I'm really not a superstar

Chapter 186 Activating the Beast

Chapter 186 Activating the Beast

Five minutes into the third quarter, the scores of the two teams returned to the same starting line.

Although the Rockets were the team that tied the score, it stands to reason that the momentum is on the rise, but everyone is not optimistic about the Rockets because Yao Ming is off the court.

Although Yao Ming is not the only scoring team for the Rockets, when Yao is on the court, it can be said that they bloom more.But everyone knows that the reason why the team can run so smoothly is thanks to Yao Ming's restraint.

If Dayao is gone, who will attract double teams and contain opponents?Can the Rockets' ball still run so smoothly?

The Rockets are like a large enterprise with a strong outside but a capable middle. It looks like a high-rise building, glamorous, but only a mere tens of thousands of dollars in liquidity. They can't even pay their wages, and they are in danger of bankruptcy and liquidation at any time.

Seeing that Yao Ming was off the court, the Spurs' morale was greatly shaken.

The Spurs attacked, and the confidence of the players seemed to be a little bit stronger. The ball was passed from the outside several times and hit Finley's hands.

Finley raised his hand to shoot, Ci Shiping quickly jumped up to block the shot, but it was a fake move, Finley made a fake shot and dribbled towards the basket.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a defensive player of Ci Shiping's level to be shaken away so easily.

But this is the consequence of Yao Ming's departure. The team lacks a backbone and everyone is flustered.

Although Finley is old, he was also a dunker when he was young. This time, he managed to get rid of Finley. The old man was talking about being a teenager. He wanted to play a dunk to relive his old dream, boost morale by the way, and blow up the team's offense horn.

Finley sprints and dunks.

His back is very strong, and his whole body is gliding in the sky, like a demon with wings flying.

When he flew above the basket and was about to smash the ball in, suddenly a black angel flew behind him, flying higher, faster and farther than him.

The angel behind him was Dorsey. He served first and slapped the ball out of Finley's hand.

Dorsey's classic big hat reappears!
After successfully blocking the shot, Dorsey yelled at his teammates: "Hey, brothers! I am not afraid of a rookie, what are you afraid of! What about your courage? Without Dayao, you can't even hit the ball? No You’re not even as good as a rookie!”

Dorsey's big hat slapped the Spurs ball, but his words were like a big slap on the faces of the Rockets players.

The Rockets looked dark from top to bottom, and their faces were dull.

Although Dorsey is stingy, he is very right. He is not afraid of a rookie. What are we afraid of!Are we not as good as a rookie?

Ci Shiping, who has a fiery personality, was even more furious, ran over and pushed Dorsey hard, and roared angrily: "Bastard, who made you troublesome, this block was originally mine!"

A muddled person like Ci Shiping, like a Liangshan hero, values ​​loyalty and face the most.

Dorsey was not annoyed either, shrugged his shoulders, and said with a smile: "What's the hurry, I'll grab you one, and you can grab another one from me, and I'll grab Ginobili later, I have no objection!"

Ci Shiping rolled his strange eyes and said angrily: "You think I can't do it? Just look at it with wide eyes!"

Bulldog is angry!

On the next defense, he and Dorsey switched positions and ran to defend Ginobili.

At first, Ginobili thought it was a normal switch defense, but when he got the ball, he soon discovered that things were not that simple.

Ci Shiping clung to his side like crazy, constantly pushing against his body with steel-like muscles, two crab-like big hands wheeled in front of his face, and the soles of his feet kept moving, It was like a moving wall of sighs in front of me.

As a technical player, Ginobili was very uncomfortable with such crazy defensive intensity. He wanted to pass the ball quickly, but under the crazy oppression of Metta World Peace, he couldn't even open his eyes.

Ginobili hesitated for a moment, but Ci Shiping slapped the ball out.

After Ci Shiping took out the ball, he immediately dribbled the ball and made a fast break, like a heavy hammer, hitting the Spurs' defensive hinterland heavily, as if to smash all the obstacles in his way.

No one in the Spurs dared to take the lead, and Ci Shiping went forward all the way, no one could stop him.

Ci Shiping actually dribbled the ball across most of the field, reached the basket, and scored with a dunk!
The outside world is criticizing Ci Shiping for failing, and has become a fixed-point shooter, but he has proved with practical actions that Ci Shiping, who is furious, is still a raging beast and a terrorist on the court!
Ci Shiping looked up to the sky and screamed, and shouted at Dorsey: "How about it, rookie! I am charity, world, and peace, and I will do what I say!"

Dorsey gave a thumbs up, "Nice job! The beast is out of the cage, so let's have a big fight!"

Ci Shiping was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed loudly, "You're right, let's just have a big fight today!"

Next year is his contract year, and his agents, friends, and family members are all admonishing him to keep a low profile, to be tolerant, to not shine, and to make fewer mistakes.

His strength is obvious to all. There is no need to show anything special. It is easy to make 500 million or 600 million a year; but if he is too ostentatious on the court and shows his true temperament, then maybe no one will want him. .Sprewell is a lesson from the past.

Therefore, for the sake of the contract, Ci Shiping has been holding back, enduring, and keeping silent on the court, silently attacking Yao Mai, who has a gentle personality, and even changed his name to "Charity·World·Peace" which is harmless to humans and animals!
In his cognition, as the Rockets' third leader, he has to be a good boy.After all, the boss and the second child are so low-key, and the third child himself can't be publicized.

It is "just like a tiger lying on a barren hill, lurking in its minions to endure".

But today, Yao Mai is not on the court, and a rookie like Joey Dorsey dares to challenge him!Under Dorsey's stimulation, Ci Shiping broke out fiercely, but found that the long-lost feeling of reckless behavior was so refreshing.

It's great to play from the heart!

Others are cowardly from the heart, but I am from the heart to turn the world upside down, lawless!
Ci Shiping decided that Yao Mai will not be present today, so I won't pretend either!Showdown!It is not Ci Shiping who is playing on the court today, but "The Beast" Ron Artest!
When the Spurs attacked from outside, the ball came to Finley's hands. Finley repeated the trick again from beyond the three-point line, raised his hand, made a fake shot, and then wanted to pass.

But this time Ci Shiping didn't hesitate, and defended extremely toughly, hitting Finley hard with his body.

With a "bang", Finley screamed and fell to the ground.

The referee's whistle sounded and Ci Shiping made a defensive foul.

But after the foul, Ci Shiping did not raise his hand to admit his mistake. Instead, he beat his chest heavily with his fists and paced back and forth like a dangerous beast. He came to Finley and shouted: "Stop showing off your three-legged feint, Next time I'll knock your shit out!"

Finley's complexion changed slightly as he was lying on the floor. Anyone who is threatened by such a villain has to weigh it himself.

Although the audience at the Toyota Center didn't know exactly what happened, they were all infected by Ci Shiping's arrogance and cheered loudly.

Previously, many people criticized Ci Shiping for not being domineering since he changed his name, but now it seems that a beast is a beast after all, as long as there is a chance, he will be bloodthirsty at any time!
This foul, not only did not have a negative impact on the Rockets, but it boosted the morale of the team!
Fagen on the sidelines clearly witnessed the whole process of the incident, and also deduced Ci Shiping's change of mind

He wrote in his notebook:
"Joey Dorsey has a big mouth to cause trouble, but trouble is not necessarily a derogatory term. It depends on who the trouble is. Today he successfully inspired the fighting spirit of Ci Shiping, resurrected the beast, and gave the Spurs The team is in big trouble.

In the absence of Yao Mai, what the Rockets need is not a good man, but a wolf who can lead them out of the encirclement.

There is no doubt that Metta Shiping, who has recovered her blood and fighting spirit, is still the top defender in the league. On the defensive end, they can temporarily make up for the loss of Yao Ming's end.

But there is still a problem in front of us, that is, what about the offense?You know, even in Artest's peak period, he was not the top scorer in the league.

And their opponent, the Spurs, is the best defensive team in the league. Who can get the angel's wings like Tracy McGrady with 35 seconds and 13 minutes to break the Spurs' iron wall? "

(End of this chapter)

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