I'm really not a superstar

Chapter 52 The Revenge of the Chosen Son

Chapter 52 The Revenge of the Chosen Son
Dorsey is waived due to injury, and the University of Memphis' season continues.

Coincidentally, their next opponent turned out to be their old enemy - Stanford University!

The Stanford Crimson is the only team to win against the Memphis Tigers this season.

In the last confrontation, the Memphis people seemed to be possessed. The whole team felt extremely poor, and the opponent was far ahead in the first half.

In the second half, although Rose was like a sharp dagger, he pierced Stanford's defense again and again.

At the last moment, they almost turned defeat into victory, but in the end they were unable to recover, and lost the away game.

For this reason, Ross, who vowed revenge, received special training from Mr. Wang Weide.

The results of the special training are obvious, but he did not show it in the subsequent games, and he still played the basketball he was used to step by step.

But Dorsey knew that he was holding back his strength and wanted to completely break out in the battle of revenge.

Now, here's your chance!
The outside world is still generally optimistic about the Memphis Tigers. After all, the record is here. They are the favorites to win the NCAA championship this season.

But for this game, Stanford people are not as pessimistic as the outside world has commented.

Even if it is an away game, they think they still have a chance.

The main reason is the absence of Joey Dorsey.

In the last confrontation, Dorsey did not play. As a result, the inside line was completely controlled by the Lopez brothers.

And now, there is still no Dorsey.

Dozier and others alone cannot compete with the Lopez brothers.

Moreover, Dorsey's absence is a gain and a loss for the University of Memphis. The impact on the newly formed tactical play and the damage to the morale of the army are immeasurable.

Second, it is a psychological advantage.

As the only team that defeated the Memphis Tigers, they still have an advantage in mentality and can face their opponents calmly.

Finally, it lies in their understanding of the opponent's main player Rose.

Although Rose almost led the team to reverse in the last game, they also figured out Rose's technical and tactical play.

It is to keep rushing in, supplemented by emergency stop jumpers in motion.

As for mid-range and long-range shooting, it is almost negligible, and the hit rate is pitifully low.

But Rao was such a new move that he almost beat himself to death at that time.Therefore, in response to Rose's breakthrough, Stanford people have been focusing on research and deploying targeted defenses.

Now that they are fighting for the second time, they are confident that they will lock up Hengjiang and completely shut Ross out!

As long as Rose is guarded, half the battle is already won!
Whether this game is a revenge battle for the Memphis Tigers, or whether the Stanford Crimson will relive the old dream of winning, everyone is waiting to see.

Dorsey came to the stadium on crutches to cheer for his teammates.

The whole team was taken aback when they saw Dorsey.

I haven't seen you for a few days, why are you so haggard?Didn't you hurt your ankle?How come the whole person lost weight!

Sure enough, injuries are the natural enemy of athletes!Injuries are fiercer than tigers!
However, the Chinese girl next to him seemed to be a flower that had been moistened by the rain and dew, and it became more and more bright!
"Bear, come on!" Dorsey waved his cane in the stands to cheer for his brother.

Rose waved his hand angrily!I can't be bothered to talk to that guy.

Now, Rose's full focus is on the Stanford Crimson.

My own hard work, dedication, and days and nights of sweating with Dorsey will bear fruit today!
He has held back for so long, just to burst out the most dazzling flame in the battle of revenge.

Game start.

Brook Lopez still has absolute dominance and won the ball.

But just before halftime, point guard Williams saw the right moment and stole the ball away!
Rose made a fast break and went to the basket.

His speed was so fast that he left everyone behind and rushed to the basket for a tomahawk dunk.

Scored 2 points.

Rose was very excited, yelling into the sky, and at the beginning, he set the main tone of fanaticism for the game.

Stanford serves, this time playing steadily, slowly advances into the opposing half, throws to Brook Lopez, singles Dozier, solid turn, solid layup, the ball goes in, and the score is tied.

Different from the opponent's slow rhythm, the Memphis Tigers attacked extremely fast under the leadership of Ross.

Rose sprinted with the ball non-stop, changed hands to speed up the dribble, passed the opposing point guard, and went straight to the basket.

This time, the Stanford Crimson team's defense line has already been set up and is waiting for Ross to throw himself into the trap!
The Lopez brothers are like two goalkeepers on the left and one on the right under the basket. They fit together and cover the basket tightly.

After Rose jumped up with the ball, he realized that there was no room for a shot.

But he didn't panic. He turned in the air and used the long time in the air to observe the situation on the field. When he was about to land, the ball passed to the right 45 degrees outside the three-point line.

The ball came to outside partner CD Roberts.

Almost exactly the same as the last goal of the previous game.

CD Roberts has an open three-pointer and a jumper!


Strike it!

CD Roberts' shooting nightmare continues.

Although he only missed the first shot, CD Roberts' white sweat came down, and he seemed to have returned to the game more than a month ago!Back to the nightmarish Stanford Arena.

Teammates familiar with CD Roberts saw his straight eyes and knew that this nervous master was finished again!
The so-called "Golden Double Spears in the Backcourt" has a barrel that is like a six-veined sword, which is ineffective at all times!
It's up to Ross again!

The Stanford Crimson attacked, the Lopez brothers connected inside, and Robin dunked the ball into the basket.

The pressure came to the side of the Memphis Tigers.

Rose is still running with the ball.

Everyone expected him to drive to the rim again, as he had done time and time again in previous games!

But this time Rose was beyond everyone's expectations. He came to a stop outside the three-point line, and saw that the opponent's point guard Williams was far away from him in order to prevent a breakthrough, and he actually-directly made a jump shot!

His movements are light and standard, his legs are naturally bent, and the power of the jump is transmitted to the waist and then to the arms.The arm is pushed forward naturally, and the moment the power is released, the wrist is lightly raised.

The ball didn't seem to be thrown, but was dragged out naturally by an invisible force, drew a wonderful parabola, and hit the center of the basket steadily!

Three point hit!

Everyone in Stanford was taken aback. How could Rose vote there?This is not his style!

But what surprised them even more was yet to come.

In the next two offenses, Rose first made an emergency stop jump shot not far from the three-point line, and the other was assisted by small forward Antonio Anderson, fired from outside the three-point line, and all flew steadily into the basket .

Once can be said to be luck, twice is a coincidence, then three consecutive COSCO shots can only be due to strength!
The Stanford people were horrified to find that Ross liked to fire cannons from a distance, and he was even more accurate at shooting thieves!
It completely exceeded their expectations and pre-match preparations.

They can only watch Rose throw the ball from a distance again and again, without entering the penalty area at all.

His strict deployment before the game became a ridiculous Maginot line of defense. Rose was like a cunning German army, and he didn't follow the preset route of ambush at all.

Rose turned all the suppressed anger into three-point rain, and his consecutive shots were like rain hitting plantains.

"whoosh" "whoosh" "whoosh"

The ball went through Stanford's rim time and time again.

In desperation, they could only adjust their defensive strategy in a hurry.

But whether it is Williams on the outside or the Lopez brothers on the inside, they can't keep up with Rose after they are pulled out.

Rose's ghostly figure and devil-like quick footsteps will make the opponents who dare to come out to defend him dizzy.

Before the end of the first half, Rose played singles, dribbled the ball to save Williams, and rushed to the basket with the ball, and the Lopez brothers hurriedly blocked it.

But Rose made a fake move, suddenly stopped his figure, and took a step back. Williams couldn't stop, staggered, tripped his left foot with his right foot, and fell to the floor.

But Rose took a three-pointer step back amidst the laughter of the audience.

Another solid hit!
This ball made the head coach of the Stanford Crimson team lose his temper completely. With such footsteps and such precise shooting ability, there is really nothing to say about his loss!

In the second half, Rose took advantage of the opportunity of his teammates to double-team and showed off his organizational skills.

The teammates got a lot of open shooting opportunities. Although the shooting rate was not as abnormal as Rose, it also made the score bigger and bigger.

Even CD Roberts, the master of tension, was led by Ross and his teammates, and gradually regained his senses. He was originally a nerve knife. The glory of the scoring champion.

At 13 minutes and 52 seconds of the second half, Rose faced a double-team of his opponent and made a fake pass.

Taking advantage of the moment when the opponent was distracted, he suddenly dribbled the ball to speed up, passed between the two, rushed to the basket, faced the Lopez brothers, he skillfully changed hands in the air, pulled the bar to avoid the blockage of the two, and put The ball is thrown into the basket.

Rose, who was on the rise, proved that he has countless ways to break the opponent's defense!I am the well-deserved king in this arena!

But this is also his last performance in this game. The score has been opened. Coach Calipari does not want to repeat Dorsey's mistakes and replaces Rose for protection.

There was thunderous applause in the arena when Rose walked off the court.

In this game, Rose scored a season-high 41 points, 8 assists, 6 rebounds, and 4 steals. His performance deserves the applause!

After the game, a reporter who witnessed Rose’s miraculous performance wrote in a column: “Although it’s not yet February and the regular season hasn’t ended yet, the NCAA’s mop candidates for this season have already been decided, and even the NBA The No. 2 pick in next season's draft has also been settled. There is no doubt that the chosen one is Derrick Rose!"

(End of this chapter)

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