Chapter 75
The night is deep.

The moon is like water.

Cao Doudou couldn't sleep, she lay on the bed, looking at the moonlight outside the window with her big eyes blinking.

The blushing voice from the next door rang out again. Even though the hotel's walls have good sound insulation, the noise from the next door was too intense.

Especially in such a quiet night, it is really impossible not to listen.

How many times is this tonight? !
Cao Doudou suddenly got a little irritable, grabbed the pillow and slammed it on the head of the bed, cursing angrily: "It's so noisy! Let people not sleep! Isn't there a competition tomorrow!"

The next door seemed to stop for a moment, but then the sound started again, maybe it didn't stop at all.

Cao Doudou lay on the bed angrily, covering her ears with a thick pillow.

She knew that the root cause of her irritability was not the voice next door, but the choice of her best friend.

She couldn't understand her best friend's choice.

Zi Luo was deceiving Dorsey, and she was helping her to deceive him.

Zi Luo's visit this time is not to get together, but to say goodbye!

No, it may not be accurate to say goodbye, what is accurate is that she is going to leave without saying goodbye.

In the distant motherland, there is a good development opportunity waiting for Ziluo.

Zi Luo decided to seize this opportunity.

Zi Luo has already got her degree certificate, even if she can stay in the United States for a while, but that opportunity is so attractive, even for a family like theirs, it can only be said that it is not available.

Zi Luo made her choice, which she can understand.But what I can't understand is Zi Luo's attitude towards this relationship and how to deal with it.

Cao Doudou knew that Zi Luo really liked Doshi.

Although Dorsey is a black man, he is a bit too tall and strong, but he is not ugly, and more importantly, he has an interesting soul.

Many times, when you are with him, you will forget that he is a foreigner. His familiarity with Chinese culture makes people suspect that he is a Chinese with a black skin!
But sometimes, he will reveal the kind of freedom and unrestrainedness unique to foreigners.

This fusion of Chinese and Western cultures gives Dorsey a unique charm and appeal.

He not only has the wisdom, dedication and sense of responsibility of the Eastern people, but also has the gentleman, enthusiasm and sense of humor of the Western people. He is like a mystery, which attracts people to explore and solve the mystery.

Not to mention, he's also a highly anticipated athlete.

Zi Luo's vision is very picky, and being able to choose him among many suitors shows his excellence.

In fairness, sometimes I am jealous of Zi Luo.

However, now Zi Luo wants to give up this relationship and this excellent man for the sake of her career, and she is so thorough, so cold, and so heartless.

He was even so heartless that he disappeared without telling the other party!
Zi Luo has already booked her air ticket for tomorrow, and at the moment when the NCAA Finals begins, she will embark on a journey back to China, and Dorsey has been kept in the dark about all this.

I questioned Zi Luo's handling method, but the other party said that it was for Dorsey's sake, so that he could play the finals with peace of mind.

I also questioned why we broke up. Even if we are on the other side of the ocean, as long as the hearts of the two are together, the love will not end.

But the other party said that such a cross-border relationship, which is constantly cut and messed up, will only make Dorsey more painful, and it is destined to not have any good results. It is better to cut the mess quickly.

Then why come to see Dorsey?
Because Zi Luo couldn't bear him, she wanted to see him again, leaving a last good memory in each other's hearts.

Hehe, Ziluo is too good and smart, so calm like a machine, even the reason for breaking up is for the sake of the other party!
The wise Zi Luo has a strong heart that she will never be able to match. This heart will always allow her to make the most calm judgment and the most correct choice. However, as a flesh and blood person, the rational choice is really the right one. ?

Cao Doudou couldn't figure it out, her head was in a mess, and at Zi Luo's request, she had to cooperate with her best friend's performance, but deep down in her heart, she knew that doing so was wrong and unfair to Joey Dorsey !
But she was like being tied to a train. The train had already started, but she had to go with it.

While feeling disturbed, a violent noise came from the next door, and Cao Doudou covered his head with a pillow.

When eating breakfast the next day, Dorsey was surprised to find that the girl with twin ponytails looked unwell, with a pair of dark circles under her eyes like a giant panda.

"You didn't listen to the wall all night, did you?" Dorsey teased shamelessly.

The girl with two ponytails gave him a hard look and cursed, "Idiot!"

Then he flicked his ponytail and walked away.

In fact, Dorsey's appearance is not much better. If it's not that his skin is too dark, the dark circles under his eyes may be more serious. Last night he really realized what the legendary "a wild seven times wolf" is.

He couldn't understand how the weak-looking Zi Luo tolerated it tactfully, and he couldn't understand why she had to turn into a humanoid juicer, as if the earth would end tomorrow, and she had to let herself shoot out all the shells.

Could it be that Ziluo is a spy sent by the University of Kansas? !
In short, the current self is very empty, his legs seem to be filled with lead, and he walks like he is stepping on a pile of cotton.

After breakfast, he had to return to the team. He hugged Zi Luo, kissed her lightly on the forehead, and said with a smile, "The MOP from the NCAA will accompany you tonight!"

Zi Luo smiled and became more and more charming, like a delicate flower moistened by rain and dew.

"Play well, champion!"

"By the way," Dorsey took out two tickets and stuffed them into Zi Luo's hands, "The tickets for the finals are not easy to get, please cheer for me!"

Zi Luo took the ticket, just smiled, but said nothing.

Dorsey waved with a smile, jumped into a taxi, and drove off.

Zi Luo stared at the back of the taxi until it disappeared from sight.

"Still leaving?" The cold voice of the girl with twin ponytails rang in her ears.

"Of course!"

"You don't want to watch the game? This is his final!"

"Is there any point? Since you are destined to leave, why should you stay more concerned?"

"Don't you think that's selfish?"

"Doudou, you are a smart girl, you should understand that this is the most correct way to deal with it!"

"Could it be that you are really so unfeeling? Joey will enter the NBA in the future, become a star, and have a bright future. How can you be sure that you won't be with him?"

"Hehe, Doudou, whether Joey becomes a star or a multi-millionaire, does our family care much? You know, my family will not allow me to be with a black man. Think of it as a beautiful misunderstanding."

Cao Doudou suddenly yelled: "Mu Ziluo! In the end, you only think about yourself! Joey, he is about to play in the NBA. He needs the people he loves to be by his side to support him, but you have shamefully betrayed him. Feelings! You are a selfish person who only thinks about yourself!"

These words weighed on her heart, making her feel out of breath all the time, and now she finally broke out, her chest heaved violently, and her anger was uncontrollable.

Zi Luo quietly looked at her hysterical best friend, her eyes were slightly cold, she was speechless for a while.

After a while, Zi Luo hugged Cao Doudou lightly as if nothing had happened, and said with a smile: "Okay, calm down, I should be sent to the airport in a while!"

Although she was in the arms of her best friend, the heart of the girl with twin ponytails was as cold as ice.

Three hours later, San Antonio Airport.

Zi Luo, who was dragging the suitcase, gently hugged her best friend again, but Cao Doudou's reaction was very cold.

Zi Luo stuffed a letter into Cao Doudou's hands, "This is for Joey, I have explained everything in the letter, please pass it to him for me, thank you."

Cao Doudou took the letter without saying a word.

"Goodbye!" Zi Luo pulled up the suitcase and entered the boarding gate.

Cao Doudou didn't say anything, just stared coldly at the disappearing back of her former best friend.

Then the girl with two ponytails walked out of the airport hall without looking back, tore the letter into pieces, and threw it into the trash can.

At the same time, at the Alamo Arena in San Antonio, Joey Dorsey, who was warming up for training, suddenly felt empty.

"It's strange, it seems like something is missing. Is the door of the apartment unlocked, or the gas has been left off?" Dorsey murmured strangely.

But he quickly attributed this strange feeling to last night's indulgence.In fact, his back is sore and his legs are sore now, and he is faintly showing signs of cramp before the game.

Alas, I am not Chamberlain after all!Why is there such a big difference in physical fitness between people?

Thinking wildly in his mind, he cast his eyes on the two seats he had reserved for him.

But still empty.

Strange, why haven't they come yet?


(End of this chapter)

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