Chapter 253 Golden Toad
The raft gradually sailed towards the deep sea, and everyone on the raft also saw the white wall in the distance, which was a touch of white between the sea and the sky.

It is like a blocker between the sky and the earth, lying across the entire sea.

Led by a few frog guards, the avatars drove the raft towards their hinterland.

The road was not smooth and calm. Under the white wall far away, explosions could be seen from time to time. It was the explosion of water on the sea surface, and some huge beasts sprang out from the sea surface. The battle continued. South of the white wall, the whole is chaos.

The route led by the frogs was relatively safe, and they were not affected by the distant battle along the way.

As they went deeper, everyone found that the sea water became shallower, and there were some hidden reefs under the raft.

The frogs poked their heads out and chirped with the clone, but the clone just nodded without replying.

"It's almost there, they said there are some institutions nearby, so we must follow them closely."

"Don't move around, talk less and move less for a while."

Everyone agreed and didn't say anything more.

Under the leadership of the frog guards, the raft was walking crookedly. Zhang Xifeng'er on the raft felt dizzy again. Shisan's mood improved a lot, and he was also comforting him at this time.

Xiu'er has a strong ability to accept, she has seen everything along the way, although she is still timidly hiding behind Jiang Liuying, she has never been surprised.

Jiang Liuying worked very hard all the way. In order to take care of Xiu'er's emotions, she had to pay attention to her from time to time to prevent her from getting too excited and having a nervous breakdown.

Da Zhuang sat on the side, swaying left and right as the raft swayed, looking very leisurely, but from time to time, his eyes would look at Wei Guang, watching the continuous calculation of the copper coins in his hand, always It felt like he didn't figure anything out.

Wei Guang was immersed in his calculation career on the road, even if Chen Xiaofan went to talk to Heigou alone, he just looked up, everyone saw him immersed in it, and knew what he was calculating, but seeing him like this Concentrate and don't bother him.

Chen Xiaofan was right next to the avatar, he looked at the leading frog in front of him, but he was thinking about other things.

There is not much time left for them. After careful calculation, there is only one day. He is connected with Da Zhuang's lifeline. If Li can't go to the white wall and complete the mission in one day, their lives will be lost. .

As the raft advanced, he was also groping for the white thread in his hand, and as he mastered it, he could perceive more things in this world.

Looking at the white wall in the distance, he can always feel that it is calling him, calling himself, it seems that as long as he reaches the white wall, he can get it.

This feeling did not make Chen Xiaofan feel safe, but because of Bai Qiang's call to him, he felt uneasy. As for the source of uneasiness, he couldn't tell, he always felt that something bad happened after Bai Qiang things.

But for their own lives, for the lives of Da Zhuang, and to find a way out, they must go to the White Wall.

Looking behind him, the road when he came was extremely calm, even the sea water behind him had no waves.

It has been a day or two since Chen Xiaofan and the others left the forest, they have been moving forward, but the speed is not fast, Chen Xiaofan is always thinking, when will the monkey in the forest come after him?
Did his battle with the king of wild beasts last so long?

Thinking about it carefully, it shouldn't be. The monkey's strength is obviously much stronger. When everyone was about to enter Leihai, the avatar had already said that the battle was about to end.

Could it be that the monkey was injured after the assimilation, plus he fought with the king of wild beasts, and his injuries added to his injuries, so now he has no time to chase everyone?
Besides, Chen Xiaofan couldn't think of the reason why the monkey hadn't caught up after so long.

He heard a lot of news from the black dog, heard a lot of clues from the mouse king, and heard a lot of lies from the mouth of the monkey.

Chen Xiaofan has heard three versions of the story, and looking at it now, only the story told by the black dog is the most reliable.

If it is really like what she said, the monkey asked him to come to the white wall, most likely because the white line in Chen Xiaofan's hand is different, it is a line of fate, and it may really be able to break through the restriction of the white wall and break through this. The plight of the world, or completely gain the sovereignty of the world.

Everything, no matter who it is, even the will of the world is urging Chen Xiaofan to move towards the white wall, and now they are indeed doing so.

After thinking about it, Chen Xiaofan felt that only when he got to the white wall, would he know what the real thing is, the monkey, the mouse king, the black dog, the will of the world, what they want to do and what they want to get.

The raft advanced, and with the crooked detour, everyone was finally brought to the destination by the frog guards.

In front of them was an island, neither too big nor too small.

From a distance, there is only one stone mountain on the island. The shape of the stone mountain looks like a statue of a toad, which is very huge.

Chen Xiaofan took a breath, there was a little fishy smell on the sea, but it was far more comfortable than the bloody smell in the sea of ​​blood.

After clearing his mind, he has to stay sober. Next, they are going to face the leaders of these frogmen and face another test of their avatar identity. After being spotted by the black dog last time, the disguise of the avatar made several people I feel a little unreliable.

With the frogman leading the way, they finally came to the edge of the island.

The frogman emerged from the water, chirping and shouting in front of him.

As they shouted, many strange-looking creatures came out of the island, not only frogmen, but also others, such as a large group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

The frogman is the weakest existence in it, those shrimp soldiers and crab generals are all burly, compared with them, everyone in Chen Xiaofan is like a child.

A group of creatures popped up, scurrying from all over the island, looking menacing.

The frogman was very small in front of them, but he was not weak at all, chirping and screaming crazily.

The clone explained to Chen Xiaofan and the others.

"They are talking about our affairs, saying that I am the owner of the leader, and now I am going to see the leader and let them get out of the way."

The shrimp soldiers and crab generals did not give way, but blocked the frogmen, completely blocking the way to the depths. They were burly and looked much stronger than the frogmen.

Following their chirping, the clone's expression changed slightly.

"It seems that their group is not very harmonious. The creatures blocking the way don't seem to believe what the frogman said."

For a moment, swords were on the verge of breaking out on the island, the shrimp soldiers and crab generals blocked the way with their weapons, and they were not going to let Chen Xiaofan and his party go deep.

When several frogmen saw them like this, they were very angry, and they started to twitter and shout.

Their voices are very sharp and piercing, and they are very angry, but everyone also understands, how can they compete with the strong shrimp soldiers and crab generals on the entire island?
But with their voices sounded, with their voices indecision.

A response also came from behind Chen Xiaofan and the others.

There were also chattering shouts behind him.

Everyone looked back and saw countless heads popping out of the sea. Those were all frogmen, and they belonged to their group.

Not daring to count them in detail, looking at them in dialect, they are densely packed, which looks extremely terrifying.

The leading frogmen on the island jumped up and down, looking at the shrimp soldiers and crab generals proudly. Even though they occupied the entire island, they were still far behind the number in the sea.

But they are very stubborn, and they don't seem to give way just because the frogman shakes people.

When Chen Xiaofan and the others saw this, they also understood that their leader's subordinates were not one group, but integrated multiple groups. The creatures of the groups could not coexist harmoniously, and now that conflicts arise, they naturally have to fight to solve the problem.

Standing in front of everyone, he knew that the frogs in the sea behind him were slowly approaching, with pairs of eyes and green heads floating on the sea, they were approaching the island, and they were about to land.

"When they fight, we will retreat. Both sides are not strong, but there are too many of them. In case of accidental injury, we will suffer a lot."

The avatar said to the few people behind him with a suppressed voice, and everyone knew that they could not participate in the conflict on the island.

Just when the swords were on the verge of breaking out, and the frogs in the sea were about to rush to land on the beach, and the shrimp soldiers and crabs on the island were about to fight with their weapons in their hands, there was a tremor on the island.

The ground shook like a volcanic eruption.

Whether it's the frogmen or the shrimp soldiers and crab generals, they couldn't stand upright and fell to the ground, only Chen Xiaofan stood still and remained motionless.

The avatar looked up into the depths, the toad-like mountain moved, and countless rolling stones slid down from the mountain.

The mountain moves, it comes alive.

The rolling stone slipped and the stone skin fell off, and everyone saw a little gold emerging from the mountain.

With the passage of time, more and more gold has been found on the mountain, and under the peeled off stone skin is a slightly trembling golden skin.

The avatar has sharp eyes. He felt a strong will surround them when he came to the island just now, but he didn't expect the source to be the mountain they had already discovered.

The rocks fell off, and the island finally revealed its original appearance.

In front of everyone's eyes was a toad the size of a mountain, its golden skin was revealed after the stone skin fell off.

Its body is huge, its momentum is majestic and heavy.

The frogmen and the shrimp soldiers and crab generals had long since dared not speak more, and could no longer utter a word in their twitter.

The green heads in the sea behind everyone also receded like the tide, not daring to suspect of crossing the border.

The golden toad like a skyscraper revealed itself.

With the sliding of the rocks, it slowly bent down, and its huge head came in front of everyone.

Its eyes were dark red, and it wandered around, staring at everyone.

The avatar looked at him, and the aura that belonged to the monkey continued to emanate from his body.

Toad's cheeks bulged, and gusts of wind blew across the island.

Chen Xiaofan and the others were almost blown up by the wind blown by it, but fortunately the strength of the clone was shaken, and they stabilized their figure.

Jin Chan's eyes rolled around, and finally it still bowed its head and bowed down to the clone that was as small as an ant.

"Master, you are here."

A deep voice sounded on the island, and the clone heaved a sigh of relief when it heard its words.

(End of this chapter)

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