Chapter 177

"You two still dare to come. I guess I want Chaoyang to deal with you?" Zhang Fengshan stood up at this time.The two of them went to show Yang Xiaoying about the pig farm.

"No, no, it's not that we want to find Zhang Chaoyang. Isn't this the younger brother of Zhang Chaoyang's mother and compatriots? Then he wouldn't bother..." Zhao Delu said anxiously.It seemed that he was still complaining to Zhang Fengshan.

"You are riding a pig. You are here to wake up Chaoyang's painful memories. It's really strange that Zhang Chaoyang didn't beat you up." Zhang Fengshan said viciously, "Hurry up, or I will beat you! "

Seeing Zhao Decai and the others leave in a hurry.

"These bastards have the face to come here." Zhang Fengshan shook his head.

"By the way, I'll take care of the pig farm. There are five or six 50-somethings in the village. Go to the pig farm together and earn some money to subsidize the family." Li Baoshan said.

"Yeah, since the incident of Chaoyang, life in our village has become much easier. At least young people don't have to go out to work and come back once a year. Leave the elderly and children at home." Zhang Fengshan said.

Zhang Chaoyang had a banquet at noon that was full of white-skinned ghosts.Forget about this, and two white-skinned ghosts came over after the banquet.He said he wanted to chat with Zhang Chaoyang about his cooking skills, but they were the chefs of some kind of tire restaurant.

Zhang Chaoyang was preparing to eat lunch in the office at this time.Hearing what Mei Luoxue said when she came in, she had no choice but to put down her chopsticks and let Lin Qingyu and the others eat first.Go out and see for yourself what's going on.Those two white-skinned foreigners were in Mei Luoxue's office.

"Hi, I'm Sorin and this is Baker. We are..." A tall white man with the shape of a big bear stood up and said to Zhang Chaoyang.

"Manager Mei told me who you are. Just tell me what's the matter." Zhang Chaoyang sat down.Mei Luoxue sat beside Zhang Chaoyang with some joy.There are only four and folding chairs and a small table.It is still arranged with a little corner of the wall that is extruded.

"Tsk tsk, Mr. Zhang, Manager Mei in your restaurant is really beautiful." Baker was a tall and thin guy.A face almost as good as a donkey's.Now she looked at Mei Luoxue with an affectionate expression.

"Let's talk about business, I don't have time to delay with you!" Zhang Chaoyang raised his eyebrows. "If there is nothing wrong, then you..."

"We are all guests. Mr. Zhang, your attitude..." Sorin frowned.This guy looks like a big bear, but he speaks in a soft voice like a woman.Makes people feel endlessly weird!

"I saw you precisely because you are customers. What are you dissatisfied with our service? In fact, you can just talk to Manager Mei." Zhang Chaoyang frowned.

Since the two said that they are the chefs of the tire restaurant.Zhang Chaoyang knew what they meant.The chef of this tire restaurant is in the name of communication or something.Traveling among the big hotels in major cities in China, I just want to dig out the essence of some Chinese food.It's because you can catch the enthusiasm of some Chinese chefs if you can't dig it out.The constant sizzling of their tire restaurant.

"Uh, it's like this. We're satisfied with the service. It's the dishes..." Sorin said.

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Chaoyang interrupted him. "There is nothing to say about the cooking skills of the dishes. We are like this, the dishes are the same, and the cooking skills do not accept opinions. If you think it is not to your taste, you can not come..."

"Um, we're not commenting, your cooking skills are very good. We just want to exchange cooking skills..." Baker said.

"There's nothing to talk about. Then we won't send the two of you off." Zhang Chaoyang's face turned cold.

"Uh, let's take our leave first. Mr. Zhang, please think about it." Sorin and Baker could only stand up and leave.But looking at their resentful and unwilling expressions, one knew that things would not be calculated like this.

"These people are really annoying." Mei Luoxue pursed her lips.Unexpectedly, Zhang Chaoyang hugged her into his arms and blocked her little mouth.

Zhang Chaoyang knew he couldn't stay here for long.Just kissed for three to five minutes.After letting go of Mei Luoxue, Zhang Chaoyang said to her, "Our restaurant is already very busy, so we won't accept such people in the future. By the way, what do you think about making it a membership system?"

"Membership is also fine. Make it a gold and silver membership card." Mei Luoxue immediately thought of a way. "Gold cards can book banquets in Plum Blossom District and Zhuye District. But silver cards can only book banquets in Zhuye District!"

"That's how it is. Luoxue, you can handle this matter." Zhang Chaoyang nodded and said, "And in the future, the Meihua District will not be allowed to bring foreigners in without our approval. Especially these chefs and the like. It's really long-winded!"

"Well, okay. But we are going to the Northeast. Let's see when we leave. This matter will take several days to complete!" Mei Luoxue said softly, "This will also improve the grade of our villa."

"I'll be there the morning after tomorrow." Zhang Chaoyang raised his eyebrows, "Should we drive there or take the high-speed train?"

"Let's drive there. It's more convenient." Mei Luoxue said softly. "I used to go there with my dad during the summer vacation. It's been several years now, and I don't know what has changed."

"That's not a problem. In fact, we used to be able to hunt some things in the deep mountains." Zhang Chaoyang raised his eyebrows. "We'll talk about the specific situation in the past. By the way, I still have to prepare two bows!"

On the way back at night.Only then did Zhang Chaoyang tell the story of getting 1000 million green coins today. "I was thinking about asking for 1000 million Ruanmei coins. I didn't know that Jonathan gave 1000 million green coins directly! I gave them Xuanji Dan!"

"Well, we are earning a lot of money now. Let the money make money!" Yang Xiaoying said tenderly.

"Forget it, we have to practice. To make money is to practice without any worries. Xiaoying is so keen on making money, it seems that the purpose of cultivation is to make money. You have reversed the cause and effect of things!" Lin Qingyu said seriously.

"That's right, at the current speed of my cultivation, I will definitely find a way to the world of cultivation in a few years. Then you can still walk with this money?" Zhang Chaoyang said with a smile. "Even if I need money, I can get it from Zhao Yifeng. We are doing these things now, because we are doing things, otherwise we have nothing to do and only practice!"

"Okay, you are right." Yang Xiaoying said softly. "I used to be afraid of being poor. Now I want to earn money when I see it. I didn't think that money is really not what we need urgently..."

A group of people walked to the gate of Yang Xingfa's courtyard after talking.It's like eight o'clock at night.Yang Xingfa's family still drank under the grape arbor.

"You bastard, this bastard is really cool to open a restaurant. Doesn't the owner of the restaurant want to get it until eleven or twelve o'clock!" Yang Qingquan gritted his teeth.

"That's someone else's ability, but it's a pity you don't have it!" Yang Xingfa sneered.He doesn't like Yang Qingquan now, but it's a pity he can't fully express it.

(End of this chapter)

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