Congratulations on being an NPC

Chapter 174 Under the Blade

Chapter 174 Under the Blade
Yanuo's current appearance is beyond Qinya's expectation.

But this kind of thing is indifferent to Yano now.

He no longer cared about Qinya's thoughts.

Even if it exceeds Qinya's expectations, so what?

Now Yano has shifted all his energy and attention to this current attack.

This attack has the highest success rate, but there is a high probability that there will be no next attack.

If it succeeds, it's okay to say, but if it fails, then there is no need to say what the ending is waiting for Yanuo and Qinya.

Therefore, Yano couldn't divert his attention from this attack.

The current situation did not leave any room for Yano to divert his attention.

He must devote all of himself to this attack, otherwise, even if the success rate is reduced by [-], the balance will fall.

"That's all I have."

While Yano was roaring, he was also muttering in his heart.

The thoughts in his heart were not as excited as those in his words, and he even seemed very calm.

Because, the more critical the juncture, the more blood should not boil.

No matter how excited the emotions are at this time, in the corner of my heart, I must also keep calm.

Only in this way can he seize the fleeting chance of victory.


Before he knew it, the blade of Arno's cuff popped out.

Just now, this blade should have been restrained by Yano, but at this time, it popped out again.

Perhaps like Arno, this knife is destined to be extremely busy.

Whether it's Arno himself or this blade, it's not time to rest yet.

They must seize that chance of victory and give up everything they have.

Only at that time, when the real victory is reached, can they rest.

And dancing with all my strength now is for the arrival of that time.


The blade is silent, only the roar of the cold wind piercing through.

The blade cannot speak, but Arno seems to have heard all of its words.

This knife has not been with Yano for a long time, but they have experienced many things together.

The knife can't speak, but Yano understands.

"It's time to end."

It says so, longing for a moment of rest.

Yano nodded slightly, so slightly that Qinya didn't even notice it.

All this is a bit long to say, but it happened in a short moment.

The state of Yano and the blade has reached the extreme in this short moment.

Everything was for Yano's knife that broke through his own limit. For this hit, they had already devoted all their energy.

Whether it is Yano or the blade, they are all ready.

The voice of Pokong was like applauding this person with a knife.

The entire space seemed to be filled with concern for this silent battle.

Yano's knife was a surprise attack under the condition of unbalanced strength, so he couldn't fail, and he couldn't afford to fail.

And for the queen, what does this knife mean?

Only when the knife is successfully inserted into the Queen's heart, will this question have its own answer.

still has not now.

Now, haven't gotten it yet.

However, Arno has been chasing this answer with all his strength.

【Everything in the Great Thousand World happens in an instant, and then ends in an instant. 】

Qinya didn't know what Yano was thinking, he just watched the distance between Yano and the Queen rapidly approaching, and suddenly such a sentence appeared in his heart.

Qinya doesn't remember where she saw this sentence, but it left a deep impression on Qinya.

He felt that this sentence was very suitable for the current situation.

Arno's life and the Queen's short life are about to collide instantly.

Everything starts at the moment of collision, and then ends at that moment.

In a trance, Qinya seemed to be caught in a confrontation between swords.

She became a real bystander, a bystander closer to the scene than anyone else.

[I can no longer intervene. 】

Qinya thought in her heart.

【So, let me just be a bystander. 】

At the moment of victory, she will share this victory with Yano.

At the moment of failure, she will also taste the same taste of death as Arno.

She is a bystander, a bystander who shakes her life with the ending.

Everything about her has nothing to do with what is happening now, but it is also related to everything.

[This is a special seat. 】

Qinya understood her identity at this moment, so she watched quietly, waiting for that moment to come.


For Jarno, this is the time to experience it firsthand.

He was ready, so he could take his mind off for a while.

He moved his gaze away from the queen slightly, and saw between himself and the queen.

He felt that the distance between himself and the queen was rapidly shortening.

According to the current speed, he will collide with the queen in less than a second.

At that time, the results will be revealed.

Whether it is victory or failure depends on this knife.


Yano's heart was very peaceful.

The closer he was to the queen, the calmer he felt.

He was ready for everything, and he couldn't do it more fully.

What comes next, whether it is success or failure, he is the one who experienced it first-hand, but he has no control over it.

This is not something that can be changed with effort.

It's not something that can be predicted until the last moment.

Until that moment actually comes, it will all be a mystery.

This mystery is extremely worrying.

But, fortunately, the mystery will soon be solved.

— in an instant.

The wind howled, blowing across Arno's face.

His calm eyes and the Queen's eyes met for an instant.

The queen's eyes were originally looking at the corpses, but at this moment, Arno's face was reflected in them.

—he was found.

Before the attack could arrive, Arno was exposed.

At this time, he could already clearly predict his own ending.

At the moment it was discovered, everything was doomed.

With the queen's strength, she can completely react when her blade reaches her heart.

Then, she can completely tear herself into pieces.

At this point, there will be no suspense.

What's more, at this time, Yano couldn't dodge any attacks.

The distance between him and the queen is too close, just within reach.

At this time, if you still want to escape, it is simply a dream.

[Everything is over. 】

Qinya made a conclusion to this battle.

However, an unexpected voice sounded.

—— "Puchi"

(End of this chapter)

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