Chapter 67 Elite 8

Joey Dorsey's wonderful performance has attracted widespread attention in the NBA basketball circle.

In addition to the Houston Rockets, many teams have shown strong interest in him.

And more and more brokers are like cats smelling fish, whether they have certificates or not, they all flock to them.Promises in money, houses, cars, and even skirts.

Of course, compared with him, the core of the team-Derrick Rose has been more tempted.

However, the attitude of the two brothers is surprisingly firm, they won't listen to bastard's chanting!

Rose's brothers chained Hengjiang and drove away those who wanted to make noise with his brother.

Dorsey watched with envy, jealousy and hatred. No wonder Ross was "never touched the sun with his fingers" since he was a child. His family protected him very well.

He was even thinking about whether he should transfer his cousin Tom to give full play to the role of a tool man and drive away these nasty guys for himself.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the outside world, the Sweet Sixteen contest started.

The Memphis Tigers face No. 5 seed Michigan State University in the Southern Division, and their opponents just defeated No. 32 seed University of Pittsburgh in the round of 4.

As the competition progresses, fewer and fewer teams are participating, but the enthusiasm of the audience is getting higher and higher.Now it can no longer be described as full seats, because it has long been hard to get a ticket, and the scalpers outside the arena plus several times the price are in short supply.

Professionals from all major basketball leagues in the United States were scattered in the stands. Maybe someone wearing an old-fashioned suit and looking inconspicuous was a senior scout for an NBA team.

Amidst the cheers and shouts of the audience and the prudent eyes of the professionals, the tigers in Memphis roared and the beasts in the valley panicked, the eagles and falcons tested their wings, and the wind and dust spread.

Defeated the opponent 92 to 74 and advanced to the "Elite 8".


On another field, Western Kentucky University's point guard Courtney Lee was chasing back at full speed, and suddenly found that his opponent made a sudden stop. When he tried to brake suddenly, the opponent suddenly accelerated and jumped out!
The first thought that came to Li's mind was: This is impossible!This kind of speed and rhythm is beyond the reach of human beings!

He tried to adjust his center of gravity again, but his feet were no longer in control. He stepped on the right foot with his left foot and sat down on the floor.

And the opponent made a dunk after breaking through, which blew up the audience.

The guard who later played the main role in the first year of the NBA and reached the finals sat on the floor blankly, looking up at the guy who looked like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, and a trace of fear spontaneously grew in his heart.

Too strong, I am not his opponent at all!


Westbrook and Love's combination of inside and outside line and the Memphis Tigers' combination of Rose and Dorsey are regarded by the outside world as bright for a while, and they are evenly matched.

As for who is stronger, the answer may not be known until the two teams face each other directly.

UCLA, the No. 1 seed in the Western Conference, beat Western Kentucky University 88:78.

The Eastern seed North Carolina once again showed a strong comprehensive strength. Four players scored in double figures and defeated Washington State University.

Under the leadership of Chalmers, the University of Kansas, the leader of the Midwest Division, defeated the 72th seed Villanova University 57:12.

Among other teams, Curry scored 30+ again, leading the No. 10 seed Davidson College to defeat the No. 3 seed University of Wisconsin.

The Stanford University of the Lopez brothers stopped in the top 16. They were defeated by Durant's younger brother DJ. The university overcomes the strong enemy.

It has to be said that this NCAA can be called the heyday of point guards, Rose of Memphis, Chalmers of Kansas, Augustine of Texas, Curry of Davidson College, Lawson of North Carolina, Westbrook and Curry of UCLA. Lisson, alone, will be a well-known figure in the NBA in the future, and they will also lead the future NBA's point guard prosperity.

And the "Chinese boy" Joe Alexander, whose nickname made Dorsey quite unhappy, also returned home with his home team, West Virginia University. They lost to Wizel University.

Now Dorsey can proudly announce that he is the only Chinese ancestry left in the NCAA competition!

The smoke of the sweet top [-] has cleared, and the top eight of the elites are all exposed.

They are NO.1 North Carolina and NO.3 Louisville in the Eastern District;
NO.1UCLA and NO.3 Xavier in the West;
NO.1 Kansas and NO.10 Davidson College in the Midwest;
NO.1 Memphis and NO.2 University of Texas in the South.

The Memphis Tigers reached the Elite Eight for the second time since last season.

But different from last season, now they are strong and strong, and the Iron Triangle has been refined into steel. They are very ambitious. Not only do they want to get rid of the past shame of stopping here last season, but they also regard winning the championship trophy as their ultimate goal.

The two contests between the Eastern District and the Western District, which started first, went smoothly.

North Carolina and UCLA, which are obviously superior in strength, easily defeated their opponents without fighting.

On the second game day, it was the turn of the other two No. 1 seed teams, Kansas and Memphis.

In the two contests, it is clear that Memphis and Texas have more attention to the game.

On the one hand, this is a direct conversation between two top point guards in college basketball, Rose and Augustin, and they are also the two teams with the closest rankings in the quarterfinals;
On the other hand, Kansas' opponent, Davidson College, is not really a strong team in everyone's eyes. Just look at the rankings and you will know that it is only the No. 10 seed.If it weren't for their point guard every day, their dark horse road should have ended long ago.

However, when the game started, people found that the original guesses and facts were completely different.

The case of Memphis and Texas fully demonstrated a truth-one hero and three gangs.Ross has CD Roberts and Joey Dorsey around him, but DJ Augustine is a lone hero.

In the old days when Hulao Guan Sanying fought against Lu Bu, he even called the invincible Da Fengxian his father, let alone a mere DJ Augustine.

There is a saying that double fists are hard to hit the fourth one, and a hero can't stand up to many people.


And DJ. Augustine suffered a tragic blow in this game, only scored 8 points and 8 assists, and also ate two hot pots from Rose.

The game entered garbage time early, and in the end Memphis beat the University of Texas 95:67.

At the end of the game, when the Memphis players were celebrating, on another field, the game reached a heated stage.

With 1 minute and 30 seconds left in the game, the two teams tied at 54.

Kansas launched an attack. Chalmers was very experienced and deliberately pressed the time. Seeing that the attack time had consumed more than 20 seconds, he made a gesture.

Well-trained and well-coordinated Kansas players began to move.Power forward Darrell Arthur stepped up to pick and roll and blocked Curry.Chalmers took the opportunity to run outside the three-point line, trying to shoot.

At this time, Curry and his teammates focused on Chalmers and rushed towards him desperately.

Unexpectedly, Chalmers passed the ball.

It turned out that after the pick-and-roll, Darrell Arthur had already made an air cut.

When the ball arrives, he jumps and dunks.

The Davidson College center made a mistake in his busy schedule and hesitated when he fouled.

The goal is scored, and a penalty is added!

The free throw also went into the basket steadily, leading by 57 points at 54:3!
Davidson College served, and Kansas actually used a full-court press to prevent Curry from receiving the ball.

But Curry stunned Chalmers with a fake move of back and forth, left and right, and successfully received the ball, dribbled the ball to the frontcourt, and under the interference of the opponent's small forward Brandon Rush, passed it to the inside. Then, taking advantage of the opponent's slight distraction, he rushed to the bottom line to ask for the ball.

This is also a well-designed tactic, the ball was passed again, and Curry took off from outside the three-point line to shoot.

The ball went into the basket like a precision-guided missile.

Three point hit!

The score was evened again, 57:57!

This is Curry's 6th three-pointer in this game and his 162nd personal three-pointer this season, creating an NCAA single-season three-pointer record!

Only 39 seconds left.

It was only then that everyone was surprised to find that the No. 10 seed Davidson College might create another miracle, overturn Kansas, and continue their dark horse road.

It is still unknown who will win the deer


(End of this chapter)

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