Chapter 528 Falling into a Trap
"The surrounding air is full of gunpowder smoke. Second brother and the others may be in big trouble this time!" Wu Houxin lowered his voice and whispered in Luke's ear.

A hint of surprise flashed unconsciously in Luke's eyes. As the captain who commanded the 20 people, Luke was very clear about everyone's abilities.

The people who followed the second child this time are not weak, and there are also people with good perception skills. Although they are not as good as Wu Houxin, they are good at turning dangers into fortunes.

But now Wu Houxin said that the second child was in big trouble, which surprised Luke, who had always been calm.

"Second and the others will definitely get out of trouble, so relax!"

In the end, Luke chose to believe that the second child could solve the troubles they encountered by themselves.

However, Wu Houxin still had a dignified expression. It wasn't that he couldn't trust the second child's strength, but that he felt very uneasy.

Luke and the others continued to move forward, but after tracking for a while, Wu Houxin completely lost his interest in Mu Keke and the others.

It's as if someone has moved around.

This is something Wu Houxin has never encountered before, and he is extremely confident in his tracking.

Relying on his own perception ability, this team has saved countless troubles.

Everything is due to the gift of the World Tree to him. Without the World Tree, it would be impossible for him to be where he is today.

"Boss, someone here has erased their whereabouts, we are afraid we will lose track of them."

Wu Houxin stood in front of a tree, and Mu Keke's breath disappeared from here.

Luke pondered, he didn't know Qin Xiaonian very well, he only knew that World Tree attached great importance to him, and the order issued by World Tree this time was to capture all the people here alive no matter what, and the sooner the better.

For World Tree's orders, Luke obeyed 100%.

As soon as he got the order, Luke brought everyone over to capture Mu Keke and the others alive, but he didn't expect that these few people who were not very strong could escape for such a long time, which made Luke full of confidence at this time There are some drums in my heart.

It was the first time he felt so aggrieved when carrying out the order of World Tree.

It would be nice if Mu Keke and the others were stronger, at least this would transfer the problem to Mu Keke and the others, but now Mu Keke and the others are not as strong as them at all.

"Hurry up and think of a way, Master World Tree wants us to bring him back as soon as possible, if we delay Master World Tree's major event, you and I can't afford it!"

Luke yelled and ordered Wu Houxin to find a way quickly.

Faced with Luke's unreasonable demands, Wu Houxin was also very helpless. Now he has completely lost the aura of Mu Keke and the others. How can he find them?
However, just as Empress Wu was feeling overwhelmed, there was a familiar smell in the air.

"Yes!" Wu Houxin shouted excitedly.

The originally quiet team suddenly became restless.

They all know that the longer the time drags on, the more likely it is to miss the target.

They can have today because of World Tree. They have been conscientiously fulfilling World Tree's orders all the time. If they can't complete the task this time, World Tree will probably blame them.

Facing the moody World Tree, they dare not pin their hopes on just in case.

The team followed Wu Houxin, and the road looked very quiet, but there were traces of people trampling on the grass on the ground, which fully explained that Mu Keke and others walked from here.

"There's movement ahead!" As soon as Wu Houxin raised his hand, the team stopped immediately.

Everyone took out their weapons, and they reacted very quickly in the face of unknown dangers.

"Be careful! There's an ambush!" Wu Houxin's complexion changed drastically, and he shouted loudly.

But it was too late. Just as he finished yelling, before everyone could react, clusters of lights suddenly lit up in the surrounding woods, illuminating the dark forest like daylight.

Everyone opened their eyes wide, looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

However, they just glanced at it, because the white light was so strong that it hurt their eyes directly. Even if they closed their eyes, they could already see a vast expanse of whiteness.

Everyone took a defensive posture, and the violent atmosphere around them made them feel that their lives were being threatened.

But it was too late, when they sensed Mu Keke and the others after Wu Houxin disappeared, they had already fallen into Qin Xiaonian's scheme and fell into the trap that Qin Xiaonian had set for them.

This will be their graveyard.

After the white light passed, these people just took a defensive posture when the ground suddenly collapsed.

Losing their center of gravity, they suddenly became confused, and the defensive posture they had just prepared was instantly disrupted.

The ground didn't sink very deep, and they didn't get hurt when they fell on the ground. However, before everyone could recover, water suddenly poured down from their top. The water fell suddenly, and everyone who was unprepared He was directly slapped and fell to the ground.

However, this group of people has undergone long-term training. Facing dangerous situations, they may be a little flustered at the beginning, but some people still reacted and were ready to face the next danger.

Luke was the first to react and jumped out of the pothole.

Then several people jumped out of the pothole.

The people who came out immediately pulled up the teammates who were still under the pothole. At this time, the team of more than a dozen people was in a panic.

"That's it? Isn't this purely disgusting?" Wu Houxin scolded angrily. This trap was not very powerful, but it made everyone extremely embarrassed.

As the leader, Luke had a dark face and looked around vigilantly. He didn't believe that the attack was over so easily.

Sure enough, he was right. How could Qin Xiaonian's trap be so simple?
After everyone came out, mist rose from the pothole behind them, and soon they were surrounded by thick fog.

"Be careful!" Luke said in a low voice.

The speed of the fog was extremely fast, and they had just realized that they could not see their fingers.

Suddenly, there was a whirring sound of piercing through the air, and huge sharp wooden sticks came from all directions.

The attacks of these wooden sticks were extremely intensive, completely covering these people without leaving any dead spots at all.

"Ah!" Someone screamed in the thick fog, and then heard the sound of falling into the water.

Luke panicked at this moment. He never thought that this place would be so dangerous. If he was here, World Tree would definitely not let him go.

He took out a crystal ball from his hand.

Holding the crystal ball tightly in his hand, he murmured something, as if he was chanting some spell.

Suddenly, the crystal ball shone with black light, and ghosts floated out of it.

"Ghost soldiers, ghost generals, take me out of here!"

(End of this chapter)

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