Monster Academy

Chapter 70 The Story of Hellfire

Chapter 70 The Story of Hellfire

Blood began to flow down Minghuo's cheeks, and gathered at the chin, dripping down quickly drop by drop.When each drop of blood hits the ground and shatters, it is like a blooming blood rose
Minghuo scraped off his own blood with his index finger, and then put it in his mouth to taste, a stream of rust spread in his mouth in an instant.

"I still underestimated you." Minghuo, who was almost split in half, was still in the mood to laugh at this moment, and seeing his happy appearance, it didn't look like he was pretending at all.

What kind of person would feel genuinely happy when his life was threatened.

Minghuo's weird smile made countless people in the gym feel a chill down their spines, and they decided to stay away from this lunatic in the future.

"That's the expression!" Yin Yu said excitedly: "Chu Fei, just wait, you will soon see how terrifying this lunatic is!"

It goes without saying that Minghuo's strength can be regarded as the biggest opponent in the first grade by Yin Yu.During several fights with Minghuo, the happier Minghuo smiled, the more excited he was.

A lunatic who regards death as a pleasure, the level of madness in fighting is really terrifying.Silver Feather was slightly disadvantaged in many battles with Minghuo, because Minghuo would not die if he went crazy.

As the prince of the silver royal family and the future heir to the throne, Yin Yu cherishes her own life very much.This is also the reason why he will be suppressed a little by Minghuo every time.

But thinking of this, Yin Yu felt even more aggrieved.

Because I am at the same level as Minghuo, the peak existence of the entire first grade.But because of his own carelessness, he was actually KO'd by Chu Fei with a punch, and he couldn't exert more power of his earth-type abilities at all.

"I must find opportunities in the future to prove my strength!" Yin Yu was extremely jealous when she heard other students talking about Chu Fei and Ming Huo.

Chu Fei did not continue to attack, he persuaded: "You should admit defeat, the sword has no eyes, you were almost split in half by me just now."

In Chu Fei's eyes, Minghuo is just a lunatic who loves to fight. Although he is very strange, he is still a gentleman in general.Therefore, he hoped that the other party would learn more about it, and he would take the initiative to admit defeat, otherwise he would not be able to guarantee that the next sword would really be split in half by Minghuo.

In addition, Chu Fei feels that there is no need to go into this battle, because he has already understood the methods of Minghuo. They are nothing more than some long-range fire attacks. butchered lamb.

"Hehe, the essence of fighting is life and death. There is no threat of death, so what's the point of fighting?" Minghuo looked into Chu Fei's eyes and said with a smile.

"But you've already lost. My close combat can already crush you, and you don't even have room to fight back!" Chu Fei said angrily, wondering whether this guy has a brain problem, and he can give up his life just to fight.

Minghuo walked to a pool of stagnant water and washed his face without haste. When the stagnant water calmed down, he looked at the hideous wound on his face and suddenly laughed again.

"When I was young, if I could eat a full meal one day, or if there was no leak in the sewer where I lived, I would be satisfied for a long time. Of course, there are many interstellar orphans like me, and I will definitely not be the most Poor one, but I'm definitely the easiest one to please.
In order to fill our stomachs, some of our little friends ate garbage that even stray dogs would not eat.Doing the dirtiest of dirty jobs just to buy a coat to keep out the cold.We worked so hard and lived so hard, but we still received cold looks from everyone on that street.The way they look at us is more disgusting than seeing a pile of shit.

Even so, I feel that life is very happy and fulfilling.But those who are lowly themselves and look down on us just can't understand us, as if we exude a disgusting breath from the bottom of our bones."

Minghuo began to tell his own story inexplicably. Chu Fei didn't know what the other party meant, but seeing Minghuo's seriousness, he didn't bother him and listened patiently.

Everyone in the gymnasium also looked puzzled, not understanding why Minghuo started telling stories again.

"But we always thought that as long as we endure silently, one day we will usher in our own happiness. Unfortunately, we were wrong. Our patience and humbleness only got those people worse!

Among a group of friends, the boys were all taken away to become miners. They were considered dead in this life, whether they could get out of the darkened mine.The girls are a little bit better. They are sold to other planets to be female branch daughters. Although they have sold their bodies, at least they will have food and clothing from now on, and they don't have to suffer anymore.

And I was sick at the time, and they saw that I had only one breath left, so they let me slowly die of illness.

I let them down, not only did I not die, but I got the fire ability!

That night, I burned the whole street, and everyone on the street who had hurt us paid for it with their lives! "

No matter how small a street is, there must be hundreds of people living there.But when Minghuo said that he burned hundreds of people to death, it seemed like a trivial matter.

Even if Chu Fei killed those NPCs in the virtual world, he would feel a little guilty.And Minghuo was talking about this kind of thing, without the slightest wave on his face.

It can be seen from this that Minghuo really hates those people.

After hearing Minghuo's narration, everyone in the gymnasium was shocked.As a group of recruits, many of them may have never even seen blood, but Minghuo has already completed the ferocious act of massacring a street.

"Although those people are quite hateful, can the Federation allow such a large-scale massacre?"

The laws of the Victor Federation are much stricter than those of Earth, and they will kill you every now and then.Although these people may have done excessive things, they are all citizens of the Federation and enjoy the protection of the Federation. Logically speaking, Minghuo should pay a heavy price for this.

But the Minghuo in front of him was unscathed, and he didn't look like he was severely punished.

Could it be that there are big figures behind Minghuo protecting him?However, if Minghuo was really covered by a big person, this matter would not have happened.

So everyone is very curious, what is going on.

In fact, Chu Fei also wanted to know why Minghuo was not punished, but he didn't know the laws of the Victor Federation, and he was afraid that he would lose his words if he said too much, so he simply pretended not to care.

"After burning the whole street, I already realized that I must die, so I sat on the ground and waited for the soldiers to arrest me." Minghuo said this, and suddenly roared excitedly: "But do you know that those soldiers came to arrest me?" After I got here, not only didn’t arrest me, but looked at me with reverence. Then an officer came over, he didn’t care about those people’s lives, and asked me if I was okay!”

A street of ordinary people is nothing. In the eyes of the federal government, even a county-level population is not as precious as a person with fire abilities.

"From then on, I understood that as long as you have the strength, you can ignore the rules, because the rules are also made by the strong!" Minghuo's body suddenly burst into flames, frantically gathering in front of him, and he took a deep breath. He said in a tone: "Fighting can prove my existence, so what's the difference between asking me to admit defeat and asking me to die?"

The crazily gathered flames in front of Minghuo had already faintly turned into the shape of a lion.

(End of this chapter)

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