Chapter 524 Obedience
Chen Xiaofan was thinking about the problem, and the figures were also discussing things.

For them, the conditions given by Chen Xiaofan are very tempting. They have lingered for so many years in order to survive, and there are many ways to survive.

If the problems at the top of Lun Mountain cannot be solved, they can only hide and live in the bottom layer after all, not to mention that the injuries they have suffered over the years are all caused by red, all of which are transformed by the blood essence stone in the laboratory.

They have no hatred, no resentment.

After much thought, they said to Chen Xiaofan:

"What can you guarantee?"

These years of survival have made them afraid, and it has made them afraid of everyone and everything.

After all, no one can be trusted.

Chen Xiaofan frowned, looking at these phantoms around him, he was very indifferent.

"I can't guarantee anything. As long as you agree, we are a cooperative relationship. Hong wants to start a war and fight Shiwanshan. I don't have so much time to argue with you. Either you agree with me and cooperate with us, or you Fend on its own, in the future no matter if the battle happens or we stop her, you won't have any room to survive."

His words were very cold, he didn't give these phantoms a chance to bargain, since he knew that they couldn't pose a real threat to him, Chen Xiaofan was the leader at the moment.

He has absolute right to speak.

The figures did not expect Chen Xiaofan to be so powerful suddenly, they were silent for a while, and finally a voice came out.

"We agreed to work with you and hope you will keep your word and keep us alive."

Chen Xiaofan nodded slightly, then added:
"Don't have any small thoughts, this is a big event for Lunshan, life and death, and the future trend of Lunshan depends on this moment."

The figures didn't say much, they just dispersed lightly, the surrounding dark environment also began to fade away, and Chen Xiaofan's consciousness returned.

"Xiaofan, wake up, the camp is coming."

Xiao Rou's voice sounded beside his ears, Chen Xiaofan opened his eyes and looked at the girl beside him, sensing the divine power, the car came back safely, everyone in the car was there, and suffered some minor injuries, even those few young people who were abandoned Also in the car.

It turned out that after the unicorns were captured, they affected Chen Xiaofan.

He did nothing wrong, it was all an illusion.

Fortunately, it was just an illusion, otherwise the things he saw would really happen, and he would not be able to gain a foothold in the camp, and even his reputation of being hostile and disregarding human life would affect Rou.

"Did I fall asleep all the way?"

Chen Xiaofan asked Xiaorou beside him, Xiaorou nodded obediently.

"Yeah, after we finished catching the unicorn, you started to sleep as soon as you got in the car, and you couldn't wake up. I thought something happened to you, but they looked at your condition and said that you were too tired, so they didn't wake you up." .”

"I've been trying to wake you up all the way, in case you won't wake up."

As she said that, Xiaorou's face showed panic, it seemed that she had slept for a long time.

Chen Xiaofan touched her head and comforted her:

"It's okay, am I awake?"

Xiaorou nodded, and sat obediently aside.

The front is the camp, and it seems that it only takes half a day to capture the unicorns in the north, but for Chen Xiaofan, the mental struggle between him and the unicorns lasted at least ten days, which tormented him. It was hard.

Sensing the rear with divine power, the unicorns are all shrouded in shackles of divine power. As long as he wants, he can deal with them at any time.


Chen Xiaofan said to the driver beside him, the car stopped abruptly, and the cars behind had to stop too.

They had already seen the shadow of the camp, and estimated that they would be able to return after driving for another half an hour. Everyone was puzzled when they stopped at this moment.

Chen Xiaofan took Xiaorou with him and got out of the car, all the men in the camp followed, thinking that something happened ahead.

But when he went to the front, he saw that there was nothing, and the plain was empty and safe.

I didn't meet any beasts along the way, and the whole journey went very smoothly.

Chen Xiaofan ignored them, and went straight to the unicorns behind the car, they were tied up with ropes by the men in the camp, covered their eyes with black cloth, unconscious.

Coupled with the restraint of divine power, it is even more motionless, as if dead.

Chen Xiaofan stretched out his hand and gently touched a unicorn, he could sense the breath of the unicorn, and he could even sense the existence of the blood essence stone.

Sure enough, they didn’t lie, they were indeed transformed. The unicorn’s body contains not only the blood of beasts, but also human blood. The red method is indeed cruel, using living people as experiments.
It seems that she really put in a lot of effort to research and manufacture blood essence stones back then. Fortunately, she didn't make a book, otherwise if she really made pure blood essence stones, they wouldn't even have a chance to come back now.

After putting his hand on the unicorn's body, Chen Xiaofan could sense their will.

They are originally hybrid creatures of humans and beasts. During these years of lurking, the will of humans has gradually gained the upper hand, which can be sensed from their conversations with Chen Xiaofan.

"Come here, two people, and untie the rope on this unicorn!"

Listening to Chen Xiaofan's words, men, look at me and I look at you, on the way back he fell asleep all the way, could it be that he was a little dizzy?

They all knew that the unicorn was not dead, so if they let it go, the captured creature would escape.

However, when they saw Chen Xiaofan's firm eyes.

For a while, they didn't dare to say anything more.

After all, everyone has seen him be fierce when catching unicorns, but no one dares to say no to his strength.

Two or three people stepped forward, and according to Chen Xiaofan's instructions, untied the rope around a unicorn, and removed the black cloth covering its body.

The unicorn suddenly opened its eyes, causing the men to jump and back away.

Chen Xiaofan looked at the unicorn calmly, the unicorn's consciousness was still there, it knew that Chen Xiaofan was their future hope and their best trustee, so they could only lower their eyes and droop their heads to express their submission.

Seeing its posture, Chen Xiaofan was very satisfied. To him, as long as the unicorn is willing to cooperate, that is the greatest good thing.

Move your mind, don't loosen the shackles of divine power on the unicorn in front of you, it is no longer bound, and slowly stands up.

The soldiers around didn't know what Chen Xiaofan was going to do, seeing the unicorn standing up, which was as tall as two or three people, they instantly lost their composure.

All kinds of weapons are held in their hands, ready to do it at any time, and some people have even taken out the old guns, ready to fire.

"Put things down!"

When Chen Xiaofan gave an order, the men around were all surprised and didn't know what to do.

"lay down!"

Chen Xiaofan yelled again, they didn't dare to disobey the order, they could only put down all the weapons in their hands, but their spirits were tense, and they kept ready to strike at any time.

But what they didn't expect was that the unicorn that woke up didn't make a fuss, but walked to Chen Xiaofan's side with its head down. It gently rubbed its head against Chen Xiaofan's hand, and then lay down directly.

The people around were dumbfounded, not to mention why it surrendered to Chen Xiaofan, just because of its obedient appearance, it would be too detrimental to the image of the beast, right?
Chen Xiaofan is very satisfied, forming cooperation with unicorns is a better choice than simply capturing them.

The unicorn next to him was much taller than Chen Xiaofan, it bent down, looking at it, it was inviting Chen Xiaofan to sit on its back.

Xiaorou stared dumbfounded from behind, is this his future man? It's really amazing.

As she was thinking like this, Chen Xiaofan lifted her up, then lightly tossed her towards the back of the unicorn.

Xiaorou realized that she was already on the back of the unicorn, she was a little excited and a little scared.

Chen Xiaofan didn't sit on the back of the unicorn, it was still half a human, he cooperated with the unicorns, not to treat them as slaves.

He didn't want them to be mounts. Of course, Xiao Rou was just a child. She looked at those unicorns with sparkling eyes, and she thought she wanted to experience the feeling of horseback for a long time.

Sitting on the horseback, Xiaorou's vision is excellent, she laughed happily.

"Let's go, back to camp!"

Chen Xiaofan didn't get in the car, he led the unicorn, and Xiaorou was sitting on the back of the beast, he just walked slowly towards the camp.

The men in the car behind were a little envious. The unicorn was originally pure white, with a huge and mighty figure. Xiaorou sat on its back with her head held high.

Who can resist a fierce unicorn as a mount?

In this way, after Chen Xiaofan and the Unicorn made a deal, they set off on their way home again.

But the leader turned into a unicorn, and the girl sitting on its back, Chen Xiaofan who was holding it.
(End of this chapter)

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