards him from behind.

"What's going on here? Are these ghosts crazy? Are they going to be like this after they're here? Isn't this just asking for their own death?" According to what Mo Hongying told him, what these ghosts hope most is to be reborn. behaves completely differently from their previous behavior.

"Is there something manipulating them?"

Qin Xiaonian looked around, and only now did he start to observe this place carefully, feeling a huge force in the distance, Qin Xiaonian hesitated, and then ran towards that direction.

Looking back at the giant door that was slowly closing, Qin Xiaonian took a deep breath, then turned his head, and ran towards that direction bravely.

He might have died here, but he didn't back down because of this. It was very likely that the water core was hiding there. As for why the water core controlled these ghosts to keep him, he wanted to find out.

When he ran towards this side, those ghosts no longer stopped him, and he went in the direction of death without any purpose.

Qin Xiaonian walked for more than ten minutes, and then slowly slowed down. Now he felt a powerful aura oppressing him. He had never felt this way before.


A loud voice came, Qin Xiaonian turned his head to look, and saw that the giant door had been completely closed.

This time, he really had no way out.

(End of this chapter)

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