Congratulations on being an NPC

Chapter 67 I believe what I say.nothing to do with the facts

Chapter 67 I believe what I say.nothing to do with the facts
Alicia is a very smart person.

Since she can be one of the main researchers of the Ministry of Science and Technology, it is naturally impossible for her to be just an ordinary person.

Although she is not as powerful as her husband in the department, if the Ministry of Science and Technology leaves her, it will not be a loss at all.

Arno's previous strategy against Alicia was nothing more than relying on Alicia's trust in him to succeed.

If Alicia took precautions against herself, the success rate of the plan would be very low.

In other words, it is impossible to succeed at all.

Therefore, under the current situation, Arno can only think of a way to weaken Alicia's rational thinking.

Making her angry is obviously a very cost-effective choice.

It is easy to implement and extremely effective.

"Answer my question, Arno."

"What the hell did you do today? Why did you give me this receiver?"

"The coordinates you reported are the headquarters of the intelligence department in the office area. What did you do there?"

Seeing that Arno didn't speak, Alicia's various questions immediately came like a rain of swords.

Yano looked at her expression, of course he didn't speak.

He has to be passive so that he can gain the initiative.

"Why didn't you answer my question?"

"Do you know how worried I am?"


"Since you don't speak, I can only tell Tina about this and let her pry your mouth open."


The words Arno was waiting for came.

"don't want……"

Arno grabbed Alicia's hand and looked down at her face, eyes full of pleading.

"No, you can't tell mother about this."

His voice was very sincere, even a little pleading.

But the more this happened, the more disturbed Alicia felt.

It must not be a trivial matter for Yano to hide it to such an extent.

"It seems that you are indeed hiding something important from us."

Alicia raised her head, staring seriously at Arno's face.

However, soon, her face turned red.

Yano's warm breath hit her face with a little brisk wind.

For Alicia, this is not such an exciting thing.

After all, she is a wife and an elder, so she should have a high resistance to such things.

However, the contact with Yano always made her a little uneasy for some reason.

"Tell me, have you been caught by the intelligence department for something trivial?"

Alicia had no choice but to turn her face away, not to look at Yano's face, and asked softly.

"No, it's not like that..."

Arno denied it.

"what is that?"

Yano said nothing.

The blush on Alicia's face faded, and Arno's attitude made her serious again.

"Since you don't want to answer directly, let me ask another question."

"Is it more serious than what I just said, or is it not worth mentioning?"

Yano bit his lower lip and remained silent.

"...It seems to be the first possibility."

"You made a big deal?"

Alicia hates iron but not steel.

"Did you kill someone?"

"Drinking and bumping into someone else?"

"Or offended which family's high-ranking officials' children?"

She listed them one by one.

In fact, these are not a big deal for Alicia and Tina.

Their identity and status represent immunity from these events.

Even if they are the children of high-ranking officials, few of them are taller than Tina.

Compared to these,
What made Alicia feel angry the most was Arno's incompetence.

In her eyes, Yano shouldn't be such a child!

He should be more perfect, more pure.

Instead of being like those idle bastards in other people's homes!
"...No, neither."

To Alicia's surprise, Arno chose to deny everything she said.

Subconsciously, Alicia wants to accuse Arno of lying.

But soon, out of trust in Yano, she suppressed this desire, looked at Yano calmly, and planned to listen to his explanation.

"I didn't do anything out of the ordinary."

As if he couldn't stand Alicia's gaze, Arno lowered his head and said.

But because he was taller than Alicia, as soon as he lowered his head, he met Alicia's eyes.

In a flash,

It was like a flash of lightning flashed through the eyes of the two of them, and they looked away in unison.

"Then what did you do?"

"Come on, I won't be angry."

Alicia asked.

Most of her anger has subsided.

It's just that there is still some confusion in my mind.

And this is what Arno wants.

"I know it's the headquarters of the intelligence service."

"I didn't go wrong, nor was I arrested for committing a crime."

"I went there on my own initiative."

Yano said.

"Take the initiative? Why?"

Alicia was puzzled, she turned her head to look at Arno again.

Suddenly, with a flash of inspiration, a terrible guess arose in Alicia's mind.

"You... don't you work for the intelligence department?"

Arno shook his head, then nodded again.

"Which point is it!?"

Alicia was a little anxious.

If it's really what she thinks, it will be troublesome.

The intelligence department is now a powder keg, and Yano will definitely get into trouble if he is in it.

"Before, I was not in the intelligence department."

"However, after going today, I am."

Yano said, his fingers trembling slightly in the corner of his clothes.

In Alicia's eyes, it was because of nervousness.

But from another perspective, it is quite different.

The white dove hovered in the sky, its clear eyes fixed on the trembling of Arno's fingers.

This is the corrector's internal contact code.

Bai Ge translated it, which basically means: "Notify Evie, let her quickly change my entry record and location, and change the entry time to before noon today. When she and I reported to the headquarters, the registration location also Change it there."


The white dove blew a few times and flew into the distance.

And below, Alicia stared at Arno.

"That is to say, you joined the intelligence department today, right?"



Alicia asked, "You should know your identity."

"Why do you do such a stupid thing? Joining the intelligence department will only bring you suffering, not any benefit."

"If you want to be an official, tell me or your mother, we can arrange directly, why don't you consider the consequences!?"

Arno's answer,
It was the worst possible thing for Alicia and Tina.

"Because I have things that I can only do if I join the intelligence department."

"What's the matter? In your capacity, you must join the intelligence department to do it? It's better to contact them directly."

"No, Alicia, power can do most things, but it can't win other people's hearts."

"Whose heart do you want to win?"

After hearing Yanuo's words, Alicia almost forgot the troubles just now, and asked subconsciously.

To win the hearts of others.

What is this, needless to say.

"The heart I want to get belongs to the head of the Error Corrector King's Capital Department"

"—Evie Gray."

(End of this chapter)

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