Chapter 265 Death
With Chen Xiaofan's hard work and the light of his fists, the black hole in the sky finally had a crack, the rotation of the black hole stagnated, and the disturbed vortex on the sea surface no longer rose up.

The white wall has been dyed red, becoming extremely bright red, and the hands on the entire wall have turned into bloody hands.

They are stretched and flamboyant, wanting to come to this world. In the will of the world, Sun Dahai has not disappeared, nor has he been swallowed by the will of the world. He is still fighting against this world.

Although Chen Xiaofan embeds the gem into the white wall and gained the ability, but that is only a part, a very small part, the power of the whole world has not yet come to him completely, because of this, Chen Xiaofan has not been swallowed nor assimilated .

A light came out of his fists, looking at the black hole in the sky, Chen Xiaofan punched out one after another, he wanted to destroy the monkey's power, he wanted to open the monkey's space constraints.

As he punched and punched, the black hole in the sky gradually broke open, and as his light shone in the black hole, the black hole born of the monkey power shattered and disappeared, falling one after another, falling on the sea surface, setting off an explosion Countless waves.

The sea is no longer calm, the beasts are smashed by the black hole, the blood rain falls from the sky, and the monkey stands and dances in the blood rain.

His spirit collapsed. After hearing the words of the black dog and knowing the truth of the matter, he already had a sign of collapse. As the white wall was infected by Chen Xiaofan, as the will of the world needed to resist Sun Dahai and Chen Xiaofan, he no longer sheltered him.

His memory is gradually awakened, and he gradually understands that he is not only a copy, he is not even a thing, he is just the evil that came down from the will of the sky, he is just an abandoned thing of this world.

The monkey's spirit collapsed, his body festered, and the flesh and blood on his body gradually began to stink, but he didn't care about these at all, he stared at the sky, looked at Chen Xiaofan who was punching and punching light, and muttered to himself.

"It turns out that it's all fake, and nothing is real!"

The world has been turned upside down, the whole world has turned into a tragic scene of annihilation, in the rain of countless blood, Chen Xiaofan stopped his fist.

Countless black holes were destroyed by him, the monkey was on the surface of the sea, and he was in mid-air.

He looked around, looked at the world, but felt infinite sadness in his heart, because he could not perceive the existence of his friends. When the black hole launched by the monkey, he could not save those friends. Now, they are already in the blood rain Among them, the bits and pieces of it are integrated.

He felt extremely sad, Chen Xiaofan's body and his will had been handed over to this piece of sky, and also to this world, following his sorrow, the sky resounded with mournful cries, and there were countless sad songs between heaven and earth.

His heart is very cold, colder than the sea that keeps setting off tsunamis, colder than the cold glacier.

The friends died, completely dead, not a single one left, not even a scum left.

His eyes were full of blood and tears, and what he shed was unwillingness. If he had embedded the gem into the white wall earlier, if he had done it earlier, maybe the ending would have been different, but it was too late, everything was too late.

"Die! Everyone die!"

The monkey spread his hands and danced inexplicably on the sea. His body was stiff and he was not an excellent dancer at all, but he was still dancing, on the sea, amidst countless turbulent waves.

He's crazy, he's dancing.

Chen Xiaofan felt powerless and sad, his anger gradually burned, a faint blue will-o'-the-wisp burst out on the sea, it came from Chen Xiaofan's side, the flame covered the sea and continued to extend.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Xiaofan came in front of the monkey, he could no longer be called a human being, his body was covered with bloody bandages, and behind him was a thick and wild red thread like a big tail.

The monkey danced in front of him, Chen Xiaofan had already swung his fist.

Seeing that Chen Xiaofan was covered with fireworks, his fist came in front of the monkey, the monkey didn't dodge, didn't avoid it, and didn't even move to block it.

He was punched alive, there was a muffled sound, his chest was pierced, a big hole was directly opened in his chest, he was as fragile as a piece of paper, he couldn't bear Chen Xiaofan's punch at all.

The monkey backed away from the shock, he only took a few steps back to stabilize his figure.

He covered the big hole in his chest, and the contents inside kept pouring out, and he couldn't get it out no matter how hard he tried.

Under Chen Xiaofan's bombardment, he seemed to wake up a little bit, his eyes became brighter, but then they turned gray and black again.

Chen Xiaofan possessed the power of heaven and earth, although the monkey was strong, but he was crazy, he ate Chen Xiaofan around without any precautions, and couldn't heal the wound at all.

He looked at Chen Xiaofan and laughed, his smile was bloody, crazy and presumptuous.

"It's all fake, they're all dead, what's the point of you killing me?"

"Your friends are dead, you will die sooner or later, this world cannot escape, no matter who you are, no matter what you are!"

Chen Xiaofan was angry but helpless in his heart, indeed as he said, everything is over, everything is gone.

Friends, the world, and he will all die.

Chen Xiaofan stepped forward and came to the monkey. The monkey in front of him was just a product, just a substitute. Even without it, there would be something else, or an orangutan, or something else.

The story will be the same as what is happening now, they have no way to change the ending, when Chen Xiaofan embedded his body and will into the white wall, and grasped his power, he felt even more desperate.

This is the crushing of strength, this is the oppression of the entire will, if there is really a pusher behind the scenes, then this pusher is the will of this world.

Facing outsiders, it doesn't know how to deal with it, and it doesn't know how to deal with the malice born.

The outsider destroyed its balance. As a creature without will, it relied on instinct. For example, when the monkey was born, it poured all the evil that did not belong to it into the monkey's body.

For example, when the monkey is out of control, it will follow Sun Dahai's guidance to deal with this bad relationship.

Another example is now, if it wasn't for its acquiescence, how could Chen Xiaofan even enter this world, and how could he obtain the ability to reach the sky?
Connecting to this world is a dose of poison, and Chen Xiaofan's body is handed over, which means that after the incident, he will be completely swallowed, not a single bit left.

Sun Dahai, who was fighting against the world in the sky, was also defeated. The monkey was completely defeated. He was delirious and bruised all over his body. No matter how strong he was, he could not resist Chen Xiaofan, let alone the will of heaven and earth. .

The black hand behind the scenes is the will of this world, not it, it is just following its own instinct, expelling and dealing with these outsiders, exterminating them, and letting them die.

Obviously, its purpose has been achieved, the outsiders are almost extinct today, except for Sun Dahai's will, and Chen Xiaofan.

Everything is a game of chess played by the will of the heavens, which regards the heaven and the earth as a chessboard and all creatures as chess pieces.

Monkeys were born because of it, and the first batch of outsiders died because of it. Of course, those white threads that Chen Xiaofan and others got were sent out by it, and they are not something left in the world at all.

From beginning to end, it is the play directed by it.

Facing the monkey who was no longer fighting, and the monkey who was already crazy, Chen Xiaofan stretched out his hand and punched the monkey, but the monkey wanted to say something.

But he found that his vision was spinning, he saw Chen Xiaofan who was like a demon, he saw his body with a big hole in his chest, but there was no head on the body.

The strength of his body was drained, and a black substance spewed out from the wound. I don't know what it was, scattered in the sea, mixed with the blood.

Only Chen Xiaofan was left in the world, the blood rained non-stop, as if it would never stop, he stood alone in the stormy sea, no matter the stormy waves or the shocking tsunami, nothing could hurt him.

His figure is lonely and desolate, and he looks very small in the sea.

Chen Xiaofan looked down at his fists, looked at his body, his body was wrapped in red thread, he looked like a mummy.

He looked behind him, and saw that the white wall had been dyed red, completely red, and the breath of life could no longer be felt in the sea area, whether it was his friends or his enemies, they all became part of the blood rain.

He raised his eyebrows, feeling bitter in his heart, but Chen Xiaofan couldn't cry, because he was about to die, the red thread on his body gradually embedded into his body, blending into his flesh and blood.

Looking up at the sky, he tried to contact Sun Dahai's will.

A faint voice sounded from Chen Xiaofan's mind.

"Xiaofan. It's too strong. We were all deceived. From the beginning, it has a will. Everything is its plan."

Chen Xiaofan knew, already knew, he understood the truth when he was one step ahead of Sun Dahai.

In this world, after all, there is nothing that can be trusted, no matter who it is, no matter what it is, they are always false.

Sun Dahai's voice didn't sound again, Chen Xiaofan also understood that after all they were no match for the power of heaven and earth, whether it was Chen Xiaofan, Sun Dahai, or Jiang Liuying, Xiu'er, Da Zhuang, Zhang Xifeng'er, they were all mortal bodies after all.

When a person is exhausted, he will eventually lose to the majesty of heaven and earth.

Feeling the gradual fading of life, Chen Xiaofan felt indifferent in his heart. The one who really started to live in his twenties all his life was the one who came to the Academy City, the one who really started to see the world, and the one who got to know his friends.

But things backfired, the academy city collapsed and fell into the world of white lines, they could not escape after all.

It is too late, and everything will return to nothingness.

With the shattering of hope in his heart and the death of his friends, Chen Xiaofan's heart also sank. His body fell into the sea water, he was submerged, his strength gradually lost, and he sank into the deep The sea fell into eternal darkness.

The world became quiet, watching his body gradually dissipate, Chen Xiaofan also understood that his time had come, and he also wanted to go with his friends.
(End of this chapter)

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