Chapter 25
Time flies like a white horse, and the summer vacation of 2007 is coming to an end in a blink of an eye.

The summer training camp of the University of Memphis basketball team also came to an end.

Coach Calipari is very satisfied with the team's summer training.

On the premise that the team basically retained the main frame of last season, it added a few good newcomers.

Especially the joining of Derrick Rose has brought the team's strength to a higher level.

He read it right, Rose is the best candidate to control DDM tactics on the field, and the "two guns in the backcourt" formed by him and CD Roberts will become a powerful weapon for Megatron NCAA.

It's not in vain that the team's painstaking efforts have been made on his SAT report card in order to attract him to join!
If it is reasonable to say that Rose's greatness on the court is reasonable, then the change of the other guy is a completely unexpected surprise.

Joey Dorsey, this idiot, has undergone a complete transformation!
It's not that his strength has improved dramatically.Of course, the progress is obvious. After special training, both offense and defense have improved significantly.

Especially after additional training with Rose, his technical moves such as dribbling, low-post attack, and layup, as well as basketball awareness such as defensive positioning and offensive timing predictions, have been significantly improved.

He is like a huge sponge, constantly absorbing all the skills, awareness, and tactical knowledge about basketball.

However, these are not the most important. The biggest change in Dorsey is that his entire spiritual temperament has changed.

Special training, additional training, hard work, although these words could not be said to be completely insulated from this black guy before, but at least they were relatively rare.

But now it actually happened to him every day, as if he would never give up until he exhausted all his energy.

His mind is also much easier to use than before. In the past, a tactical move may need to be explained to him N times, and he may not be able to run correctly.

But now sometimes he has already understood half of what he said, and he can even comprehend it and put forward his own suggestions.

The temperament of the game has also undergone a 180-degree change. In the past, he was a neurotic knife. He played well when he played smoothly. Once he played badly, the whole game might be a mess.

But now, calmness, calmness, and an overall view, these words that he had no connection with in the past can actually appear in him.

There are many, many more, some of which can be reflected intuitively, but more of them are things that cannot be explained clearly.

However, the only thing that still gives Calipari a headache is that the guy's big mouth is still so troublesome.

In the past, it was, what to do, No. 1.

Now it is, everything else is fine, and there are a lot of troubles.

Coach Calipari even has a vicious thought at times: How nice it would be if this guy was dumb!
All these changes seem to have started from the game against Oden.

Calipari, who likes brainstorming, often thinks:
Could it be that in that game, Dorsey stole an excessive amount of contraband, which caused something abnormal in his spirit.

Sometimes he worried that one day the contraband would wear off and Dorsey would return to his old bear.

In any case, the success of the summer training camp put Coach Calipari in a good mood. He deliberately gave the players a few days off before the start of school.

Dorsey, who has not been home for a summer, also embarked on a journey home.

Originally, he thought that the soul would be his own after time travel, and he would not be too close to the original family of the body.

However, in fact, this is not the case at all. The warmth of a family is extremely important to a traveler.

With a home, the soul after time travel will not be lonely, and will not feel like a lonely ghost wandering outside this world.

And the experience of going home last time also gave him a sense of identity with this family, and a deeper nostalgia and bond in his soul.

Back home in the southern suburbs of Baltimore.

As usual, my mother set up a big table and prepared a full stomach of nagging.

Daniel also ran around beside his brother, inquiring about this and that, full of curiosity about the outside world.

It's just that the father didn't show up at home.

According to my mother, my father has been working overtime recently, he looks very busy, and sometimes he is in a bad mood, as if he has encountered some trouble at work.

Dorsey speculates: Is Lehman's Ray going to explode early?

In fact, the downfall of such a large company will never happen overnight, and there will definitely be traces to follow before.One risk after another is superimposed together, and the situation finally becomes out of hand.

The Prophet of Spring River Plumbing Duck, as the financial director of a subsidiary company, must have sensed the gathering of dark clouds before the storm.

"Mom, please advise Dad, don't work for others, I will be able to go to the NBA next year, and I will support my family!"

In exchange for these words, there was a thump on the head.

"Joy, when will you get rid of this bragging problem! Your father and I are both honest and responsible people, how could there be such a son who likes to talk big? I dare not expect you to support the family, take care Let’s talk about playing ball, getting into the NBA, and supporting yourself!”

Dorsey was a little discouraged, as if parents all over the world would automatically ignore their children's achievements, or at least look down on their children's abilities.

"Mom, I can definitely enter the NBA and be selected in the first round, because I have improved so much from before!"

"Hehe, your bragging habits don't seem to have changed much!"

In front of her son, the mother's words are always so sharp and hit the nail on the head.

Alas, if I told my mother now that I was a millionaire, how would she react?
Forget it, don't take any chances...

"Brother, is Derek Rose really that good? You can help me get his autograph next time!"

"Daniel, to tell you the truth, Rose is very good and will be an MVP-level player in the future, but now he is your brother and my little brother!"

"Crack" another burst of chestnuts.

"Don't brag in front of your brother! It will teach him badly! It seems that this problem of yours can't be changed!"

Why did it start to snow in Tennessee at the end of August.

I am more wronged than Dou E...

The next morning, seeing his father who had been working overtime almost all night, Dorsey brought up the old story again and asked his father to leave the company early.

Of course, I said it after sneaking away from my mother.

The tired-looking father smiled, noncommittal.

In fact, after thinking about it, I understand that although Joey is more than 2 meters tall, he is still a child in the eyes of his parents. How could he listen to a child when it comes to work?
It seems that some things have to be arranged in advance.

Dorsey went to see his cousin Tom.

The current Tom has changed his shotgun and actually rented an office in the CBD in the city center. He is also in a suit and leather shoes, and he is completely different from the image of the little gangster before.

"Joy, my dear cousin! I'm looking forward to you, what do you think of my office?"

Tom warmly gave Dorsey a bear hug.

"Why do you rent an office?" Dorsey wondered.

"Before, didn't you ask me to register an offshore company? Now it's all done! Since there is a company, there must be an office to look good!"

Dorsey felt a headache!A black man is not enough to seek!

Before that, he started planning for the next step, and asked Tom to find a way to register an offshore company to facilitate future deployment.

Unexpectedly, this guy even rented an office.

Why don't you put a sign on the door of the office saying "This is Joey Dorsey's company"!

It is harder to expect black people to keep a low profile than to step on the moon again!

"Return the house! You are wasting money! Low-key, what we need is low-key! Understand?"

"Oh, make money low-key and do things high-key, I understand!"

You know the shit!

"Cousin, what orders do you have from me? Are you looking at another game and want me to place a bet? I'm ready, and now we have much more funds than before!"

"No, unless it is absolutely necessary, don't do this."

Gambling is extremely risky. At the stage of primitive accumulation of funds, doing it can be regarded as seeking wealth and insurance, but now that you have a certain net worth, there is no need to touch this again. After all, as a traveler, the method of making money There are many.

Besides, as a butterfly traveling through time, who knows how big a storm his wings will set off in this world?
"Here are a few stocks. You can buy them in the name of the company. You can increase the leverage when appropriate. However, when I want you to buy or sell, you must act immediately! You can't delay for a moment."

"Stocks? You know that too!" Tom wondered.

Dorsey didn't bother to explain that as a traverser, information asymmetry is his greatest advantage!

I have to accumulate more funds before next year, and Bitcoin will be born in just over a year.

"Joy, there is something I don't know if I should remind you..."


"I think you should not put too much energy on these things. You should play well. If you enter the NBA in the future, you can make a lot of money..."

Dorsey blinked his eyes, he didn't have auditory hallucinations, so serious words could come out of the most dishonest cousin's mouth!
I was actually persuaded by a black American bastard!
Sure enough, men all over the world are the same, they like to pull Liang's family into the water the most, and persuade them to follow the good!
However, he knew that his cousin had good intentions, and being able to say this was enough to prove that he really cared about him.

"Cousin, don't worry, I know it well."

There are some words that Dorsey doesn't need to explain too much.

He doesn't particularly care about making money, and he doesn't have any dream of becoming the richest man, but since the huge amount of wealth can be picked up at a glance, there is no need for him to pretend to turn a blind eye.

And the most important point, making money is not the purpose, his purpose is to realize his life plan in this life through wealth!

He has his own purpose.


 There is another chapter around 15:[-]

(End of this chapter)

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