Congratulations on being an NPC

Chapter 58 System Maintenance and New Functions

Chapter 58 System Maintenance and New Functions

Yano's eyes were cold.

Lying in the darkness, he calmly gazed at the dilapidated and airtight tent.

About three hours had passed since Irene brought him down from the top floor.

The sky was not bright yet, and it was getting darker.

Faintly, there seemed to be some damp smell in the air.

It was probably going to rain.


Arno was silent.

The surroundings are very quiet, so quiet that only the slight sound of insects and the sound of the breeze can be heard.

He tried to move his body,
However, he only moved one finger, and in an instant, a sharp pain spread throughout his whole body.

The bullet under his control did not hurt the vitals,
But pain is inevitable.


In the dark sky that Arno was watching, a pigeon called.

A white shadow pierced the darkness and swooped towards the tent at high speed.


As they approached the tent, the screaming became quieter.

But the sound of breaking the sky became louder.

In this way, the white shadow fell into the tent under Yano's gaze, and landed on his belly.

Toot toot toot~

The white shadow rolled around on Arno's belly a few times before a small white head emerged from the wings.

The pigeon shook its head, looked at Arno, and waved its wings.

"Okay, okay, I get it, this time it was a mistake, and I will definitely land well next time, right?"

"I'm looking forward to it."

Arno said weakly.

The impact of the pigeon made his body a little more painful.


The pigeon tilted its head, only then did it see Arno's miserable condition, and quickly called a few times.

"It's okay, it's not dead yet."

"You said it was a mistake yourself, so you don't need to apologize."

Arno gasped, his voice somewhat deformed by the pain.

"You go and inform Evie now, and tell her to arrange some medical staff to pick me up as soon as possible tomorrow."


"Location? Just live in the hospital in Alexandria. We just arranged together."

Yano thought for a while, and added, "As for what name to accept me—there's no need to insist on accepting me."

"You just need to say it's the remedial measures of the security team. They don't care about the poor, but it's definitely not okay to ignore the big movement last night. They have to do something to appease the people."


"Will it be suspected? There is no need to worry about this."

"Indifference to the incident while it was happening, and then release some innocuous remediation after the incident was over, and finally made a few press releases."

"They do it all the time, no one suspects anything."

"It's better to give them a way than to make them give speeches that they can't do anything about."

Yano coughed twice.

"Don't worry, it's fine."

The pigeon nodded humanely, spread its wings and left.

The white feathers fell off its body and landed on Arno's body lightly.

"A little, a little tired."

Arno murmured and closed his eyes.

He had only just woken up, but his body was already longing for rest.

It's not like he doesn't have scrolls for instant recovery of injuries,
But now, you can't do that.

Call ~
The evening wind whistled lightly, carrying Yanuo's consciousness away.

Soon after he had just fallen asleep,
A cold mechanical voice rang in his ears.

However, he couldn't hear it.

【Ding! 】

[The system is about to undergo pre-service maintenance. 】

[Please go to sleep or go offline before the clock turns in the early morning to avoid data errors caused by maintenance. 】

【I wish you a happy game. 】

An emotionless voice resounds,

This voice deceives even the wind,

Not heard by anyone.

The stars in the night sky hang high in the sky, twinkling slightly.

Yue'er exudes bright moonlight, bringing a little light to the world.

The chirping of insects came from the grass,
Birds sang softly across the night.

After Arno fell into a deep sleep,
The world fell into a rare tranquility.

disputes of the day,
The fierce battle of the night.

At this moment, everything came to a standstill.


when the sun rises,
When the first ray of sunlight pierced through the broken tent and reached Arno's face in the sky.

He opened his eyes.

There is still no movement around,

No one came to wake him, and no one came towards him.

It was as if everyone had forgotten about Yano.

Of course, based on what Arnold knew about those people, they wouldn't do this.

Probably just afraid of disturbing his rest.

"It seems that it has been a long time since we ushered in the next day without thinking about anything."

Yano murmured, subconsciously wanting to stretch himself.

As soon as he raised his hand, the severe pain all over his body reminded him of the identity of the wounded now.

"A rare injury, but not something to miss."

Arno muttered.

Now he can only wait for the person arranged by Evie to come.

Otherwise, it would be too suspicious to take the initiative to go out.

"I just don't know when she will come."

【Ding! 】

As soon as Yano finished speaking, a familiar mechanical voice came.

【Good morning. 】

"Morning? Good morning?"

Arno was taken aback.

[The system has been maintained. 】

[The server will start at one o'clock in the afternoon, and the first internal test will start at that time. 】

[New features in this maintenance: the forum exchange section has been officially opened.Please pay more attention. 】

[This time, a special function is added for your account: panel dissolution and fusion.Please find out the details by yourself. 】

[This time, the NPC authority has been upgraded: a new mission release module has been added.This module is temporarily unavailable, and the specific opening time is subject to the system release. 】

【I wish you a happy game. 】

"So that's it, are you going to start the server?"

Arno instantly understood the situation.

"One o'clock in the afternoon, there is still a little time."

"If I open the server now, I have no way to leave here."

Talking to himself, Yano began to think.

His attitude towards players is very clear,
— make them your own.

"Now I have an absolute advantage in intelligence and public opinion."

"Combined with multiple identities, I can create large-scale misleading information."

"As long as the information is misleading, I can control their direction."

Players are a group of people driven by interests,
Information and intelligence, plus status and money, are enough to make them flock to them.

"It will be easier if the task release module can be turned on at that time."

Arno smiled.

Players are definitely not enemies.

They are a huge force that can be turned into one's own use.

With their promotion, the empire will fall into the hands of Arno more quickly.

【Ding. 】

At this time, the system beeped again.

[You have completed the hidden mission: Arsonist. 】

【Your level has increased (Arnold Chris)】

[Your task reward has been issued. 】

[The system judges that you have reached the career limit, please change jobs as soon as possible. 】


"The arsonist... Irene and the others?"

Arno quickly understood.

This is the only thing he has done recently, and it is unlikely that he has completed any other tasks.

"This is an unexpected gain."

Yano was about to open the system to check.

However, there were a few soft footsteps outside his tent.

And, gradually getting closer.

(End of this chapter)

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