Chapter 553
Chapter 5 Sixty
In the evening, Lin Jun came to Li Qing's villa. Looking at the dark and undefended villa, he couldn't help feeling a little funny.When he controlled the man, he didn't erase his memory, so the man would definitely report to Li Qingfeng.And Li Qing's current battle is like telling Lin Jun that I have an ambush here.

But Li Qing was still complacent in the room, watching Lin Jun's actions with a telescope.Seeing Lin Jun only paused for a while before entering the room, a ferocious smile appeared on his face.

Just as Lin Jun walked into the house, the lights of the entire villa were turned on at the same time. The dazzling light was a bit dazzling, and Lin Jun couldn't help closing his eyes.

Open it again, and you can see Yun Qing sitting in the middle of the room, surrounded by two big men standing on the left and right.There is a lot of atmosphere outside the house, and there are no less than a hundred people speaking English.

"It seems that my face is quite big, and Mr. Li sent so many people to surround me." Lin Jun said with a sneer.

"Today is the day of your burial!" Li Qing said angrily.

After all, since he met Lin Jun, nothing good has happened to him, and now the new and old grudges have been avenged together, which saves him from being an eyesore.

"That's really up to each person's ability." Lin Jun took the lead and clamped down on a big man beside Li Qing, and with a slight use of spiritual power, the big man fell to the ground?Another big man rushed forward to restrain Lin Jun, but Lin Jun was also slapped and slapped aside.

Lin Jun walked closer and closer to Li Qing, and Li Qing even felt a dangerous aura rushing toward his face.

"Don't be complacent." Li Qingqiang pressed the remote control in his hand while speaking threateningly.

Suddenly Lin Jun felt that this place was surrounded by a powerful aura.It is not the power of one person, but the power of a group of people gathered together.Lin Jun didn't expect that Li Qing knew about the existence of practitioners. This incident caught him off guard, but there were not many problems. As always, if there is a formation, there will be a solution. Lin Jun has this confidence.

"You thought you left?" Lin Jun directly used his source force to draw Li Qing to his side, watching the formation change coldly.

"You are absolutely doomed this time, this formation will only attack you alone." Although Lin Jun restrained Li Qing, he still said triumphantly.

"You should never, never come to provoke me, and even want to destroy my company. Today is the day of your death."

Lin Jun looked at Li Qing's poisonous eyes, and couldn't imagine the unspeakable hatred between them that made Li Qing even want to take his life.

"Isn't it your son's own fault for all this?" Lin Jun really didn't understand Li Qing's values, maybe as a high-ranking person for a long time, he couldn't see others disobeying his decision?It's just that if this kind of strength is spent on his employees, some people may succumb, but if it is put on Lin Jun, it will definitely be slapped in the face without words.

"Mie Shen Formation, it seems that he really wants me to die here." Lin Jun used his source power to feel the formation, and found that it was an extremely vicious formation, and once it was activated, there would always be blood.Moreover, it is impossible for people in the formation to be unscathed. It can be said that it is a tactic that injures the enemy one thousand and self-injures eight hundred.But that person lied to Li Qing, this formation can attack indiscriminately.

"Where did you find this person?" Lin Jun looked at Li Qing with some puzzlement. After all, Li Qing should not be able to hire such a person.

"It's okay to tell you, this is the person my elder brother introduced to me." Li Qing looked at Lin Jun's solemn expression and said mockingly.

"Oh?" Lin Jun felt a little novel, but didn't want to continue asking.It seems that Li Qing, a fool, thought that people were treating him well, so it's better not to let the defense line in his heart be broken.

"The hexagram of heaven is in the south, and the prisoner of the earth is in the north. To go to the soul, take a detour."Lin Jun recited the formula silently, and suddenly disappeared.

Li Qing, who couldn't see Lin Jun, panicked, and just wanted to call outside to say stop, but there was no signal on the phone, and along with this, a huge energy group that looked like Lei Feilei formed on Li Qing's body. overhead.

After a loud "boom", not even the bones were left, only some traces of being burned.

And Lin Jun, who came outside by means of magic, randomly caught a man in black and took him aside for questioning.

"Who are you instigated by?" Lin Jun asked after pressing the man in black's acupuncture points, making him unable to move.

"You..." The man in black seemed surprised how Lin Jun escaped.

"Hurry up," Lin Jun urged impatiently.

"Of course Li Qing invited us here." The man in black said with downcast eyes.

"The way you treat your employer is to throw him into your death row?" Lin Jun sneered, very dissatisfied with the man in black's answer.

Just when Lin Jun was thinking how to pry open the mouth of the man in black, the man in black suddenly spit out a mouthful of black blood, rolled his eyes and died angrily.

Lin Jun knew that even if he was grabbing a black suit, he probably wouldn't be able to ask anything.

"It seems that the origin of this group of people should not be underestimated." Lin Jun thought in his heart.

However, although Li Qing was dead, his son Li Qiang was still alive, and it was inevitable that something would go wrong in the future. Lin Jun wanted to just kill him directly so that he would not have to worry about the future.Lin Jun has always been a person with strong action, and if he thinks about it, he will definitely do it.But what makes Lin Jun more embarrassed now is that he doesn't know where Li Qiang is now.

Just when Lin Jun was very distressed, Tan Taiyue called.

Tantaiyue's voice was a little sobbing, and she was talking intermittently.But for a while, Lin Jun couldn't understand what she was trying to express, so he had to ask patiently, "Did something happen?"

Tantaiyue took a deep breath, calmed down, and then replied, "I just went to the street with my good sister, but when I went to the supermarket to buy something, she was kidnapped by Li Qiang. It's getting late now, and I'm afraid that something will happen to her, and if I call the police rashly, I'm afraid that her reputation will be damaged, and it may put her in danger. So, the first thing I think of is you. Please. Can you, can you save her?"

Here, Tan Taiyue burst into tears, and Lin Jun comforted her gently, thinking in his heart, there is a way to heaven if you don't go, and there is no way to hell for you to break in, this time it is God's help.

But Lin Jun didn't forget Tan Taiyue's nervousness and anxiety, he hurriedly said, "Do you know where they went?"

Tan Taiyue choked up and said, "Maybe they are in the Yijia Hotel? I saw them going in that direction. However, Yun Qiang seems to have brought more than a dozen strong bodyguards. If it doesn't work, you must Don't fight hard."

Lin Jun said hello, hung up the phone, and hurried there.

When Lin Jun arrived, the hotel seemed to have been sealed off, and only one room was lit.

Lin Jun didn't intend to engage in unnecessary struggles with a group of ordinary people, so he jumped directly to the second floor.

As soon as he jumped to the second floor, he saw Li Qiang walking like a girl with a wretched expression.The girl's body was tied up with a rope, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, her eyes were full of despair.

Suddenly Li Qiang's eyes seemed to be dazzled by something, and just as he looked unhappily, he found Lin Jun playfully pointing his phone at his face outside the window.

Li Qiang wanted to scold his mother, although he would also record videos of him and various women for threats and fun, but this did not mean that he could be photographed by others.

The woman on the bed whined, trying her best to attract Lin Jun's attention, hoping that Lin Jun could save her.

"I'm here to save you, don't be afraid." Lin Jun comforted him.

Most of the panic in the woman's eyes disappeared, and she looked at Lin Jun with gratitude.

"Come on..." Before Li Qiang could shout, Lin Jun blocked his voice.

Seeing Li Qiang who was quite panicked, he patted his handsome face and whispered in his ear, "Your father is dead."

Li Qiang's expression immediately turned into shock and despair, but he still couldn't make a sound, so he could only sit powerlessly on the ground.

Lin Jun looked around the room and suddenly saw the camera recording on the TV.When I opened it, there were videos of Li Qiang coercing women.Lin Jun took a cursory look, and there were definitely no less than ten.

Lin Jun looked at Li Qiang, a scumbag, and couldn't imagine what he would look like without the protection of his father and the blessing of his property. A scum like him should be executed by Ling Chi!

Anyway, Lin Jun's sense of Li Qiang has been reduced to the lowest level, and there is a tendency to gradually loathe him.

Originally, Lin Jun wanted to take Li Qiang's life directly, but he saw this.Lin Jun suddenly felt that letting Li Qiang die directly seemed too cheap for him.People who don't understand the hardships of life and wantonly insult others are not worthy of being called human beings at all.

Lin Jun made up his mind to ruin Li Qiang's reputation and experience the suffering in the world.So Li Qiang's hands and feet were directly abolished, as well as his lifeblood that did all kinds of evil.Although he can go to prison for a few years for his crimes, even if he comes out, he must be made to beg for a living.

"You have too much life under one person and over ten thousand people. In the days to come, let's experience the life under ten thousand people." Lin Jun hugged the woman on the bed and left after saying this.

The woman watched the conversation between Lin Jun and Li Qiang helplessly, but she agreed with Lin Jun's approach. After all, scum like Li Qiang has ruined the innocence of countless women, especially those with strong temperaments, and even a few lives.Keeping such scum in society will also make society more polluted.

When he arrived at a safe place, Lin Jun untied the rope on the woman's body, looked at the woman's beautiful face under the tape, and understood why she was being targeted by Li Qiang.

At this moment, Tan Taiyue's phone call came in.

(End of this chapter)

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