Chapter 251 Fate
The speed of the black-clothed evil spirit was astonishing, and it kept hitting Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan responded very freely.

Although he doesn't know how to use the moves of those untrained people now, those unattended moves are not very powerful.

Every time Lin Xuan dismantled a move, it was very easy.

This made the evil spirit in black even more annoyed.

He really didn't expect that this guy could be so strong!

"Who the hell are you?"

The black-clothed evil spirit asked curiously with doubts.

Lin Xuan responded with a smile: "Why, you haven't heard before, am I the director of the Supernatural Bureau?"

"What it is?"

The evil spirit in black asked again.

In his impression, he was not very familiar with the director of the Supernatural Bureau.

Even, for this existence, I felt a little suspicious.

Lin Xuan frowned, really didn't understand this guy's brain circuit, and didn't answer.

Because, which evil spirit is not afraid of the supernatural bureau!
Now, the black-clothed evil spirit actually asked himself, this clearly has a problem!
Lin Xuan continued: "Let's finish the fight first!"

He didn't use his strongest combat power now, he just wanted to draw with this evil spirit, and wanted to verify his own strength.

Lin Xuan has a lot of abilities now.

In addition to the useless Nirvana Jue, neither the Qilin Soul nor the Qilin Bloodline is useful.

Yin Yang Eye only uses the ability of Sharingan.

As for the insulating claws, it is useless.

He also has the power of the golem of the heretics, the ability of the fruit of surgery, the wood escape, the Mohist mechanism, and so on.

So many abilities, not all of them are used.

What he has to do is try to be as similar as possible to the black-clothed evil spirit.

Only in this way can we better verify our own strength.

Gradually, the evil spirit in black seemed to have discovered this too.

He stopped suddenly and stared quietly ahead.

The evil face in black was full of doubts.

"Why don't you fight anymore?"

Lin Xuan stood opposite him and asked quietly.

Xie Chong in black explained: "You have no killing intent on your body, you don't want to kill me, what do you want to do?"

Lin Xuan couldn't help being a little surprised, he was very puzzled, and said, "How did you feel it?"

He was a little surprised, this evil spirit seemed a little different!

The black-clothed evil spirit shook his head and said: "I don't know, anyway, other people want to kill me, and you did too in the beginning, but now, I don't feel it anymore."

Ever since he became conscious, he felt a lot of killing intent.

These killing intents all came from the captains of the Supernatural Bureau and those scattered people.

And now, he can clearly feel Lin Xuan's transformation.

It was a very strange feeling that made him stop.

Lin Xuan was also a little surprised, staring blankly ahead.

He looked at the black-clothed evil spirit and asked, "Do you still remember what happened before you were alive?"

The black-clothed evil spirit shook his head and said, "I don't know, all I know now is that I want to go to other places and learn other things."

"Learn what?"

Lin Xuan continued to ask.

The black-clothed ghost pondered for a moment, and explained: "I want to learn, those things that normal people should learn, I want to be like you."

Lin Xuan was a little silent, shook his head, and said: "You are evil, and you will never be a man."

A look of horror suddenly appeared on the evil face in black.

He stared blankly ahead, and looked at Lin Xuan with a somewhat astonished expression, his face full of puzzlement.

In his consciousness, his learning ability is very strong, why can't he be a human being?
Afterwards, he asked this question to Lin Xuan.

Although it sounds a little ignorant and ignorant.

"Why can't I be an adult?"

Lin Xuan looked indifferently, staring into his eyes.

He could see that the evil eyes in black were full of sincerity, not deceiving.

This black-clothed evil spirit really wants to be a human being!

He took a long breath and said, "I heard that it was because of a monk that you released your resentment and became endless hostility, and then gained spiritual wisdom and absorbed a lot of human beings to become you. wrong?"

The black-clothed Xie Chong nodded, and said: "You say that, it is indeed the same as what I experienced."

"That's right."

Lin Xuan sighed.

Feeling the doubts of the evil spirit in black, he said very calmly: "This is your destiny. Normal human beings are subject to birth, old age, sickness and death, and it is impossible for them to grow by absorbing others like you!"

"So, no matter how you change, you won't be able to become a human being. Your destiny is to be an evil spirit!"

The black-clothed evil spirit stood there dumbfounded, as if he had suffered a great blow.

He couldn't understand what Lin Xuan said.

"Why? Why can't you become a human?"

"How am I different from you? Am I wrong?"

"I just want to live in peace, is it wrong?"

The evil expression in black became a little ferocious, and the aura of his body became unstable.

At this time, Lin Xuan frowned and stared at the person in front of him.

He felt that the black-clothed evil spirit was a little unstable now, something was wrong!

Along with this thought, he seemed to understand in a trance.

As long as it is evil, there will be times when it goes berserk.

Could it be that this evil creature is also about to go berserk?

He sighed, and said: "Xie Chong is Xie Chong, even if you want to become a human, you can't escape your life, you are always Xie Chong!"

The evil face in black was hideous, as if a strong light was constantly erupting from his body.

He stared angrily at the person in front of him.

He expressed his wish just now, but was directly rejected by the other party.

Lin Xuan said that he could not become a human being!
This is unacceptable to him!

With this thought, he became more and more annoyed.

This is equivalent to smashing all his hopes for the future.

All of a sudden, the whole area changed a bit.

The dark clouds in the sky became dense and dense, and thunder and lightning flickered continuously during this period.

An invisible pressure landed here in an instant, becoming a bit depressing.

More evil spirits around noticed this scene, and they all showed strong fear.

They quickly fled towards the surroundings, for fear of any danger.

All these evil spirits began to discuss.

"What happened here, why is there such horror!"

"Yeah, is there any powerful evil spirit here?"

"The most middle position is full of powerful evil spirits, but none of them are that strong!"

"Let's run quickly, let's not ask too much now, so as not to be touched!"

"Slip away! Let's go!"

At this time, more and more evil spirits opened their mouths and fled in all directions.

This also led to the surrounding area being filled with evil beings running around.

more and more.

(End of this chapter)

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