Xianhai Fishing Ground

Chapter 513 1 Must Find Chapters

Chapter 513 Must Find It Back

Zhang Chaoyang and Wu Nu who were beside the small pool felt the cold air emanating from the small pool, as if it could freeze people's souls.At this time, they were still more than ten meters away from the pool.The entire pond is filled with blank fog.This is the result of condensation of water vapor in the air.

"Mr. Zhang can't go any further. That cold breath can frostbite a person's soul." Ke Taifei said.

"Then you go back first." Zhang Chaoyang said emphatically. "This is nothing to us."

"That's good, that's good. Let's retreat a little farther away. It's a bit hard here. It would be great if you can get spring water. Maybe you can refine a cold water artifact." Inyuk said.He knows water magic.

Zhang Chaoyang and the five girls looked at each other.They can all feel that here they can use their true energy to stimulate various spells and magic weapons.It will not be suppressed by the evil way here at all.

"Brother Yang, what's going on?" Mei Luoxue was surprised.

"I just don't know. How could this happen." Zhang Chaoyang was also surprised.

"There is nothing strange about this. There are also places like this in Nanzhan Buzhou. There are only one or two small places. It is not easy to use the true energy there." Lin Qingyu said.

"Then I'll go down and have a look. What's in here." Zhang Chaoyang raised his eyebrows and made up his mind. "I guess there must be something good here."

Zhang Chaoyang and the five girls had already arrived at the edge of the small pool.This small pool is only two meters in diameter.As for how deep it is, I don't know, and the pool of water doesn't seem to be frozen.

In fact, the water temperature in this pool is very low.But it's not quite there yet.It wasn't the low temperature that made the tauren Inuk and Ketaifei feel uncomfortable and couldn't get close.It's the power that invades the soul emanating from the pool.The kind of power that can freeze a person's soul.

But this power is a piece of cake for Zhang Chaoyang and the five girls who have the soul-suppressing tower.Let the light emanating from the Zhenhun Pagoda cover your own sea of ​​consciousness.

"Brother Yang, you have to be careful when you go down." Lin Qingyu warned, "This place has natural treasures. There must be strange beasts guarding it."

"Don't worry." Zhang Chaoyang said with a smile, "It's the kind I can't resist. I can still enter the Xianhai space."

Zhang Chaoyang escaped from the water.The depth of this small pool is only five or six meters.The water looked very clear, and at the bottom of the water, I saw something like a white stone the size of a washbasin.Zhang Chaoyang could feel that this thing was the source of the chill.Just as he was about to put the stone into the storage ring, suddenly two white snakes sprang out.It came out of a cave at the bottom of the pool.

This thing has the thickness of the mouth of a two-meter-long teacup.Her snow-white eyes were blood red.He opened his big mouth full of sharp teeth and bit Zhang Chaoyang.It turned out to be two sixth-level monsters.This is equivalent to the cultivation of the emperor level, of course, the combat power cannot be compared with the emperor level humans.

When Zhang Chaoyang raised his hand, a golden object flew out.This is the fairy binding rope made from golden vampire vines.Although it can't really tie up the gods, it's still a trivial matter to tie up two level [-] monsters.

The two white snakes are like things, tied tightly by the golden fairy rope.It fell to the bottom of the pond.Only then did Zhang Chaoyang collect the stone.Pulling the golden rope to drag the two white monsters ashore.

After the white stone was put into the storage ring by Zhang Chaoyang.The power that froze the soul disappeared.The mist on the pool has dissipated.Inuk and Ketaifei saw it and hurried to the edge of the stream.It just so happened that not a single drop of water on Zhang Chaoyang's body came ashore.Then I saw the monster that was like a snake.This startled them both.

"Is this a level [-] monster. Or did you catch the two just like that?" Inyuk asked in surprise.The two monsters were still exuding a deep chill.The cold air that directly acts on the soul is of course incomparable with the previous cold air.

The two bull heads are also because the cold air is emitted by the two white snakes.It's not so cold now.That's not because the white snake was tied up by Zhang Chaoyang with an artifact.

"Well, these two white monsters can refine good things. You will be indispensable at that time." Zhang Chaoyang said lightly.

"Brother Yang, is there anything wrong?" Lin Qingyu could feel something wrong with Zhang Chaoyang's expression.

"No problem. I'm just happy to catch something like this. I'm thinking about refining something." Zhang Chaoyang said with a smile.

Zhang Chaoyang thought about refining what was real.But I'm not thinking about refining something with white monsters.Instead, he was thinking about refining something with that white stone.This white monster is just a little pickle before the big meal.It can't be compared with white stone at all.

while they are talking.A spaceship flew over, and the spaceship was descending.The place where they were about to fall was just a dozen meters not far from them.This flying boat was painted silvery white and very arrogant.

"This is the flying boat of the magic sticks," Inyuk said.Needless to say, both Zhang Chaoyang and the fifth daughter saw it.On the falling airship there was a flagpole with a flag on it.On the flag is a blood-red cross, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

As soon as the flying boat landed, three sticks flew up from it.It landed directly not far from Zhang Chaoyang and the others.The leader of these three magic sticks was a man in his 60s, and beside him were two ugly old women in their 50s.These three white skins all looked up to the sky.

It's no wonder that these three magic sticks look like they are the only one in the world.The three of them turned out to be emperor-level cultivation bases.

"You guys have captured the magic beast of our Guangming God Sect. Then please hand it over." The man said loudly.

"Your monsters of the Light God Sect?" Zhang Chaoyang looked as if he had seen a ghost.He really couldn't figure out what these two things had to do with their Light God Sect.It seems that the face of this magic stick is the same thick.

"Yeah, didn't you see that they were white?" the man said proudly.The highest cultivation bases of these people in front of them are only two emperor-level cultivation bases.The six god-level guys in this house are not in their eyes at all.But this man and woman are really good looking.

"The white thing is your Guangming God?" Zhang Chaoyang sneered, "Hey, there are so many things in the world that belong to you."

"Don't quibble. I said it was a monster of the Light God Sect. Hurry up and hand over the snake to us." The man's face darkened.

"Mr. Zhang, forget it. There is no need to conflict with them because of this. Our strength is a bit weak!" Inyuk said.

"Yeah, don't conflict over such a small matter." Ke Taifei also said, "Wait for our emperor-level masters to be present. This place must be found again."

(End of this chapter)

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