imperial decree arrives

Chapter 522 Mr. Feng Shui and the Ren Family

Chapter 522 Mr. Feng Shui and the Ren Family

Although getting along with Lao Zang was short, Jiang Hua also knew some characteristics of Lao Zang.For example, Zombie can maintain daily behavior without drinking blood.For another example, once the moon is full, the old zombie will go crazy, and when the old zombie wakes up, the old zombie's strength will improve a little.

About Lao Zang's eating problem, Jiang Hua only found out after Lao Zang's reminder.

One day when it rained, the old zombie suddenly went berserk. He ran under the tree with his dead body alone, and roared for a long time. Jiang Hua didn't know what the other party was going to do until the thunder fell on the tree. Twitching non-stop, Jiang Hua realized that the old zombie was replenishing energy.

Therefore, Jiang Hua would manually send lightning to the other party every few days.

It's just that on the night of the full moon, after the old zombie absorbs the power of the moonlight, although his strength will increase, it will also be accompanied by certain costs.The price is that the old zombie suffers more thunder.

Jiang Hua guessed that the old zombie's body hadn't completely escaped from the zombie's body.

It is true that the old zombie has mutated for some reason, but it is still an ordinary zombie body in essence, so when the old zombie absorbs too much power of moonlight, the old zombie will lose his mind and become addicted Blood Rage.

And Jiang Hua sent thunder to Lao Zang regularly, which helped Lao Zang clean up the excessive Yin Qi and corpse Qi in his body to a certain extent, so that Lao Zang could stay awake.

Walking in front of the old zombie, Jiang Hua raised the thunder in his hand, and directly sent a few thunderbolts to the old zombie. The old zombie's body twitched, and then nodded to Jiang Hua. Regardless of the resentful eyes of the old zombie, let him continue to absorb the power of Yuehua.

After a busy day, Jiang Hua also started a nightlife...


"Wen Cai, come here."

Woke up early in the morning, Uncle Jiu told Jiang Hua that he was going to open the coffin for Old Master Ren today, and wanted to ask Jiang Hua's opinion, but Jiang Hua naturally refused to go.Although Jiang Hua won't go, there are still some things to explain.

So Jianghua called Wencai, and Wencai came to Jianghua in a hurry, and Jianghua said: "Wencai, remember, when you burn incense and pay homage to the tombs, you must pay respects to every grave!"

In order to prevent Wencai from being sad, before leaving, Jiang Hua added a special sentence, saying: "Remember, this is related to your marriage."

Wencai was originally what Jiang Hua thought, and he didn't take it seriously, but when Jiang Hua said so, Wencai immediately became serious, as if he was ordered in danger, very solemn.

Seeing this, Jiang Hua smiled with satisfaction.

I don't know, if Wencai offered incense to you, would you agree with your body?

Thinking of this, Jiang Huadun felt very good. Although it might ruin the title of King of Ghosts, it doesn't matter who it is?
However, Jiang Hua is still a little worried. After all, Qiu Sheng is the protagonist, and he doesn't know whether the female ghost can see Wen Cai.

Immediately, Jiang Hua shook his head. This was just Jiang Hua's random move. As long as Jiang Hua knew the result, he didn't care.

Mrs. Ren was finally moved to the Taoist hall by Uncle Jiu and placed in the lobby.

"Planting flowers, I don't know if you know if there is a curse that can make the offspring of the enemy family only female?"

As soon as Uncle Jiu returned to the Taoist hall, he came to Jiang's house and asked Jiang Hua such a strange question.

Uncle Jiu saw that Jiang Hua was puzzled, so he explained the situation he encountered today.

"It's like this. The place where the old man was buried was supposed to be a treasured place of geomantic omen, but because the Ren family coerced and lured a geomancer to hide the place where the geomancer buried his ancestors, so the geomancer changed the geomantic pattern and let people Two generations of uneasy life, that is, the two generations of Master Ren and Ren Tingting.

It stands to reason that there must be something strange about the Ren family being tricked by Mr. Feng Shui for so many years to still have such family wealth.When the old man Ren came out of the coffin, I suddenly guessed a reason.

Mr. Feng Shui asked the Ren family to raise the coffin again after 18 years. Maybe he has other plans, and I am afraid it is not for the sake of the Ren family. Instead, he wants to use the hand of the old man to destroy the Ren family!

What's more, I suspect that Mr. Feng Shui kept a hand, and that is Tingting! "

Uncle Jiu said a lot, and his analysis made sense.In fact, just as Uncle Jiu thought, in the end, Old Master Ren turned into a corpse and killed Master Ren. Without Uncle Jiu's intervention, no one in the Ren family would have survived.

Uncle Jiu didn't wait for Jiang Hua's reply, and continued: "I suspect that the Ren family has not had any children for many years, and Mr. Feng Shui cannot get rid of it."

Ren Tingting is a daughter, she will marry in the future and cannot inherit the family business.

Jiang Hua didn't think about this point carefully. Now that Mr. Feng Shui doesn't know if he is still alive, who knows what his original thoughts were?
Regarding what Uncle Jiu said, Jiang Hua did not deny that people's hearts are so bad sometimes, and the Ren family is not a family of great kindness. It would not be so easy to let the Ren family go.

Let the Ren family live for 18 more years, maybe this is the last kindness of the family.

On the contrary, it would be even more strange if Mr. Feng Shui didn't retaliate. If he really did that, after Mr. Feng Shui died, those old ancestors of his family would definitely punish this unworthy descendant severely.

If you don't even retaliate when your ancestral land is taken away, what's the use of you dying? !
"I don't know about this matter either. It is expected that Mr. Feng Shui has left Renjia Town now, and it is impossible to find him to know the truth."

Jiang Hua said his thoughts, Uncle Jiu nodded, and then prepared to go back. These are Uncle Jiu's own guesses and have no basis.

Mrs. Ren is still in the Taoist hall, and Uncle Jiu will also go back to let his two apprentices handle the coffin.

The longer the time interval, the more unfavorable it will be for Old Master Ren.

Taking advantage of the early time, Jiang Hua also returned to the Taoist hall with Uncle Jiu. As soon as he entered the Taoist hall, Wen Cai gave Jiang Hua a look. Jiang Hua nodded, knowing that Wen Cai had followed his instructions.

After receiving the incense from Qiu Sheng, Uncle Jiu gave Jiang Hua a look, and then said: "Two shorts and one long!"

Then there was Uncle Jiu's explanation of the burning of incense. Jiang Hua went to the front of Mr. Ren's coffin, took out a brush, dipped some ink, and Jiang Hua drew a seal and isolation talisman on Mrs. Ren's coffin.

The sealing talisman can prevent old master Ren from becoming dead, and the isolating talisman can isolate Yin Qi.

After finishing these, Uncle Jiu asked Wencai and Qiusheng to play the ink fountain line, while he and Jiang Hua went back to the room to look at the map around Renjia Town.

To use money to do things and eliminate disasters for others, since the coffin has been opened for others, it is necessary to find a good place for them so that they can be buried here for a long time.

With Jiang Hua's help, choosing a good place was a lot easier. After a while, the two of them found a good place to bury the old man Ren.

When the two walked out of the room, Wencai and Qiusheng had disappeared. Uncle Jiu saw the ink fountain line on the coffin and said nothing. He was about to send Jiang Hua back, but Jiang Hua went straight to the coffin and picked up the ink fountain at the same time. Uncle Jiu was puzzled and walked away. When I took a closer look, I found that there was a place under the coffin that was missing.

"These two guys..."

Uncle Jiu was a little angry, he couldn't do this little thing well, so he had no choice but to fight with Jiang Hua. The two played several ink fountain threads together, which completely wrapped the coffin with the ink fountain thread.

After finishing these, Jiang Hua returned to Jiang's house.

(End of this chapter)

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