imperial decree arrives

Chapter 883 Enlightenment

Chapter 883 Enlightenment
After breaking through the shackles, the heart avatar and the giant net had a feeling of flying into the air. After a while, the giant net disappeared, and the heart avatar put away the giant net, and its mission was over.

Then, the heart avatar appeared in this new world.

At first he thought this was a world with nothing, until he put the giant net in front of his eyes, and through the giant net, he saw many lights that were exactly the same as those in the seven-colored stone, but these lights were more colorful and larger. , at first glance, like a new world.

The heart avatar repeats the previous operation, trying to synchronize these brilliance, but no matter the size or energy of these brilliance, it is beyond the ability of the heart avatar.

The mind clone sits cross-legged, the method is still the original method, but compared with last time, this time there is no so-called invisible hand, but these brilliance can make some subtle changes to avoid the behavior of the mind clone.

The heart avatar sighed, not discouraged, the current him just needs time.

There is time, everything is enough.


"Say, who are you?"

Sun Wukong held a golden cudgel and looked at Zhu Bajie with wise eyes.

Zhu Bajie spread his hands and smiled, with a puzzled tone: "Brother Monkey, I am Bajie."

Sun Wukong shook his head and pointed at Zhu Bajie: "No, you are not him. I noticed something was wrong as early as when you tried your best to kill Qiao Ling'er. Bajie has become a Buddha no matter what. Indiscriminate and direct hands.

My old grandson doesn't know what method you used to deceive my grandson's sharp eyes, but if you want to pretend to be Bajie, you have to pretend to be a little bit, the most basic thing is to know.

Don't you know what Bajie's greatest hobby is?It's hard to imagine how many drops of saliva the real Bajie will drop when he meets the white lotus, but you... hum. "

Counting here, Zhu Bajie is no longer a playful smile, he knows that Monkey King has exposed him.

"You're right, but so what?"

Zhu Bajie laughed and said that he had already informed Wutian of Qiao Linger's news, and soon, very soon Wutian would bring people to destroy Qiao Linger himself.

Zhu Bajie's tone made Monkey King realize something was wrong, so he picked up the golden cudgel and swung it at Zhu Bajie: "Hey, let's see the trick."

When the stick fell, Zhu Bajie dodged it, and then he changed himself and returned to his original body.Appearing in front of Monkey King was a guy in black with a black hood. Monkey King still couldn't see anything, let alone his true identity.

"Okay, Sun Wukong, I've seen you upset for a long time."

The black lotus envoy sneered, and a golden cudgel immediately appeared in his hand.

Monkey King was taken aback for a moment, thinking that the other party was a gibbon monkey, but then Sun Wukong thought that the gabboned ape had already been beaten to death by him.

Soon, Monkey King and the Black Lotus Envoy started fighting. The golden cudgels were evenly matched. The strength of the two seemed to be evenly matched. However, as the battle became more urgent, Monkey King fought more and more courageously. , the black lotus messenger fell.

"Huh, my old grandson, you fell down before you could use your strength."

As Sun Wukong said, he borrowed the golden cudgel to tear open the hood of the envoy of the black lotus, only to hear a tear, and the envoy of the black lotus was revealed.

"It's a monkey again!"

Monkey King didn't expect that the enemy who appeared this time turned out to be a monkey.

This made Sun Wukong a little puzzled, how much he was hated by monkeys?
The black lotus envoy held his chest and said: "We are the same four great monkeys, not in the three realms and six realms, not in the invisible world, you and I should be equal, but why can you achieve the Tao and become a Buddha, and the same is true for the six-eared macaque. Connected arm apes are also favored by the Queen of Ten Thousand Monsters, but I was the only one who was spotted by the so-called immortals as soon as I was born, and took me back to the heaven.

I thought I would be a prosperous man from then on, but who knew that I was not even as good as that arm-armed ape, doing some rough and tiring work.Really ridiculous.

Why should I endure all the humiliation when all of you are so beautiful in the outside world?

I don't agree..."

Monkey King didn't expect the other party to have such an experience. Although he felt a little sympathetic, the question is, what does this have to do with them?
Everyone has their own destiny, and you can't put all the responsibility on others because of other people's highlights.

Sun Wukong knew that there were four great spirit monkeys in the world. He had already seen the other two on the way to learn the scriptures, and only the one in front of him hadn't appeared yet. He thought he would never see it again, but unexpectedly, he still appeared at this time.

"Hmph, it sounds like my old grandson treats you badly. Tell me, who asked you to come here? What does this matter have to do with Qiao Ling'er?"

Monkey King doesn't care what the other person's experience is, he just wants to know what his purpose is.

"Want to know? Hahaha... dreaming!"

Chijiri Mahou sneered, turned into a black shadow in front of Monkey King, fled into the void, and disappeared.

Seeing this, Monkey King frowned. A series of strange things happened recently, which made him feel unbelievable. The strange people who appeared one after another made Monkey King feel as if there was a huge conspiracy covering him.

"The Buddha said that Qiao Ling'er was an unknown reincarnation, but with Qiao Ling'er's temperament, it is impossible to be unknown. Hiss... But if you think about it carefully, it seems that wherever Qiao Linger appears, there will be ominous events and bring disasters to people. No, you can't judge like that..."

Sun Wukong recalled the experience of this period of time, and began to unravel, trying to connect all the scattered clues, and jointly judge how Qiao Linger was involved with the Buddha.

After thinking about it, Sun Wukong had some ideas in his mind, but there were still too few clues to make an accurate judgment, so Sun Wukong decided not to bring Qiao Linger back to the West Paradise for the time being, but to prepare to put her in place, and wait for him to find out. Dispose of it later.



When Sun Wukong was exploring the truth, a loud noise suddenly shook the world of Journey to the West.

It sounded in my heart, shocking.

In the Jiuchongtian Tushita Palace, the Taishang Laojun, who was intoxicated in alchemy, suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were full of shock, and there was an infinite kalpa light through the endless void, until he reached the ordinary figure in the depths of the chaos.


A soft chant resounded from the chaotic world, causing the sea of ​​air to churn, and I saw that figure crossing many obstacles, about to descend to the Nine Heavens.

at the same time.

Under the Western Spirit Mountain.

This is a closed world, a world that was never born.

In the world, suddenly the two Buddhas with hundreds of millions of feet of golden body stopped chanting, and the 48 streams of radiance lingering around them froze for a moment, and for a split second, the two looked at each other.


Deep in chaos.

Endless darkness.

There is an old man walking here, every step of him contains the truth of heaven and earth, every movement contains the mystery of the growth of all things, and every breath contains infinite mystery.

Suddenly, the old man stopped, and the darkness was dispelled. Behind him appeared three extraordinary pictures, one blue, representing the sky, one yellow, representing the earth, and one dark, representing the underworld.

The old man's eyes turned, and there were countless stars in his eyes, which were reborn and reborn, shattered and reborn.

After a long time, the old man whispered: "Someone... has become enlightened!"

Then, the old man stepped out and disappeared.


In Journey to the West, in addition to the three big worlds, there are also countless small worlds. These worlds either pray to the big world, or are created, or are born naturally.

Demon world.

There used to be a demon world, but it was liquidated by heaven and earth. If the master of the demon world hadn't left behind, I am afraid that the demon world would be destroyed by all the powerful.

The Demon Realm still exists today, but it has declined a lot since then.

Patriarch Hall.

In recent years, a new army has sprung up, occupying the entire Demon Realm with an extremely powerful attitude, and becoming the strongest force in the Demon Realm.

The patriarch of the demonic way and the thousand demon generals have become an existence that the entire demon world fears.

The beastly avatar greedily absorbs various avenues of the demon world in the Patriarch Hall, and various avenues are manifested in the Patriarch Hall. The animal avatar is like swimming in the avenue, benefiting endlessly.

Time permits, in a few hundred years, the animal clone will understand these avenues and step into an unprecedented realm.

However, at this time, the animal clone suddenly stopped cultivating, and the voice in his heart made him feel very familiar.

"I didn't expect that it was him who was one step ahead."

The animal clone smiled indifferently, and stopped practicing. Such a sensational event has already alarmed many strong people, and it is time for him to step out of the demon world and move his body.


The eighteen levels of hell are known as the most terrifying places in the underworld, but no one knows that there is another level below the eighteen levels of hell, which is called endless purgatory.

Here, all those imprisoned are super demons born from the beginning of the world. They cannot be destroyed, they can only be suppressed. The endless purgatory has existed longer than the hell, so long that there is no one except the Houtu and the Lord of the Underworld. know this place.

In the endless purgatory, the sound of delusion resounds. This is not the sound of the Buddha, but a more mysterious Taoist sound, but it contains the sound of the Buddha, and even contains various sounds from heaven and earth.

Houtu's figure appeared in the endless purgatory, she found Pangu clone, stood behind him, waiting quietly, with only tenderness in her eyes.

Looking at the man in front of him, just looking at his back makes people feel deeply in awe.

1000 years ago, when this man stepped into the underworld, the whole underworld was shocked. When he opened his mouth, all the souls of the underworld calmed down in an astonishing synchronization, and the countless innocent souls gradually softened in his mouth , The resentment swept half of the underworld, but it was wiped out by his palm, and those innocent souls were able to be reincarnated.

As the lord of the underworld, Hou Tu purposely woke up from the retreat in the face of a strong man who suddenly appeared.No matter why the other party took action to purify so many wronged souls, she must always know what the other party's purpose is.

Up to now, Houtu clearly remembered that there seemed to be sentient beings of the six realms hidden under his calm eyes, and just one glance could make people sink.

Houtu brought it to the void space, and both sides knew that a big battle was needed to decide the ownership of the underworld.

This was a flat battle, from the beginning to the end, Houtu didn't touch the other side at all.

The underworld should have been Houtu's domain, but what made Houtu fearful was...

He understands hell better than Houtu.

All advantage was gone, and after endless whipping, Houtu recognized his status.

This is another long battle, both physically and mentally, Houtu is conquered.

"It's time for me to be born."

With one word, chaos arises.

Pangu's avatar had suppressed Purgatory for hundreds of years, and all the demons suppressed could not breathe. As soon as these words came out, those trolls who were suppressed felt unspeakably excited.

The day after tomorrow nodded: "I am here."


Yuquan Mountain.

Jiang Hua and Master Yuding are playing chess, the two of them come and go, and the battle is very enjoyable.

Master Yuding's face was serious at this moment, he kept rubbing the chess pieces in his mouth with his fingers, his eyes were fixed on the chessboard, and he muttered random words in his mouth.

"This too difficult..."

"Growing flowers is too perverted. I have played thousands of games of chess with him, and the old man has never won."

"If I knew this earlier, I should have asked him to give me a few moves."

"Hey, this game of chess is ruined again. The situation in front of the old master is obviously good, but why did the situation reverse in an instant after this move fell?"

"The chess skill of planting flowers, I'm afraid I have also entered the Tao."

Thinking of this, Master Yuding looked up at Jiang Hua and was shocked suddenly.

"Where did the flowers go?"


Strange world.

Countless streams of brilliance return to the sea, and the bits and pieces converge, constantly merging, and blending into the heart and body.


The Taishang Laojun appeared, followed by two Buddhas, the old man, and Yuanshi Tianzun appeared one by one.

The four sages of heaven and earth looked at each other and looked at the old man.


This sound was a little surprised.

Daozu nodded and turned his gaze to Xin clone.

"The enlightened person is not the Taoist ancestor!"

Four Saints were shocked.

Zhunti and Jieying looked at each other, and they both saw firmness in each other's eyes.

If the two want to fight, the resources of the world have already been divided up, and now that one more person appears, it will definitely affect the status of the West.

However, before the two of them could make a move, Pangu's avatar and beastly avatar suddenly descended and landed in front of Xin's avatar.



The two ignored the others and greeted each other, then turned their gazes behind them, and after a glance, they turned to Daozu and the others.

Taishang Laojun has been silent all the time, and when he saw the Pangu clone and the animal clone, he was suddenly taken aback.

"One gasification and three cleanliness."

Although the auras of the two are completely different, their fundamental auras are extremely similar.

How could the Taishang Laojun, who had practiced one-qi transformation and three-pureness, not be able to guess the connection between the two, but he did not expect that both of them had already become saints.

Didn't it mean that only the six sages are allowed in the world?

At this moment, the four saints all looked at Daozu.

Daozu noticed something and said: "Wait, I'm afraid you are not from this world?"

It's not this world, it's another world.

The Pangu clone and the animal clone nodded, but did not speak.

"Dao, one is enough."

Daozu spoke again, looking at Xiang Xin's avatar.

The Pangu clone and the animal clone were startled suddenly, and the four saints looked at each other when they heard it.

At this moment, the Dao ancestor moved, and no one noticed it. The Pangu avatar and the animal avatar didn't even realize that the power of the Dao ancestor passed through the two and attacked the heart avatar.

The two wanted to stop it, but Daozu's strength had already reached its peak, and there was nothing he could do if he was caught off guard.


Daozu is stripping off the avenue of the heart avatar, and wants to prevent the heart avatar from merging into the Dao.

Those brilliance are blocked and cannot be perceived.

Facing Taoist Ancestor, Pangu's avatar and beastly avatar made a sudden move.

Daozu was not afraid at all, and the Four Sages knew that it was time for them to take action.

Houtu appeared and stood beside Pangu's avatar.

(End of this chapter)

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