I'm really not a superstar

Chapter 210 You Are Fired!

Chapter 210 You Are Fired!
It is no news that the Rockets lose, especially when McGrady is on the court, everyone is used to the Rockets losing.

After the game, most players chose to continue training, and some chose to leave.

When McGrady changed his clothes and was about to leave the arena, he found Wayne Hall waiting at the door of the locker room.

This goatee with a small head and big muscles is wearing a sports shorts, holding a basketball in his hand, and is quietly waiting for something.

For some reason, McGrady's first reaction when seeing Hall was to hide.

This is not the kind of hiding where mice are afraid of cats, but the kind of hiding when you go to a restaurant to eat and see the creditor at a glance.

"Tracey" Hall spoke.

McGrady had already moved his feet back, but he couldn't hide now, so he could only stay where he was in embarrassment.

"HI Wayne, you haven't gone back so late! How about I buy you a drink!" McGrady laughed.

But Hall didn't pick up his words, but said gently: "Tracey, let me practice with you for a while, didn't you like to practice after the game most before?"

McGrady shrugged, "No, Wayne, I'm very tired, as you can see, my physical condition is not very good for this game, I need to rest..."

"No, what you need is scientific and systematic high-volume training!" Hall interrupted decisively.

But as soon as this remark came out, it seemed that the floodgates had been opened, and it was out of control, "Tracey, look at your current state! This is not caused by lack of rest, but that the training is completely substandard! Training is the mirror of the game , how you treat training, training will treat you!"

"Enough!" McGrady also inexplicably became angry.

"You all blame me! Coaches, media, fans, say that I can't train, I can't play, this is not good! That is not good! But, others don't know, don't you know? When I saw you at the age of 17, I practiced like this of!"

"But you are not 17 now! You are 30 years old! How can your current body compare with when you were young! You can't demand yourself according to the 17-year-old standard! Tracy, you are talented, but in In the face of time, your talent is not invincible, only by training can you continue your career and..."

"Don't talk! I know my body better! I don't need you to remind me, I know I am no longer young! I know how to play to prolong my career as much as possible! If you have had enough of me, the old guy who is late , just go find the young talent! As you always do, go find that bastard Joey Dorsey!"

Hall was also irritated, "Is it possible that the way you continue your career is to eat and wait to die?!"

"Shut up, Wayne! I've had enough of you! Get the hell out of here. From now on, I won't use Jean as my trainer anymore, you're fired!"

After speaking, the angry McGrady pushed the stunned Hall away, and strode away.

Wayne Hall stared blankly at the direction McGrady left. He and McGrady have known each other for 13 years!We have experienced too many ups and downs together, experienced highs and lows together, but McGrady has always respected himself very much, never treated himself like this, and it is impossible to say such unfeeling words.

Is this still the McGrady I know?
Suddenly, Hall felt a little cold on his face, it was a tear overflowing from the corner of his eye.

Meanwhile, a diner near Houston's Hobby International Airport.

Yao Ming, Dorsey and Yi Jianlian sat together.

Ah Lian is in a good mood today, and his performance is indeed worthy of joy.

"A Lian, you played well, congratulations!" Dayao laughed.

Ah Lian shook his head, "I'm sorry!"

"What?" Dayao and Dorsey were a little surprised, it shouldn't be like Versailles!
"It's a pity that I didn't meet you on the field!" Ah Lian smiled at Dorsey and raised his chin.

"Hehe, to be honest, if I played, you wouldn't get such good-looking technical statistics today!" Dorsey was not to be outdone.

"Getting 10 points on your head is better than getting 20 points on someone else's head!"

Dayao laughed, "Haha, do you think so highly of Dorsey? This is the first time I've heard of this kind of fancy blowing."

Dorsey also bared his teeth, "I'm so embarrassed!"

Ah Lian snorted coldly: "Although you are a fool, you are indeed a capable fool! I have to admit that I have learned a lot from you, but please remember, when we meet again next time, I will defeat you with dignity and dignity!" Yours! You have to play next time, don't run away!"

Dorsey said cheerfully: "It's a deal, but I must be the one who wins!"

After losing to the Nets, the Rockets took a day off and flew to Toronto to challenge the Raptors away.

The straight-line distance between Toronto and Houston is 2094 kilometers, and it takes more than three hours by plane.But even more difficult to get used to than the distance was the weather.

The winter in Houston is still very warm, but when we arrived in Toronto, we came to a world of ice and snow. The temperature dropped by more than ten degrees, which made everyone in the Rockets terribly frozen.

Everyone in the Rockets felt as if I was frozen by the ice and snow in Canada. In the Air Canada Center Arena, the Rockets felt horribly cold.

Only 14 points were scored in the first quarter, and the third quarter was even worse, with only 11 points, setting a new low in a single quarter this season.

Especially McGrady played 30 minutes and only scored 4 points, 2 rebounds and 2 assists!

Of course, not only him, Yao Ming and Ci Shiping also scored only 14 points and 12 points respectively.

The combination of the three giants only scored 30 points, which is not as good as the opposite Dragon King Bosh alone!
The Rockets also lost to the Raptors 73:94 without any suspense.

After the game, according to media reports, a Rockets player who did not want to be named said that "the team's locker room atmosphere is very delicate and is on the verge of collapse."

Now, the outside world has generally come to a conclusion: McGrady is the team's cancer, with him on the court, the Rockets can't win!
On the NBA's rumor list, Rockets general manager Mosaic is desperately selling McGrady, and even allows the other party to trade with non-All-Star players.

However, there is a lack of interest from various teams in the league. It is really that McGrady's contract is too big.And he himself is also a thunder that can explode at any time!

After losing to the Raptors, it was back-to-back games.

McGrady still chose to miss.

The opponent this time is the Boston Celtics, one of the strongest in the league!

At the beginning of the season, when the Rockets were singing all the way, they suffered their first defeat against the Celtics, which made the Rockets realize the gap with the real strong team.

Now, the Rockets' morale is low, they have lost consecutive games, and they have encountered this tough opponent again.

Almost everyone labeled the Rockets a three-game losing streak in advance.

Some media even ridiculed, saying that the Rockets can't win McGrady on the court. This time McGrady won't play, let's see if you can win!

The Rockets have reached a cliff where they can no longer lose.

The only good thing is that Dorsey finally lifted the ban and came back!

(End of this chapter)

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