I'm really not a superstar

Chapter 243 The Blooming Wind City Rose

Chapter 243 The Blooming Wind City Rose

The first half of the Rockets VS Bulls was completely dominated by Dorsey and Rose, but after the start of the second half, the situation was slightly different.

Both of them began to rest and cooperate with their teammates, reducing individual singles and increasing passes to teammates.

After all, no one can carry the team alone for 48 minutes.As time goes by, the game gets deeper and the physical fitness declines, so you have to rely on the strength of your teammates.

The two have the same idea, but the approach is diametrically opposite.

As a point guard, Rose has the ball in his hands.His biggest threat is the breakthrough, and he takes that threat to the extreme.

He drove the ball to the basket again and again.But unlike the first half, his breakthrough in the second half was not to directly attack the basket, but to make a better pass.

At the beginning of the second half, he confuses Brooks with continuous crotch dribbles, and with a butterfly step, he wiped out the opponent's defense.Then resolutely rushed to the basket.

Dayao at the basket, Dorsey assisting in defense, and Brooks chasing back formed a triangle encirclement, sandwiching Rose in the middle.It looked like Ross had nowhere to go.

But Rose stopped rushing forward, but suddenly passed the ball to the side and back.

There, Ben Gordon has lost Dorsey's defense, catches, jumpers, and hits.

This kind of organization continued to appear in the Bulls' offense in the second half.

Rose broke through again and again, attracted the opponent's double-team defense, and then passed the ball to the open teammate.

The teammates also continued the good touch in the first half. Ben Gordon and Luol Deng continued to hit the outside line. Gooden and Noah also scored the ball under the basket.

Rose's assists are on the rise, as are the Bulls' points.

The Rockets are in a state of desperation, and Brooks can't restrain Rose at all. Whether it's speed, strength, or skill, he is no match for Rose. .

The Rockets tried not to double-team, but to defend whoever was under the basket, but in this way, Rose went straight to the layup.Even if Yao Ming is under the basket, it is difficult to block Rose's extreme pull bar.

Rose's game is very simple, shoot when there are few people, and pass when there are many people.But the way is simple, but the simpler the more difficult to defend, the tormented Rockets are miserable.

On the Rockets side, the way Dorsey and his teammates cooperate is mainly focused on running without the ball.

He is not a point guard, and organizing passing transfers is not his forte. He can only rely on his abundant physical fitness and enthusiasm for running positions, constantly interspersed and cruising in the opponent's defensive formation, and constantly respond to the passes of his teammates.

In fairness, such an offensive method, if played well, can kill the game.Don't you see, the Splash Brothers in the future created the Warriors dynasty by running off the ball and precise shooting.

However, there are two major problems facing Dorsey and the Rockets:
[-]. Dorsey does not have the precise shooting ability of the "Splash Brothers". Even if he receives the ball in an open position, he can barely shoot from a short distance. Shocked.That gave the Bulls time to adjust their defense.

[-]. Although Dorsey can run out of space, his teammates are not Curry, Thompson, Iguodala, Xiaobu, Dayao and others have limited passing ability, although they have passed wonderful passes to Dorsey before , but once or twice is okay, if you really expect to be able to hand the ball to Dorsey in the first time every time, it would be too difficult.

Therefore, although Dorsey's off-ball running support has also provided a great help for the team's offense, compared with Rose's direct assists, the effect is discounted.

Under the ebb and flow, the Bulls overtook the score.

Adelman looked a little serious on the sidelines. It wasn't that the team played badly. In fact, the team had already done pretty well except that they couldn't defend against Rose.

Being unable to guard Rose is not a matter of attitude, but purely a matter of ability.

Neither Brooks nor Lowry can limit Rose's breakthrough, and the shortcomings of point guards are magnified by Rose's wonderful performance.

This is exactly where Adelman worries.Facing a first-year rookie, the Rockets are still like this. When it comes to the playoffs, what will the Rockets do when they face those long-established star fighters?
After McGrady was injured and retired, the problem of lack of talent was like a sword of Damocles hanging high above the Rockets' heads, and it might fall down at any time.

A team with no talent but hard work is destined not to make it far in the playoffs.

After the third quarter, the Rockets were 78:83, temporarily behind the Bulls by 5 points.

At the beginning of the fourth quarter, the coaches of both sides let the main players rest in unison to prepare for the decisive battle at the last moment.

The thickness of the Rockets' bench is slightly stronger than that of the Bulls. By the fourth quarter, 4 minutes and 19 seconds, when the main players of the two sides returned, the 5-point difference had been bridged.

The two sides returned to the same starting line.

The Rockets' point guard on the field became Lowry.

Brooks has proved with practical actions that he is not Rose's opponent. Although Lowry couldn't defend against Rose in the previous fights, at least his "small steel gun" style can give Rose more oppression.

The Rockets attacked and Lowry held the ball.

Lowry really wants to be one and prove himself.

So this time he didn't choose to pass the ball, but took the ball to break through to the basket.

He and Brooks are both very fast, but the difference is that "Little Bu" is a bit thin, just purely fast, but the impact is not strong, so it looks a bit soft, and Lowry is different, although he is not tall, he Strong enough, very explosive, and actively seek physical confrontation after rushing up, like a small steel cannon.

Lowry rushed to the basket while resisting Rose with his shoulders, but after two bumps, Rose did not lose his position, and was still firmly stuck on his breakthrough line.

Compared to his previous life, Rose is stronger now.Due to the long-term "one-on-one" with Dorsey during college, he has been very adapted to the body-flow style of play, and pays more attention to the exercise of his body and muscles, so he is now much stronger than the same period in his previous life.

Lowry is at a loss. After all, he is still a young star player, and his offensive skills are not yet comprehensive. He is usually used to breaking through with explosive power and body.

As soon as Lowry stopped for a while, Rose shot like lightning and cut the ball away.

Rose steals the ball and sprints forward.

Ci Shiping wanted to come over to stop her, but Ross turned around and swayed over.

Rose continued to assault and entered the three-point line. At this time, Dorsey had already caught up and wanted to block the shot.

Rose raised his hand and looked like he was going to jump for a layup.

Dorsey served first and took off early to wait for Rose in the air.

But Rose didn't jump. The raising of his hand just now was a fake move. He stopped his figure and made a steady jump shot.

Go in!

There was an exclamation of "wow" over the United Center arena.

At this moment, everyone seemed to see Jordan in the "last shot" of the 1997 Finals!

It's also a dribble and a rush after a steal, the same is a jump shot with an emergency stop under close defense, the same is to completely shake the opponent away, and the same is to throw the ball steadily!
Although the meaning of this ball is far less profound than that of the "Bangzhu", and its value is incomparable, but Rose's ball is more beautiful, faster, and has one more Ci Shiping.More importantly, this ball actually happened in front of everyone's eyes!

After the retirement of "Joe Gangzhu", the Bulls were in a slump. Now, everyone finally saw the hope of revival, and what brought this hope was the "Wind City Rose" blooming over Chicago!
Unfortunately, Dorsey became the background board of this classic goal, and he was even worse than Russell of the Jazz in his previous life, because Russell was almost thrown by Jordan (the old hooligan was also suspected of fouling) ), while he was being shaken and flew up, flying very high and far!
"Bear, I've written down this account!" Dorsey shouted at Ross pretending to be angry.

Ross smiled and waved at Dorsey: "Come on Joey, let the horse come over!"

(End of this chapter)

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