Xianhai Fishing Ground

Chapter 217 Not Found

Chapter 217 Not Found
At around three o'clock, the cruise ship entered a bay.Jonathan stood beside Zhang Chaoyang and said, "This bay has a radius of tens of kilometers. The entrance here is very small, so it is calm here. By the way, you can find some tuna larvae here. You just can't catch it, otherwise the police will came to us."

"Hehe, I can still find that thing. Okay, okay. Don't worry, I know what to do." Zhang Chaoyang laughed.The party emblem finds tuna larvae.Of course, it can't be let go, and it will be taken into the Xianhai space and thrown in the sea water to raise it.

The cruise ship stopped by a small island in the bay.This small island is about ten acres in size.There is also a white cruise ship parked here not far from the Jonathan cruise ship.It's about ten meters away.

"This small island is very flat. You can also find some good shellfish." Jonathan said to Zhang Chaoyang.

The products on this small island are very rich.Yang Xiaoying was very surprised, "Brother Yang has a lot of good things here. Why didn't anyone come to catch them?"

"It's not because of the lack of people." Zhang Chaoyang said helplessly, "Our Shenzhou has a small area and a lot of people. You see, even the screws are made into delicacies. But look here, tsk tsk. It's really a horse! "

"Yeah, it's really a pity that there are so many good things." Yang Xiaoying said regretfully. "Forget it, we are still going to go into the water. We must catch some tuna fry."

At this time, Zhang Chaoyang and the others had already circled the island.On the rocks close to it, a lot of shellfish were dropped.As for what it was, Zhang Chaoyang didn't know it.I have never seen it in Haicheng.But both Jonathan and Irina said they were delicious.

There are quite a few mussels, Zhang Chaoyang, and they knew each other.But Jonathan and the others simply dismissed it.There are even better shellfish to eat, so why eat these mussels?

I didn't find the medicinal materials and refining materials I wanted on the small island.This is also expected.Just as I was about to go back to the cruise ship, I saw three people disembarking from the white cruise ship.

The one who takes the lead has squinted eyes and a flat face with protruding ears and a bulbous nose.Two beauties followed closely.As soon as the three of them got off, they saw three tall white skins getting off the white cruise ship.Needless to say, these three are bodyguards.

Dabinglian saw Yang Xiaoying and the others.There was a look of surprise in the squinted eyes.Immediately came over with two beauties.The two beauties, Zhang Chaoyang, looked very familiar.

These two beauties are really beautiful.But it gives people a familiar feeling, and there is no particularity that belongs to them.Zhang Chaoyang immediately thought of Bangzi's beauty technique.Needless to say, this must be an artificial beauty.

Jonathan saw Zhang Chaoyang's disgusted expression.Hastily stepped forward two steps to block this big pie face. "Mr. Park didn't expect us to meet here."

Dabinglian wiped his big back, "Um, Mr. Jonathan, it's good that we met. How about having a drink or two tonight? Bring these friends of yours. I brought the chef out..."

"Sorry. My friend is a guest. Don't want to..." Jonathan said.

"What kind of distinguished guest? Isn't it a Chinese person? In front of our Dahan Republic, what is expensive or not..." Mr. Park said disdainfully.

Zhang Chaoyang was not going to talk to this guy.Now that he is starting to provoke, Zhang Chaoyang shook his head and said, "Jonathan, forget it. What are you talking about with such a slave of three surnames!"

"What are you talking about? Who is the slave of the three surnames?" Mr. Park blushed.A look of wanting to eat meat.

"Of course it's you, Nan Bangzi. You served Shenzhou before the big braid. Tsk tsk, if it weren't for your Nan Bangzi being dragged down, Daming's last elite soldiers would have been consumed. There wouldn't be anything about big braid. In the later stage of the big braid, you have served the little devil. Now you are serving the bald eagle. What is it if it is not a family slave of the three surnames?" Zhang Chaoyang sneered.

"You you you..." Bangzi was about to vomit blood.

"Don't think you are great just because you earn money. Hehe, you are still being treated as slaves." Zhang Chaoyang sneered.

"Damn you..." Pu Bangzi kicked him as soon as he raised his leg.He felt that he practiced taekwondo very well.Unexpectedly, as soon as he lifted his leg, someone kicked him on the leg.The painful Pu Bangzi hugged his leg and howled.The three bodyguards are about to come forward.

"What do you want to do?" Jonathan looked at the three white skins. "Take him back to the boat. Hey, maybe Mr. Zhang will pursue it. It's easy to find a lawyer. You should know that there are surveillance videos on my yacht facing this side!"

"Let's go!" Pu Bangzi led the people back with a look of resentment.

They all speak the language of opium cattle.Zhang Chaoyang could still understand.As for Yang Xiaoying and Lin Qingyu, they were confused.

Needless to say, Lin Qingyu.She didn't even bother to learn the crude language of these barbarians.As for Yang Xiaoying, she didn't want to learn it, even though it was easy to learn.

Both Jiangxue and Jiangshuang could understand.It's not that they want to go to college, opium cattle can't do well in linguistics.

"This Pu Chengyin has business with us. Their business is not small." Jonathan said.

"So what? You can still look up to them?" Zhang Chaoyang sneered, "You guys think of them as inferior. They are much better than little devils. I guess if it weren't for the battle at Bangzi's house back then, you would have used them as well." Look at us the same way!"

"Well, this is also human nature." Jonathan said with some embarrassment. "My grandfather went to fight you at Bangzi back then. He lost a leg and came back alive. Later, she couldn't hear the brass horn blowing."

"Forget it, what are you talking about. Everyone has an account in their hearts." Zhang Chaoyang shook his head and said. "Let's go diving. Have you prepared your diving equipment?"

"Yes, yes. The light diving equipment is ready. As for the heavy diving, I think it's better to forget it. That needs..." Jonathan said.

"Light diving is fine. Qingyu, let's go and change." Zhang Chaoyang's eyes flashed.I saw that the white cruise ship had already left.

Zhang Chaoyang and the four women used the water escape after carrying the compressed air bottle into the water.It took more than two hours to wander underwater in the bay.

There are more than [-] tuna seedlings.Of course, I also got some seafood and brought them up.It must be a seafood feast in the evening.

Zhang Chaoyang threw those tuna seedlings into the sea water of Xianhai space.This thing can't show up.Otherwise, the police will definitely come to make trouble.

When staying overnight.Zhang Chaoyang and the others live in three cabins.But after Jonathan took Irina away, Zhang Chaoyang and the others all went to a cabin.

"Brother Yang, we will still enter the Xianhai space tonight." Yang Xiaoying said to Zhang Chaoyang. "It's just that after searching for so long today, I haven't found anything useful."

(End of this chapter)

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