Chapter 92
The game entered a stalemate.

Memphis still maintained a slight lead, but the Chinese team also opened the scoring mode.

In the next period of time, the two sides chased each other, and the competition was very intense.

The DDM tactical system of the University of Memphis relies on the talent and personal ability of the players. Rose's breakthrough, CD Roberts' shooting, and Joey Dorsey's inside dominance have all caused great damage to the Chinese team's defense.

The Chinese training team focuses on tactics and experience, using the game reading ability of several veterans, as well as the accurate outside shooting, to launch a counterattack against the University of Memphis.

Due to the absence of Yao Ming, Wang Zhizhi, and Yi Jianlian, the Chinese team's offensive firepower is mainly concentrated on the outside, and the inside is dominated by blue-collar players such as Ding Jinhui and Tang Zhengdong.

Tang Zhengdong was stunned by Dorsey's dunks at the beginning of the game, and Ding Jinhui, who was more low-key and calm, learned from his teammates' lessons and adopted the strategy of "I won't let you grab rebounds if I can't get them" to give Dorsey a rebound. created some trouble.

But on the basketball court, in the final analysis, strength speaks.Although Ding Jinhui's strategy is correct, Dorsey has absolute dominance at the basket.

If Ding Jinhui, who is known for being good at rebounding in China, is "Sakuragi Flower Ding", then Doshi, who is even more powerful, is "Mori Shigenishi".

He leads the way in terms of strength, speed, jumping, and explosive power, and has absolute dominance at the basket.

Although Ding Jinhui squeezed Dorsey out of the circle for the first few rebounds, either by desperately squeezing or pulling him through small movements, but Dorsey quickly adapted to this style of play.

His speed was faster and his footsteps were more flexible. When Ding Jinhui tried to squeeze him behind, he dodged left and right, and he could wipe in front of the opponent in a few strokes.

And once he gets stuck in position, Ding Jinhui will never even think about grabbing rebounds.

And when Ding Jinhui tried to interfere with Dorsey's take-off by pulling and other means, on the one hand, Dorsey would focus on the ball, muster all his strength, and desperately grab the rebound; Make some exaggerated moves to attract the referee's attention.

It is said that crying children have milk to drink, and on the court, players who complain and appeal will naturally attract more attention from the referee.

After doing this two or three times, the referee paid more attention to the entanglement between Dorsey and Ding Jinhui when grabbing rebounds. Ding Jinhui's hidden tricks were exposed under the referee's magnifying glass. If he tried to reach out again, the referee's whistle would ring up.

In this way, Ding Jinhui didn't dare to reach out after being called foul several times.

In this way, it became Dorsey's world under the rebound.

Not only did he protect the backcourt rebounds steadily, he even took off several frontcourt rebounds.

One of the keys to the DDM tactical system of the University of Memphis is rebounding.

Only by protecting the rebounds can we continue to create opportunities for sudden shots from the outside.

To put it bluntly, the DDM tactical system at the university level is essentially a stormy offensive rhythm of "I rush - I score - I shoot - I grab".

Dorsey swam around like a big black catfish, wreaking havoc around the rim.For a while, the national players of the Chinese team were a little at a loss.

To be honest, Dorsey himself was a little surprised that things went smoothly.

Although I know that I am very powerful, at least compared with the same period in my previous life, I have been completely reborn.But after all, the opponents are the players of the national team, who used to look up to in front of the TV. Can I actually crush them now? !
However, if you think about it carefully, there is nothing unreasonable.

You know, in the three games between Memphis and the Chinese team in the previous life, the University of Memphis had an overall advantage in rebounding, especially in the second game, the Memphis people grabbed 30 offensive rebounds, more than all the rebounds of the Chinese team combined. There are many!

Moreover, that Memphis team did not have himself, CD, and Rose. The only insider who later played in the NBA was Jamiro Jordan, who was borrowed from the University of Tulsa. He only played in the NBA for 2 years and averaged 2 points per game. 2.8 rebounds.

Without the three major centers and Yi Jianlian, the Chinese team's insider, who has not even grown up as a Polish center, is just a younger brother.

A former player who has been unable to play in the NBA and has a serious decline in ability comes to the CBA and is either the scoring leader or the rebounding leader.

After understanding this, Dorsey played more calmly and confidently.Not only can he grab the rebound steadily and distribute it, but he even directly starts a second attack under the opponent's basket.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Chinese team adjusted their tactics again. On the one hand, the players facing Dorsey were exchanged like a revolving lantern, hoping to consume Dorsey with a wheel battle; on the other hand, they adopted more double packs inside Clip tactics.

Dorsey pinned down two defenders inside.

On the outside, facing the flying and omnipotent Derrick Rose, the Chinese team also needs two defensive players. Of course, they may not be able to defend against it.

In other words, Dorsey and Rose attracted four defensive players from the other side!

There are a total of five people on the court, and the remaining one has to deal with three, how could it be possible to take care of it.

Of course, basketball is not mathematics, and it cannot be quantified simply by numbers. It also has to consider the defensive position, the speed of rotation, the distance between defensive players...etc.

Therefore, the defense line of the Chinese men's basketball team is not as passive and unbearable as it is in theory. As the first brother in Asia, even though there are a few core players missing, the donkey will not fall down, and the tiger's death is still there. This group has an annual salary of millions. A professional player, how can he swallow the anger of being beaten by a bunch of college students.

The players of the Chinese team paid far more attention than a warm-up match, their teeth were gritted, their eyes were wide open, and even their hair stood on end.

Under this kind of game attitude of the three armed forces, the Chinese team played very tenaciously. They were very active in rotating positions, assisting in defense and supplementing defense, and rushing to grab rebounds.

Of course, the effect may not be satisfactory, but at least the mental outlook is refreshing.

In such a situation, the head coach Jonas is also a little helpless. I don't know whether to blame the players for not playing well enough, or praise them for their energy!
But fortunately, in this game, several outside pitchers of the Chinese team played steadily, especially Li Nan and Zhu Fangyu, Xiao Li Fei Dao and the three-point rain shot without fail, helping the Chinese team to bite the score without giving too much Sitoo has too many opportunities to grab rebounds in the backcourt, so he won't grab too many rebounds like he did in his previous life.

Under such a general trend, although the competition was intense, the situation was very stable. The University of Memphis led the way, and the Chinese team was not left too far behind.The first two quarters are over, and the score is temporarily fixed at 48:39.

During the intermission, guests from CCTV commented on the game.

Yu Jia: "The contest in the first half was very exciting. Both sides played at a high level. Although the Chinese team fell behind, their mental outlook is quite satisfactory. It can also be seen that the guys in the men's basketball team really want to win The warm-up match got off to a good start. On the other hand, the University of Memphis has fully demonstrated the characteristics of American basketball. Several core players have performed extremely well. Maybe next season, we will be able to see them on the NBA court..."

Yang Yi: "In the first half, the Chinese team's defense was actually pretty good. The score fell behind, not because we played poorly, but because the opponent played too well.

In the second half of the game, in addition to finding ways to limit the performance of the opponent, Jonas also had to find a way inside. If the performance of the outside line in the first half was [-]-[-], then the inside line might not even reach [-]-[-]. The inside line of the Chinese team was completely suppressed by Joey Dorsey and Robert Dozier.In the second half, if the inside line still can't open the situation, the result of the Chinese team's game is not easy to say. "

"However, the difficulty is only temporary. When Yao Ming, Wang Zhizhi, Yi Jianlian and others return, I believe our insiders will not lose to any team in the world!" Yu Jia comforted himself.

At the beginning of the third quarter, the Chinese team really made a change.

(End of this chapter)

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