Chapter 56 Signing
Although it's only February, the wind is already very strong in Tumbleweed Ranch in Illinois.

At this time, the wind still carried the chill of winter, and the green grass hadn't sprouted yet. From a distance, the pasture was still yellow, with only clusters of tumbleweeds dancing with the wind.

Standing alone in the meadow is a large white wooden structure house, the house is a duplex structure, backed by a small inlet, with a wide view and pleasant scenery.

Compared with the coldness outside the house, there is a warm and peaceful atmosphere inside the house.

Several children ran up and down the stairs, laughing loudly, an Alaskan dog followed the children with its tongue out, and an old cat lay on the carpet and fell asleep leisurely.

An old couple was busy at the dining table, calling their children to come and eat from time to time.

A little boy with freckles was probably tired from running, so he picked up the porridge on the table and took a sip.

"Plop~" The little boy sprayed the porridge out of his mouth.

"Grandpa, you mistook salt for sugar again!"

The silver-haired old lady hurried over, took a spoonful, tasted it, and complained: "Justin, this is the first time this month! You are so old-fashioned!"

The little bald old man with a pair of reading glasses smiled and scratched the back of his head, but argued in his mouth: "What's so stupid, I just have bad eyesight, it's just a mistake!"

The family was noisy, and the sound of cars approaching could be heard far outside the house.

Soon the doorbell rang.

The little old man went to open the door, only to see two black men standing outside the house.

One is about 50 years old, well-dressed, and looks refined; the other is about 30 years old, wearing a big gold chain, wearing a floral shirt, very flamboyant.

"Who are you?" asked the little old man.

"HI, we're from Star Trail. I'm Tom Dorsey, and this is our company's CEO, Carlton Dorsey. We talked on the phone before, remember?"

Da Jinlian introduced himself.

"Contacted? Have you? Why can't I remember!"

Da Jinlianzi's face fell down. It seems that the old man's amnesia may be true!

"Okay, come in, your name is Carlton, right!"

"I'm Tom, this is Carlton"

"Okay, Carlton, I remember"


Everyone was sitting in the living room, and a few children ran over to probe their brains. The white-haired hostess brought coffee and greeted the guests with a smile.

During the conversation, Justin Brown finally recalled that they had indeed communicated with each other on the phone before.

He thought it was a prank at the time. After all, who would take the initiative to find an old man who is nearly 70 years old, has no resources at hand, and has been away from the NBA for a long time to be his agent?

"It's not about players signing with you, but about you signing with our company. The player's agency is us, and you are our employee."

"You guys want to use my aptitude!" Brown smiled slightly.

This old man is not old and confused!

Tom wanted to deny it, but Carlton Dorsey said: "We can't deny that there is such a consideration, but no matter how you look at it, this is a win-win business, isn't it?"

Carlton Dorsey is a professional manager who has worked hard in the business field for a long time. He knows that although the business is intriguing, it is best to be open and honest with his business partners at the beginning, which will reduce many troubles in the future.

"What kind of treatment will you offer?"

Brown is also very direct, asking straight to the point.

"This is the contract we drafted, please take a look at it"

Carlton Dorsey hands over a document.

Brown put on his reading glasses and took a closer look. This contract is not too generous, but it is not bad for an old man who is unemployed.

Brown thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I'm old, and now I just want to stay at home and see the children, and I'm too lazy to go into the muddy waters of professional basketball."

Tom shrugged and said to his uncle: "Let me just say, he is not suitable, let's persuade Joey to find Bill Duffy or Ian Tailem!"

Carlton Dorsey insisted: "You don't need to do too much work. Our company will be responsible for the specific work. You only need to contribute your qualifications and experience."

"That's why I don't want to accept your job as a display for a group of laymen. I'm afraid I'll ruin my brand!" Brown shrugged and said slowly.

Tom muttered: "From the moment you forgot to inform the team's player options, the signboard has been smashed to pieces!"

"What did you say?" Brown's eyes suddenly widened, "Do you know how good I was before? Back then, I had more than a dozen signed players! There were even All-Stars! I helped them get hundreds of $88 contract! I was also voted the best agent in Illinois in '[-]..."

Tom curled his lips in disdain, "It's so old, the current contracts are worth hundreds of millions!"

"Bubble, the current league is full of bubbles. The current players are not solid, lack confrontation, and have no courage. If they were changed to the 80s and 90s, they would be beaten to tears by the iron-blooded defense! You know the bad boys of the Pistons back then How did you treat Jordan..."

"Old man, you remember the past very clearly!" Tom laughed.

"Alas, when one is old, one cannot sleep at night and wake up during the day; one cannot remember the present, nor can one forget the past!"

"You don't want to help an outstanding young man gain a foothold in the NBA in your later years? To draw a successful conclusion to your career as a professional agent?"


Brown was silent. As an excellent agent with a brilliant experience, he did not regret that his agent career ended in a huge mistake.

Whenever he had spare time, recalling the past, he would feel ashamed and annoyed.

After a long time, he finally asked: "Which players are signed by your company?"

"Currently there is only one person, but he is definitely a good seed, and he will definitely make a difference in the NBA!"

"Is there only one person?" Brown was a little disappointed, "Who is it?"

"Joey Dorsey at the University of Memphis!"

"Joey Dorsey? The guy with the big mouth, who makes trouble every day and talks everywhere?!"

The uncle and nephew were a little embarrassed. The popularity of their own child is really not small now. Unfortunately, compared to his football skills, he is known more by his mouth.

"Yes, that's the big man who fought Oden inextricably and beat Hibbert to death."

"Hey, if it's him, it's interesting. However, I have a request."


"I don't want to be just a mascot, I want to actually be involved in the work."

"Of course you can. Of course we can't wait for you to work. However, the final decision-making power still has to be in the hands of the company."

"Okay, get your pen, I'll sign the contract!"

Ross has been hot lately, but not happy.

He wants to be Doctor Strange if he can, to slow down time.

Because it will be March soon, and the end of the NCAA season is getting closer and closer.

Once the NCAA is over, his college career will come to an end.

His brother told him that he was going to participate in the summer draft no matter what.

He is not reluctant to spend time in school. In fact, his time on the court far exceeds that in the classroom. The place he is most familiar with at the University of Memphis is the gymnasium.

The only thing he can't bear is people.

Here is his best brother - Joey Dorsey.

Rose grew up under the protection of his three older brothers. They helped Rose solve all his troubles and kept him firmly in a small circle.Such an impregnable wall was so strong that even women couldn't get in.

It has to be said that such overprotection is somewhat deformed.

That's why Rose in his previous life had a slightly distorted view of friendship and family affection, so distorted that he allowed his close friends who lived with him to share his woman, and even went to court for it.

But fortunately, in this life, he met a different Joey Dorsey.

This is a strange guy, he doesn't overprotect himself like his brothers, he doesn't deliberately maintain his majesty like coaches and teachers, and he doesn't like to curry favor with himself like most people.

He is an interesting guy who can make fun of himself, tell himself mysterious and interesting oriental stories, and cook many Chinese dishes that he has never eaten before.

But he is also an opponent worthy of respect. When he is singled out with himself, no matter how badly he loses, he will challenge himself. He will fight for every ball with his sword and gun. not to let.

And the speed of his progress is also amazing, which also forces him to keep working hard, not daring to stop in the slightest.

That strange guy made Rose taste the joy of escaping from his brother's wings and the joy of choosing his own life independently.

Under the subtle influence of that guy, he not only changed his way of playing, but also changed his inherent concept of many things.

Since that guy was injured, Rose would feel alone and lonely when he practiced alone on the court;

In the arena, no one could have a tacit understanding with him, and completing the alley-oop named "Dawei Tianlong" made him feel as lonely as snow in life.

Only when you lose, will you know how to cherish more.

However, there is no permanent banquet in the world. After the end of the NCAA this season, everyone will go their separate ways after all.

The chances of both being drafted by the same team are slim to none.

Then in the future, we will go our separate ways.

Thinking of this, Ross felt very uncomfortable.

He wants to create more opportunities to be with Joey Dorsey, even if it's just to increase the connection between each other.

But what should I do?

Until, he met the little old man named Justin Brown at Dorsey's home, and knew that Dorsey had a brokerage company of his own.

At that moment, he made a decision.

"Joy, I've decided, I want to sign with your company!"

(End of this chapter)

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