super pupil

Chapter 145 Attempted Kidnapping

Chapter 145 Attempted Kidnapping
Since inviting Wu Gang, Wu Wentao and others to be bodyguards, Lin Yang leaves work two hours early every day. Of course, these things are all carried out behind Xi Ruting's back.With Wang Yan covering him, he was not afraid that Xi Ruting would find out.

Like a few days ago, after sneaking out of the company, Lin Yang wandered around the gambling stone workshop opened by other companies.

This is already the ninth day in a row that he has appeared in the gambling stone workshops of major companies. Lin Yang is like a fleece. rough stone.

In the first eight days, Lin Yang made more than 800 million directly by gambling on the jadeite cut out of stones.Now the people who gambled in the stone workshop turned green when they saw Lin Yang.

Every time Lin Yang came, he would pick out a few pieces of high-quality jadeite, and then sell them.The major stone gamblers felt that asking Lin Yang to choose stones was a business with no profit, so they no longer welcomed him.

But open the door for business, there is no reason to keep customers out of the door, Lin Yang has long been famous in the street, although the bosses of the major gambling and stone workshops are reluctant and do not welcome him, but when Lin Yang comes, they still have to accompany smiling faces Greeted cautiously.

Ji Feirong recruited 16 Wu Gang and Wu Wentao as bodyguards. The annual employment fee for these 2000 people is [-] million.According to the contract, Lin Yang needs to pay off the money within one month.

Lin Yang really didn't have that much money, so he started another lucrative business.

On this day, Lin Yang was choosing a rough stone, and was about to hand it over to the masters of Gambling Stone Workshop for them to cut the stone.Suddenly, a phone call came in.

"Hello? Is this Lin Xi's elder brother Lin Yang? Something happened in the school, and I invite you to come to the school. Hurry up." The voice of Lin Xi's head teacher came from the other end of the phone.

Lin Xi is in high school, and every year the school divides into classes.

Since Lin Xi entered high school, Lin Yang's class teacher's phone number does not exist in Lin Yang's phone book. He will remember it directly. phone to talk to Lin Xi's homeroom teacher.

The one who spoke was Lin Xi's homeroom teacher in his second year of high school.Lin Xi had told him before that the homeroom teacher in the second year of high school was now teaching the third year, and she was still studying under his hands.It is equivalent to the second and third year of high school, the class teacher has not changed.

"It's Teacher Qin, I'll go right away."

Lin Yang's heart skipped a beat, and his face turned pale.He didn't dare to ask what happened, he just wanted to rush to the school as soon as possible.

Throwing down the rough stone, Lin Yang immediately ran out of the gate of Gambling Stone Workshop.

Behind him, a group of people rushed to buy the rough stone that Lin Yang had chosen.There was chaos in the compound of Gambling Stone Workshop.

However, Lin Yang didn't care about these issues anymore.Running wildly all the way, after running several hundred meters, Lin Yang came to Yongfu Yushifang.

The company's batch of rough jadeite has arrived, and Liu Ye, Qiangzi and Dongzi are busy again.When Lin Yang arrived, Qiangzi and Dongzi were cutting rough stones for customers, while Master Liu was sitting beside him guiding them.

Seeing Lin Yang, Liu Ye looked a little averted, turned his head and was about to run back to the two-story building.

Back then, Liu Ye and his senior brother partnered to get Lin Yang drunk and snatch the Jade Guanyin from Lin Yang.It's been a long time, and Lin Yang hasn't looked for him. This is the first time Lin Yang and Master Liu have met after drinking that time.

"Where are you going?" Lin Yang was in a hurry, he took two steps forward, stretched out his hand, and put it on Master Liu's shoulder, stopping him.

"Boy, listen to me, that Jade Goddess of Mercy." Liu Ye was in a panic, his old face flushed red, for this matter, Liu Ye felt ashamed and extremely guilty.

"I'm not here to settle accounts with you. Where's the car key?" Lin Yang stretched out his hand, but his eyes turned to the half-worn Buick in Yushifang.

"Didn't you ask me to settle the score?" The sixth master was overjoyed, he took out the car key from his pocket, and threw it to Lin Yang, "Take it. Just use this car to pay off the debt. Don't do it again about the Yuguanyin matter." mentioned."

This old thing is so shameless.This Buick is a company-provided car, and it is used by people in the Yushifang compound to go shopping or handle other things. Liu Ye has no right to dispose of the company's property at all.

It's just a joke to use this broken car to pay off the debt now.But Lin Yang didn't have time to argue with Liu Ye, an old bastard, and now he had to hurry to school.

After picking up the car, Lin Yang rushed to school immediately.It was half an hour before I saw Lin Xi's homeroom teacher.

In an independent office, Lin Yang sat opposite a middle-aged man in his 40s.The man had thick eyebrows and big eyes, a face with Chinese characters, and a dark complexion. His name was Qin Haisheng, and he was a very famous math teacher.

A year ago, Lin Yang saw him in a video on the Internet. He and Lin Xi watched that video together.At that time, Qin Haisheng gave a report on student teaching at the Haizhou Education Bureau seminar. In Lin Xi's words, he was a very talented teacher.

It was the man in front of him who called him just now.When Lin Xi was in the second year of high school, he was Lin Xi's class teacher, and he is still him now.

"Where's Xiaoxi? What happened? Did she get hurt?" Lin Yang asked first.

What happened not long ago left Lin Yang with lingering fears.He wasn't worried about his own safety, if that person still dared to harm him, Lin Yang would definitely be able to catch him.What Lin Yang was worried about was that that person would hurt those around him.

"Drink some water first, Lin Xi didn't suffer any harm, she is in class now." Qin Haisheng pushed the water poured earlier towards Lin Yang again.

Hearing what Qin Haisheng said, Lin Yang felt relieved.Picking up the disposable paper cup in front of him, he took a big sip, then looked at Qin Haisheng again, waiting for him to continue.

Lin Yang was very anxious. Qin Haisheng sorted out his thoughts, and then said in a calm tone as much as possible: "Lin Yang, just now I learned about the situation from the school's security department. Someone wanted to harm Lin Xi."

"What?" Lin Yang raised his voice unconsciously.His heart sank to the bottom, and sure enough, that person started to attack the people around him.

"To be exact, someone wanted to kidnap Lin Xi, but they didn't succeed." Qin Haisheng once again threw a blockbuster.Lin Yang's face turned pale, his hand on the desk unconsciously clenched into a fist, and the veins in his hand were throbbing violently.

As if aware of the anger in Lin Yang's heart, Qin Haisheng said: "Our school is responsible for this matter, and I, as the head teacher, am also responsible. But it has already happened. In addition to repairing it after a dead sheep, we should find out that bad guy , please come, just want you to assist in the investigation."

(End of this chapter)

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