I'm really not a superstar

Chapter 245 Black Mamba, Too Strong

Chapter 245 Black Mamba, Too Strong

The Rockets narrowly lost to Chicago, ending the winning streak since the All-Star Game, no, to be precise, since Tracy McGrady was waived.

The outside world didn't pay much attention to this defeat. It is generally believed that the Tigers also took a nap, and the Rockets were too careless, which caused the gutter to overturn.

Another point of view is that Rose is so good that he changed the outcome of the game by himself.And the outcome of this game is likely to directly determine the ownership of the best rookie who has been heating up this season. After all, in the direct confrontation, Rose led the team to win.

But only a very small number of professionals have smelled the two major crises hidden behind this defeat: lack of talent and the loss of point guards.

According to the barrel theory, it is the shortest board that determines how much water a barrel can hold.

And these two shortcomings will seriously limit how far the Rockets can go in the playoffs.

At this moment, some people couldn't help but think of the man who had the highest salary in the team and the top talent, but was exempt from the fight.

However, even those who thought of McGrady couldn't help shaking their heads and smiling wryly, feeling that they were too whimsical.

Two days later, the Rockets returned to Houston to host the Los Angeles Lakers.

In the game, the Lakers Odom missed due to injury, and they just lost to the Portland Trail Blazers 94:111 in the last game.Therefore, the Rockets feel that this game is very hopeful to win.

After all, the current Rockets are a recognized strong team.

Adelman once again discharged Battier + Metta World Peace's super defensive formation.

PG Brooks, SG Metta World Peace, SF Battier, PF Dorsey, C Yao Ming
This lineup made a lot of contributions when it broke the Cavaliers before, and it made James lose his temper.

Since he can defend against James, he should be able to defend against Kobe... right? !
But after the game started, Adelman found that he was wrong, and he made an empirical error.

Kobe is not James, and the tricks that work well on James may not be useful to Kobe.

At the beginning of the game, Ci Shiping showed the energy he had used to defend James, hitting and tearing Kobe crazily like a bulldog.

If it were an ordinary player, he would have lost his balance under the violent defensive impact, but this is Kobe!At his peak, he had excellent speed, strength, technique, and consciousness. After the confrontation, he leaned over with the force of the collision, accelerated his breakthrough, got under Ci Shiping's ribs, and then faced Yao Ming, who blocked the inside line. , Forced a layup.

The ball was extremely firm. After the body collided with Yao Ming, the ball still flew into the basket.

Foul, free throw!
Kobe calmly stood on the free throw line and made the free throw steadily.

This is Kobe. Not only is his body at the peak, his technology has reached the peak, but more importantly, he has a calm and calm heart.

In the next attack, the Rockets defended very well, and the Lakers had only 3 seconds to defend, and the ball was handed over to Kobe.

Kobe made a very realistic forward breakthrough feint, which attracted Ci Shiping to take a step back.

Kobe took advantage of these gaps, took a step back, retreated beyond the three-point line, and shot a jumper.

The ball flew into the basket almost at the end of 24 seconds.

Kobe has more than a big heart.More accurate shooting ability.

Kobe is like a top assassin, killing people invisible. If there is an opening in the middle, he will go to the basket without hesitation and stab a fatal sword;

Although he can't fly into the basket every time he shoots, he is unmoved. Even if he misses two or three consecutive shots, he will resolutely make the fourth and fifth shots until he makes it.

This makes the Rockets very difficult to parry.

In the game against the Cavaliers, Metta Shiping could double-team the defense with Battier in the face of James' breakthrough like a hammer and axe, putting the little emperor in a tight siege and cutting off his communication lines with outside teammates.

But when Kobe shot outside, it was impossible for Battier to let go of his opponent and run over to pinch Kobe. In that case, Kobe would accurately pass the ball to an open teammate.

This is another difference between the Lakers and the Cavaliers. Kobe's teammates are stronger than those around James.The same stars are holding the moon, the Cavaliers players are better at adding icing on the cake, while the Lakers players will give them a helping hand.

This Lakers team is full of champions. They not only have Kobe Bryant, but also Gasol with comprehensive skills, Fisher with rich experience, Powell who is good at half-shots, and Trevor Ariza with super athletic ability...

They both have the ability to get the ball into the Rockets' basket.

Gasol, in particular, did not suffer against Yao Ming, and even his comprehensive and flexible style of play restrained Dayao.

In order to deal with Yao Ming, Bryant and Gasol took a lot of high pick-and-roll.

The two pull up to a high position, if Yao Ming follows, and the inside line is empty, Kobe will resolutely break through with the ball and hit the basket; if Yao does not follow, then Gasol or Kobe will directly shoot and attack from a long distance.

The problem of Dayao's slow movement and limited defensive coverage is seriously magnified in this style of play.

From the beginning of the game, the Lakers have been in control.


The score is getting bigger and bigger.

With Kobe hitting the buzzer again, the first quarter ended, at 33:16, the Lakers led by 17 points!
In the second quarter, the Rockets adjusted their defense. Instead of Metta World Peace, Battier was the main defense against Kobe.

Adelman wants to change a defensive mode to see how the effect is.

"President" Battier's individual defensive ability is definitely not as good as Metta World Peace, but he is good at overall defense and early prediction.

His excellent basketball IQ can predict the opponent's next move in advance and make the most reasonable response; good footwork allows him to keep up with the breakthrough of the swingman; These defensive skills honed at Duke University made his opponents miserable.

Battier might be the iron lock that locked Kobe!

The Lakers attacked, and Fisher dribbled forward with the ball. Battier didn't care about anything like Metta World Peace did before, and just nailed to Kobe's body like a blowfly.Instead, he fell very skillfully at Kobe's position not far or near, his eyes constantly looking around, paying attention to the layout and movement of the entire offensive and defensive formation, ready to appear in the most critical defensive position at any time.

It seems that Battier's nails are not so tight, and the defensive pressure is not so strong, but Kobe can clearly feel the threat of the opponent.

If a teammate passes the ball rashly, Battier may suddenly save at any time and block the ball on the passing line.Even if he didn't break the pass, he would jam the line, prevent Kobe from easily breaking through, and wait for his teammates to support him.

Black Mamba sensed that his opponent was a cunning mongoose, more difficult for a poisonous snake than a bulldog.

Kobe began to move to catch the ball. He spared no effort to make a big circle and ran out to meet Fisher's pass.

"Old fish" Fisher is also very experienced, passing the ball safely to Kobe's hands steadily.

For the Lakers, the ball was passed to Kobe, and the attack was half successful!
Kobe received the ball, facing Battier's seemingly impeccable defense, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a somewhat cruel smile.

Bryant suddenly starts, Battier slides laterally.

Battier's lateral movement is very fast, but Kobe is faster. Kobe's center of gravity is extremely low during the breakthrough, trying to get past Battier's side.

Battier desperately shifted his hips laterally, trying to block Kobe with his legs.

But suddenly Kobe pulled the ball in the opposite direction, shaking Battier's body away, and he rushed to the basket without hesitation.

Seeing that he was out of position, Battier expected something bad, and immediately made an early foul.

His hand reached Kobe's jersey, and the referee's whistle sounded immediately.

Kobe's body is pulled, but the ball in his hand has been thrown to the basket.

Hit the board and score the ball!
Kobe scored 2+1 without taking off!

Battier's face was ugly. He predicted Kobe's first step, but the opponent used his superb technique to shake him away; he made the right defensive choice, but the opponent scored the ball with an unimaginable shot. !

Black Mamba is too strong!
(End of this chapter)

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