my mobile phone connects fairyland

Chapter 207 The Changing Jungle

Chapter 207 The Changing Jungle

Chen Xiaofan didn't listen to Wei Guang's words, he made a wrong step, and a strange change occurred in the forest.

The windless trees are swaying. They seem to come alive one by one, twisting their trunks constantly. The sound of the treetops sounds like sand has been injected into the bellows. The trunks are constantly bursting with white bubbles. Those bubbles come from their The torso rises up like a blossoming small mushroom.

Chen Xiaofan wanted to retreat to the position just now, but Wei Guang quickly stopped him.

"Don't move around, we have stepped on the wrong position, if you move around again, I don't know what will happen."

Chen Xiaofan stopped and stood still on the spot. He just made a wrong step and became like this. He had no idea that there was a mystery hidden in the seemingly peaceful forest.

With the swaying of the treetops, the light that originally penetrated the treetops was annihilated, and the forest between Chen Xiaofan and the others became gloomy and permeating. There were more and more white bubbles on the trunks, and they kept rising and popping. The voice kept ringing in their ears.

Wei Guang took out another copper coin. He danced with his fingertips and continued to calculate, but after a few rounds, the copper coin in his hand fell again, and his hands couldn't stop shaking, as if he was sick.

"It's over. It's a dead end. We're going to be a dead end no matter what we do.

Hearing Wei Guang's words, Chen Xiaofan didn't panic, he even escaped from Tianxuanzong's pursuit, could he still not be able to solve the immediate crisis?

He calmly looked at the surrounding trees, and found that although they were constantly swaying, they had no real attack, and judging from their appearance, they were only constantly bubbling, as if they did not pose a threat to them.

"Don't worry, we all escaped from Tianxuanzong's pursuit, and we still can't get rid of these little trees?"

After hearing Chen Xiaofan's words, Wei Guang still felt a little flustered. He calculated the number of copper coins dropped over the years, which can be counted with one hand.

Every time a copper coin falls, it is an irreversible crisis. Once, a miner in the mine died unexpectedly, and once, a black wind swept through the alliance, causing a tragic death of hundreds of people.

He has confidence in his calculations, and he has never miscalculated in his abilities. Now he is calculating the future of himself and Chen Xiaofan, but the copper coins fell twice, which shows that they are really in a deadlock and cannot get out.

Chen Xiaofan believes in Wei Guang's ability, but now that Wei Guang's calculation ability can't solve it, he naturally can't give up on himself and stand here waiting to die.

Now this space is dim, and the tree trunks seem to have life. Staying here is obviously not a way to survive, and the only choice is to leave.

Chen Xiaofan didn't care what Wei Guang thought anymore, he stepped forward, and rushed towards the gap between the trees on one side.

Wei Guang was about to say something, but after thinking about it, he closed his mouth.

No matter how his calculations are dead end, his ability has already expired, so it is useless to say more.

What Chen Xiaofan said was also right, since Tianxuanzong's pursuit can escape, why can't he try to break the current deadlock?

Wei Guang remained silent.

Chen Xiaofan's body is quite strong, during the chase, Wei Guang was running all the way, he was basically in a state of shock, but his actual physical strength was not consumed much.

With a movement of his body, Chen Xiaofan rushed towards the gap in the tree trunks, but before the others arrived, those swaying trees were floating, blocking Chen Xiaofan's way.

Chen Xiaofan frowned slightly, moved his feet, and walked in another direction with a dodge.

However, no matter how fast he is and how many changes he changes, the swaying trees can always block his way one step ahead.

He couldn't leave the woods now, let alone penetrate the gaps in the tree trunks, Chen Xiaofan knew it was useless, so he stopped and stopped running around, anyway, no matter how he ran, he couldn't get out of this space.

Standing still at the same spot, Chen Xiaofan saw the white bubbles constantly popping up and bursting on the tree trunk, he always had an ominous premonition.

Just now, Chen Xiaofan's blood surged up after going through at least dozens of changes, and he felt a little dizzy.

Rubbing his forehead, he found that the pain couldn't go away. There seemed to be a broken clock in his head, beating gently.

He was a little irritable, and he couldn't restrain the flow of blood in his body.

He seemed to be able to hear his heart beating violently, like the drumbeat of a dragon boat race.

Chen Xiaofan knew that the situation was not right, although he wasn't physically strong, the few movements just now didn't make him so physically and mentally exhausted.

"Wei Guang, something is wrong with my body."

He spoke to Wei Guang behind him, but no one responded behind him.

Chen Xiaofan subconsciously turned his head to look, he shivered in shock.

What he was carrying on his back was not Wei Guang at all, but a dead tree trunk, which hung on Chen Xiaofan's back like a human figure.

Chen Xiaofan's heart was pounding, he was talking to Wei Guang just now, how come this thing happened behind his back in a blink of an eye.

Quickly dropped the tree trunk behind him, fell to the ground, and smashed into the soil.

Chen Xiaofan looked around, but couldn't find Wei Guang at all. He called out in a low voice, but there was no response from the forest.

Only the rustling of the treetops, and the popping of white bubbles.

His mood fluctuated, and he looked at the tree trunk lying on the ground, and found that it also began to emit strange white bubbles.

It is different from other tree trunks, the white bubbles that come out of it are densely packed, like locusts wrapped on the wheat, making Chen Xiaofan's scalp numb.

As the white bubbles rose, Chen Xiaofan felt his qi and blood surging violently, and the sound of his heartbeat was more like the slamming sound of a city gate during a siege.

He felt the qi and blood continuously rushing towards his head, and he realized that his body was becoming numb and unable to move.

It was only at this moment that Chen Xiaofan realized that the killer moves of the trees were these white bubbles.

Chen Xiaofan was kneeling on the ground, unable to lift his hands, his eyelids were drooping, the trees were swaying, like drunk dancers attacking him from the corner of his eye.

It’s just that these dancers are not good at it. Mouths protrude from their dancing tree trunks, like the mouths of old people whose teeth have been pulled out. The folds of the shriveled trunks are like skin, which looks very scary.

Chen Xiaofan was unable to get up again, he could only see the trees with their mouths open attacking towards him, he could only see them constantly approaching him.

With a surge of blood, he finally fell to the ground, completely becoming a pile of human flesh powerless to resist.

When Chen Xiaofan was struggling, the disciple of Tianxuanzong who offended the strange bird finally managed to escape after losing most of his life.

They used to live in the forest, either gathering herbs or hunting wild animals, but Tianxuanzong stipulated that the range of activities in the forest should not exceed a hundred miles. Not allowed in.

However, they escaped from the fight with the strange birds and squatted beside a lake. They calculated carefully that during the process of chasing Wei Guang and Chen Xiaofan, they had crossed at least a thousand miles.

Such depths were never entered by them.

They chased and killed Chen Xiaofan along the way. Sometimes they were bombed by Chen Xiaofan's spar, and sometimes they were attacked by his black wind. They lost several people on the way. Their status was respected and their status was aloof. With so many hands.

On the way, they ignored them and chased the two of them while throwing the sword formula, without noticing that they had already exceeded the scope of the sect's regulations.

Looking back now, within a hundred miles of the forest, there are nowhere will there be spiders the size of small hills, and nowhere will there be strange birds that can cover the sun with spreading their wings.

Not only that, but what is more important now is the loss of manpower, Chen Xiaofan and the two of them also lost.

Their losses were incomparably heavy. The number of direct disciples who chased and killed Chen Xiaofan was originally not many. They are the top elites of Tianxuanzong, and now they have lost a lot along the way. In addition to the attack of strange birds, only five escaped now. .

They were by the lake, washing the dirt and blood off their bodies.

"We lost track"

This is what one of his personal disciples said. He was a little downcast. The forest that was more than a hundred miles away was already very terrifying. Now that they have penetrated thousands of miles, they have already exceeded the sect's regulations. It is a loss if Chen Xiaofan and the two are lost. Staying in the forest will only make them more dangerous.

"Let's go back. It's a forest thousands of miles away. We've chased it far enough, and we can give the suzerain an explanation when we go back."

"What's more, we still have so many people dead, if we all die in battle"

The remaining few direct disciples thought calmly, and they all nodded.

The forest thousands of miles away is far beyond their control. Although there are many docile animals here, there are always some strange fierce beasts. The first disciple of Tianxuanzong came to sneak attack.

There were five other disciples of Tianxuanzong beside the lake. They were sitting scattered around, thinking about what they just said.

"The strength of those two people is not strong. In this forest, we are in danger every step of the way, and they cannot survive."

"Why don't we go back to the sect and say that they are dead, died in the forest?"

The disciples continued to discuss, but they were divided into two factions, one side agreed to give up the pursuit and return to the sect, and the other thought that Chen Xiaofan and Chen Xiaofan had to be caught, they wanted to see the people alive, and the corpses wanted to die.

After a brief dispute, none of them could convince the opposing party, and the remaining five could not go their separate ways. This forest was too dangerous, so they decided to vote.

Within a few minutes, the results came out.

Those who chose to return to the sect accounted for three votes, while those who stayed and continued to search for Chen Xiaofan accounted for two votes.

The result of the vote came out, and they were about to leave, but just as they were about to leave from Yu Kong, voices came from their ears.

"I vote, you stay!"

The hairs of several direct disciples stood on end, the voice was behind them, but with their strength, they didn't sense it at all.

Turning their heads, they saw an ape sitting upside down on the back of a white horse with wings, grinning silly at them.

(End of this chapter)

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