super golden eye

Chapter 321 Plastic Sisterhood

Chapter 321 Plastic Sisterhood

Chapter 328 Plastic Sisterhood

"Zhong Weiwei, Chen Ying, I saw with my own eyes that he made a difficult problem that our class teacher asked in front of the whole class."

Wei Dongyang's testimony immediately made most people in the restaurant nod, believing that Lin Jun could really solve this question.

Most people here know that he likes Meng Xiaowan and is a love rival with Lin Jun.

If what Meng Xiaowan said was false, he would definitely be the first to stand up and expose it.

Although it is strange for him to testify for Lin Jun, everyone knows that his brain is not very good.

It must be because Meng Xiaowan said that everyone in the third class can testify, so he couldn't wait to jump out to gain favor.

In addition, Song Jiaxin said before that Lin Jun's brain has recovered, which is evidence, and it should be true.

Zhong Weiwei and Chen Ying looked at each other, their expressions were ugly.

"I'm sorry, okay?"

"That's right, you are a big man, but you are so stingy."

"How could Xiaowan fall in love with such a narrow-minded person like you?"

"I really don't feel worth it for her."

Lin Jun's expression turned cold, and he glanced at them coldly.

"It seems that it is impossible for you to apologize honestly."

Zhong Weiwei and Chen Ying were startled, and they took a few steps back together.

"You, you, what do you want to do?"

"You still want to hit us?"

"You have some grace, can't you?"

"Haven't we already apologized? What else do you want?"

Their self-righteous and talkative people are annoying no matter where they are.

Now even the others in the restaurant are frowning.

"Forget it, I don't want you to apologize anymore." Lin Jun waved his hands impatiently.

"You slap each other across the face, and I'll let you go."

"Fan harder, or if I come in person, your brains will all be blown out."

Zhong Weiwei and Chen Ying suddenly trembled.

They have already seen Lin Jun's strength. If he slaps them on the face, it can really slap their brains out.

The two looked at each other.

"I really fanned?"

"I fanned it too."

The two raised their hands together and slapped each other's faces heavily.


Two beeps came together, both of them felt the strength of the other's hand, and they were furious.

"Why are you fanning so hard? Aren't you afraid of breaking my face?"

"You still have the nerve to talk about me? Is your fan heavy? My teeth are almost knocked out by you!"

"My teeth are hurting to death... Blood? You slapped me to bleed? You promised to be a good sister for a lifetime, but you are so cruel to me?"

"I...I'm also bleeding from your fans! What do you think this is?"

"Is this your mother's aunt's blood?"

"What did you say?"


Angrily, Zhong Weiwei slapped him across the face again.

This slap was much harder than before, causing Chen Ying's body to fall to one side, almost hitting the corner of the table.

"You..." Chen Ying immediately became furious, and kicked Zhong Weiwei in the stomach.

Then, the two tore up.

Pulling hair, tearing skin, pulling ears, choking neck, all available tricks were used.

Everyone in the restaurant stared at them dumbfounded.

The so-called plastic sisterhood is like this, right?

They suddenly realized that Lin Jun is so despicable!
To let them slap each other on purpose, is it sure that they will turn their backs?

Even if there is no turning back, there will be cracks in the intimacy.

Lin Jun really didn't have good intentions for making such a request.

It's just that he never expected that this pair of "good sisters" could turn their faces to such an extent.

Fighting like a shrew on the spot, I'm second-guessed, what a surprise!
Wei Dongyang was stunned for a while, then rushed over suddenly.

Everyone thought that Wei Dongyang wanted to persuade the fight, but they didn't expect him to run to the side of the two people who were fighting, gloating and acting as the referee.

"Come on, come on! Yes! Pull her ears!"

"Zhong Weiwei, use your legs! Clamp her with your legs! Yes! That's it!"

"Chen Ying kick her! Kick her! Kick her in the face!"

"Hold her head and smash it to the ground! Grab her hair! Throw it to the ground!"

"Rip her clothes, tear her clothes! Rip her clothes, and make her ashamed!"

"Yes yes yes! Work harder! Pull off the bra too!"

"Hey, it's gone, it's gone! I took a picture with my phone!"

Everyone was dumbfounded again, staring blankly at Wei Dongyang.

Lin Jun is just a little mean.

This Wei Dongyang is simply the best scum!

This is too cheap, right?

Meng Xiaowan is also a girl, facing this kind of scene, she really can't stand it.

So she angrily came to Wei Dongyang's back, raised her foot and kicked fiercely.


Wei Dongyang thought it was Lin Jun who kicked him, and at the same time he fell forward, his whole body trembled.

When he turned around, he found that it was Meng Xiaowan who was staring at him angrily, so he laughed dryly.

"Didn't I avenge you? Why are you still kicking me?"

"I really wish I could kick you to death!" Meng Xiaowan was impatient, kicking again and again.

Wei Dongyang shrank back hurriedly.

"Give me the phone!" Meng Xiaowan stared at her almond-shaped eyes, and stretched out her right hand to him full of anger.

"It wasn't easy for me to take pictures..." Wei Dongyang muttered unwillingly, but he didn't dare not hand over his phone.

Because Lin Jun also walked over with a strange smile.

Meng Xiaowan took his mobile phone, deleted all the photos he took, and glanced at Zhong Weiwei and Chen Ying.

"I deleted all the photos he took. You don't think it's embarrassing. As a girl, I also feel ashamed."

She threw the phone back to Wei Dongyang, led Lin Jun, walked to another window seat and sat down.

Looking out the window, she couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

It's just a meal, but so many things happened, she lost her appetite at all.

After Zhong Weiwei and Chen Ying calmed down, they let go of each other.

After tidying up their clothes, they left through the two exits without saying anything.

The fate of sisters is over.

Wei Dongyang got up from the ground, didn't feel at all that he had done anything wrong, instead he smiled and returned to his seat.

Although the photo was deleted by Meng Xiaowan, he was still very happy to see this pair of sluts who had belittled him making such a big joke in public.

I even want to sing a song and praise the beautiful canteen.

Everyone looked at his heartless smile and couldn't help being speechless.

Sure enough, his brain was not working well, and he didn't think about the consequences at all.

But such a person, life should be very happy, right?

"Xiaowan, are you angry with me?"

On the other side, seeing that Meng Xiaowan was in a bad mood, Lin Jun felt a little uneasy.

"You still know?" Meng Xiaowan's eyes turned lightly, and she gave him an annoyed look.

"You are not an extraordinary person. No matter how strong you are, you are still just a mortal. Ordinary people have no ability to fight against social rules. Be careful in the future."

"Then what if," the corner of Lin Jun's mouth twitched a few times, "I'm awakened?"

The atmosphere in the restaurant suddenly became a little weird and a little depressing.



The mortals in the restaurant suddenly felt a little out of breath.

(End of this chapter)

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