Chapter 17

Jingle Bell……

When the phone rang, everyone fell silent immediately.Uncle Qiu limped and picked up the phone: "Hey, God bless." When everyone heard this, they all became energetic and approached Uncle Qiu unconsciously, even Jiang Hua was no exception.

"Okay... come back quickly... well, okay."

After hanging up the phone, Uncle Qiu stared at Jiang Hua with disbelief.

Seeing Uncle Qiu hang up the phone, Wang Zhenzhen stepped forward and asked, "Uncle Qiu, are God Bless and Xiaoling alright?"

Uncle Qiu sighed, and recounted what Kuang Tianyou said on the phone. After speaking, everyone understood why Uncle Qiu looked at Jiang Hua as soon as he put down the phone.Everyone was also very shocked, and looked at Jiang Hua one after another.What Uncle Qiu said just now is almost exactly the same as what Jiang Hua said before.

Uncle Qiu was very disturbed by Jiang Hua's mysterious appearance. He looked at Jiang Hua motionless, his expression gradually became serious, and he asked, "Who are you?"

Hearing this question many times, Jiang Hua sighed. He knew that if he didn't give these people a reasonable explanation today, he might be kicked out by everyone.So, Jiang Hua raised his head, glanced at the ceiling, sighed, with a helpless and relieved expression, and said, "My name is Jiang Hua, an ordinary person of the flower-growing family."

"Flower family???"

Everyone was at a loss, having never heard the name of this race.Uncle Qiu also looked at Jiang Hua suspiciously, but seeing Jiang Hua answering his question solemnly and solemnly, Uncle Qiu could not refute.Most importantly, he had never heard of this group.

Jiang Hua was a little funny in his heart, but his face was still serious: "The flower-planting family belongs to the Celestial Dynasty and commands all nations. It has the greatness of worshiping all nations, the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers, and the courage of the Quartet. The flower-planting family is a direct line of the Celestial Dynasty. Infinite power. The flower-planting family, Wu, can level the four directions and other worlds, set the universe, and reverse the chaos of the world. Wen, can travel between yin and yang, and paint the world with a pen. There is also a legendary holy place called "Singularity", which can cultivate thousands of people' Son of the Three Thousand Worlds', conquer the other world."

After a pause, after speaking so much in one breath, Jiang Hua was a little thirsty and swallowed, Jiang Hua continued: "And I don't belong to Wen, nor do I belong to Wu. I'm just an ordinary person in the Celestial Dynasty. Some 'Singularity' Bibles have the ability to predict the future. Compared to the geniuses of 'Singularity', they are nothing to worry about."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Hua calmly looked at everyone's surprised appearance.

After a long time, everyone realized that they looked at Jiang Hua in awe.

Hey, if ordinary people can predict the future, then how powerful those geniuses must be!
"This...why does it sound like a novel?" Gao Bao said suddenly, breaking the silence.As soon as Gao Bao finished speaking, he regretted a little, and he looked at Jiang Hua with some embarrassment.Seeing this, Jin Zhengzhong laughed three times, waved his hands, then walked up to Gao Bao, patted him, and replied seriously: "Impossible, I dare not write like that in novels!"

When everyone heard this, they all nodded, and felt that what Kim Jong-joong said was very reasonable.

"Okay, okay, everyone, rest early, Zhengzhong and Aken, you always pay attention to the situation outside." Uncle Qiu said, and then he turned to Jiang Hua, his tone was no longer harsh, and his voice was soft, saying: "Well, Jiang Could you come here, sir?"


Jiang Hua and Qiu Shu came to the room where Qiu Shu usually did experiments. When Jiang Hua entered the room, Qiu Shu turned his head and locked the door.

"Come on, sit down."

Jiang Hua was a little dumbfounded, but sat down anyway.Uncle Qiu twitched the corners of his mouth, showed a very friendly smile, and said to Jiang Hua, "That...Mr. Jiang, I wonder if I can ask you a few questions."

Jiang Hua looked at Uncle Qiu with a half-smile, and replied: "There is a price for predicting the future!"

Uncle Qiu was taken aback, silent for a moment, and his expression became a little serious. After thinking for a while, he asked again: "What is the price?"

"It depends on the question you ask."

Uncle Qiu asked again: "Okay, what if I can't pay?"

"I may not be able to answer your question." Seeing Uncle Qiu's cautious appearance, Jiang Hua simply asked Uncle Qiu straightforwardly: "If you have any questions, you might as well tell them."

Uncle Qiu nodded, staring at Jiang Hua intently: "God bless, can they defeat Kazuo Yamamoto?"

Jiang Hua smiled, neither shaking his head nor nodding. After laughing, he looked at Uncle Qiu indifferently, and said maliciously, "You have to pay a lot for this question."

"So, you know the result?"

Jiang Hua nodded, expressing that he did know that Jiang Hua was not lying about this. For some reason, the memory of the stalemate in his mind was recovering, and many plots were remembered.

"One question, three items."

Now that he knows the plot, Jiang Hua is naturally ready to make plans for completing the task.In the last world, Jianghua didn't change the plot, but what happened to the ending, it was full of snot and tears.

This time, Jiang Hua simply let himself go, regardless of whether his plot collapsed or not, as long as he is strong, he will not die.

"Don't rush to agree. This matter may involve Kuang Guohua and He Fusheng. Let's wait for Kuang Guohua and the others to come back."

Uncle Qiu had no choice but to nod.

"Uncle begging, uncle begging, it's not good..."

Suddenly Kim Jong-jung's voice came from outside, begging my uncle to hear it, and looking at Jiang Hua, Jiang Hua's expression was still indifferent, and he couldn't see the slightest change.The knock on the door became more and more urgent, so Uncle Qiu had to stand up and open the door faster.

"It's not good to beg uncle, Ah Sheng said that all the possessed ghosts were beaten to death by zombies."

When Uncle Qiu heard this, he hurried out, followed by Jiang Hua. Everyone was nervous at first, but for some reason, seeing Jiang Hua's calm expression, they stopped being impatient.Even, the eyes looking at Jiang Hua are full of unknown desires, especially Domoto Shingo.

Knowing that Kazuo Yamamoto started to fight back, everyone only felt a mountain of depression in their hearts, making it difficult for them to breathe.Just when Mama Jin asked if she wanted to change places, Domoto Shingo came out and came to Jiang Hua.

"You said you can predict the future, what should we do next?"

Seeing the other party's repeated questioning, Jiang Hua was also a little angry. If he didn't know the end of the other party, he really wanted to slap the other party to teach him to be a man... The premise is that he can beat the other party.

"It's okay for now."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Hua ignored the other party, then glanced at Ouyang Jiajia, and finally at Wang Zhenzhen, and added: "Kuang Guohua and Ma Xiaoling are coming back soon, you'd better not act rashly."

After hearing this, Uncle Qiu also agreed, telling everyone not to go out, and then returned to his laboratory to continue researching "Dream Soul Magic Ability".Seeing Uncle Qiu said the same thing, everyone believed Jiang Hua's words for the time being.Domoto Shingo pursed his lips, but he still didn't say what he said.After Uncle Qiu left, the scene became quiet and no one was talking.Ouyang Jiajia looked at Jiang Hua, hesitated for a while, and finally stepped forward and asked Jiang Hua: "Mr. Jiang, Mr. Lin... is he... all right?"

Jiang Hua shook his head and said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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