Chapter 55
Chen Xiaofan was overwhelmed by Lu Yu's coquettish manipulation, and he stopped fighting at first, but he owed Gu Shu two knives.

Now it's all right, all woke up!

The stabbed ancient tree opened its huge mouth and let out a heart-piercing scream.

Its voice was like a cat in the night, like a baby crying, sharp and scary, Lu Yu was under the root of the old tree, looking up at the old tree that came back to life, his whole body was paralyzed by fright, his heart was desperate Well, he really didn't understand why his hands didn't obey, but he wanted to insert them!
There was a scream like a baby's cry, and the surrounding ancient trees all came to life. They seemed to feel the pain of the ancient tree being stabbed by the dagger, and the surrounding dwarf ancient trees also began to whimper.

With the awakening of the ancient trees, the branches all over the sky spread out again, the branches of the ancient trees are flying in the sky, like the black hair of a girl in the darkness, it is not a good thing, it is the ancient trees eating people, A sharp weapon for skewering people.

The branches all over the sky were like thousands of sharp swords, and they stabbed fiercely at Lu Yu. His two strokes really hit the sore spot of the ancient tree.

Lu Yu understood that this was not the time to be afraid, and he had to leave quickly to save his life.

He didn't want the dagger stuck in the ancient tree anymore. The dagger was a coming-of-age gift from his father. It was very precious, but if the dagger was gone, his father could give it to him again. If his life was gone, his father might have to work hard with his mother. Work hard and regenerate a new one.

However, when Lu Yu wanted to get away, he found that he had lost control of his hands, his arms were completely numb, and he was holding the dagger tightly, as if he couldn't bear to separate it at all.

Lu Yu was in the mood to cry, he was not at all reluctant to get down from the ancient tree, but his hands were not in control!

Looking carefully at my own arms, there are silver threads wrapped around each of my hands, which are extremely small, and I can't find it unless I look closely.

Remembering that he stopped his hand just now, but in the end he still involuntarily thrust towards the ancient tree, Lu Yu couldn't help wondering, could it be that this thing controlled him?Where did this silver thread come from?
The sobs of the ancient trees sounded extremely miserable, as if thousands of innocent souls were complaining, and Lu Yu's scalp went numb when he heard it.

Chen Xiaofan saw the silver thread wrapped around Lu Yu's hand, Lu Yu twisted his body and wanted to escape, but he couldn't escape being bound by the silver thread.

The other end of the silver thread spread into the forest, and I don't know where it came from.

Chen Xiaofan speeded up and approached Lu Yu, but seeing that the branches of the ancient tree had already arrived in front of him, Chen Xiaofan felt a little too late...

The little brother Lu Yu I just met may be turning into a sieve.

The sky was still dark, and the two of them could not feel a ray of light in their hearts.

Chen Xiaofan didn't care about hiding his identity anymore, his body strength surged, and he rushed to Lu Yu's side at a sudden speed.

Only when he got close did he realize that there were so many silver threads on his hands!
Countless silk threads wrapped his arms, as if tying him into a dumpling.The silver thread was not only tied to his hand, but also connected to the body of the ancient tree, as if growing out of it, Chen Xiaofan tried to pull it, the silver thread was small, but it was as hard as steel. It looks like a steel wire, so hard that it can't be broken at all.

Chen Xiaofan immediately felt a headache, what the hell is this silver thread.

Turning around and looking back, the branches all over the sky were protruding, like countless unsheathed sharp swords, they had already arrived in front of the two of them, Chen Xiaofan saw that the silver thread could not be broken, his face gradually became gloomy.

Lu Yu was already extremely moved when he saw Chen Xiaofan come to save him. Seeing that the silver thread could not be broken, the hope that rose in his heart was shattered. The branches all over the sky hit him, and he knew he couldn't escape. Go, Lu Yu panicked.

"Brother Zhuang, hurry up, leave me alone if I'm already trapped!"

Chen Xiaofan remained silent, he was seriously thinking about a question.

With my current physical condition, can I still resist the ruthless attack of the ancient tree?
As for what Lu Yu said to go?
Impossible, if you can't pull Lu Yu down, turn around and leave?Not to mention that he had gone deep into the hinterland, whether he could walk or not was a problem. Seeing Lu Yu being penetrated in front of him, Chen Xiaofan couldn't bear it.

At that time, when Chen Xiaofan saw the little fat man being attacked by the giant python, he wanted to do it.

It seems that after the previous events, Chen Xiaofan's mentality gradually changed. The 20 years he lived in Jiangcheng went smoothly, without any disturbances.

He thought that he would live an ordinary life all his life, marry a wife and have children, enter middle age, save money to buy a house in Jiangcheng, enjoy the blessings of working overtime, and finally enter old age with ailments, recuperate and look after his children growing up.

However, there was a deviation in his life. After hooking up with the Taoist priest by accident, his life trajectory changed drastically.

Now he can no longer be considered a normal person.

Although Chen Xiaofan has no righteousness in his heart, but seeing that his kind is about to be devoured, he thinks of the giant python trapping the elf to deceive him, remembers the old tree whipping him in the forest, thinks of the dwarf's framing, and thinks of the lies revealed by the dwarf. News and traps, he felt very uncomfortable.

He suddenly understood what Sun Dahai said, that if he is not of my race, he must have a different heart.

Chen Xiaofan still couldn't figure out the doorway inside, and he didn't know why the dwarf released fake news, why the ancient tree wanted to eat people, and why the giant python wanted to arrest all his classmates.

But he was upset, he had only become a supernatural being for a few days, and he was repeatedly pitted by alien races. If he hadn't been physically strong and different from ordinary supernatural beings, he might be hung on a tree now or become an ancient supernatural being. The food in the belly of the tree.

Thinking of these, Chen Xiaofan suddenly had an epiphany.

What should I do if I am upset?Naturally, I will go back!
When the ability is strong, the fist speaks, when the ability is not enough, the brain thinks a way, as a human being, you can't be sorry, you must always have some ideas to live on.

Don't be afraid of any difficulties you encounter, face it with a smile, the best way to eliminate fear is to face fear!
Can't let the giant python and the ancient tree enjoy themselves, they want to eat people!You can't wash your neck and wait, don't even think about it!I will not let you do what you wish, and save them all!

Normally, Chen Xiaofan just used ordinary words to raise an argument, but now when he was facing a foreign race, he suddenly discovered the joy of life and the meaning of his existence as a person with supernatural powers.

bar!Give it all to me!Anyway, it's right to go against these alien monsters!

Having figured this out, he suddenly felt the power gushing out of his body, wasn't it just the whipping of the branches of the ancient tree?

I have already experienced it once, so there is nothing to be afraid of!Isn't it because the skin is pumped green?It's not a problem.

Chen Xiaofan's body gradually straightened, he became more confident, and his momentum also came.

Lu Yu didn't know that Chen Xiaofan had already experienced a wave of torture from ancient trees, and successfully carried it through. Seeing him resisting the attack of ancient trees for himself, and seeing his majestic back, he couldn't help but his eyes were red, and he was so moved that he wanted to shed tears...

After the changes in the world, the plants were no longer the same as before. When Lu Yu inserted his dagger into the ancient trees, he knew that these ancient trees were not ordinary, even old pimples. The dagger his father gave him was made of fine iron for thousands of years With the blessing of my father's magic circle, it can cut iron like mud, but when piercing into the ancient tree, it feels very difficult, the hand feels frustrating, and it can't break the defense at all.

Not to mention the branches of these ancient trees, their hardness is of the same order of magnitude as the ancient trees, watching Chen Xiaofan resist the attack of the ancient trees, this is tantamount to suicide.

Looking at Chen Xiaofan's stalwart back, Lu Yu couldn't help sighing, what more could a husband ask for if he had such a confidant in life?
He said to Chen Xiaofan with sobs: "Brother Da don't have to...sacrifice yourself for me."

Chen Xiaofan didn't answer his words, because countless branches had already come to him.

This time was different from the past, Gu Shu came more fiercely and ruthlessly this time, and his body was not as firm as before.

The branches all over the sky were like a rain of swords, attacking Chen Xiaofan and Lu Yu.

The dwarf squatted in the grass in the distance, watching the two of them were about to be pierced by an ancient tree, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the corner of his mouth curled into a smile...

Seeing that the branches had already struck, Chen Xiaofan mustered all his strength to prepare to resist, when there was a sound from a distance.

Different from the low whimpering sound of the ancient tree, it was a crisp bell sound, floating in, as if it was about to destroy something.


The sound came so abruptly that it stirred up waves in the lake, and even the giant python's eyelids moved slightly.

After the bell rang, Chen Xiaofan suddenly felt powerless all over his body, and the boundless passion and strength that just gushed out were turned into nothingness.He thought something was wrong!

He suddenly turned on the sage mode. Facing the sky full of branches, he didn't have the slightest thought of resistance. He was full of thoughts: let them pass through, life and death are not a matter.

Everyone in Chen Xiaofan was stupid, why did he suddenly become a sage?Weren't you full of enthusiasm just now?
What the hell is that ringtone?Is another alien casting magic?

Seeing that countless branches had already struck in front of him, Chen Xiaofan felt a little desperate in his heart, being broken at this moment would undoubtedly be fatal.

But he really didn't have the slightest intention of resisting, he was like a salted fish.

Just when he was desperate and didn't want to resist, countless branches suddenly stopped, just a few inches in front of Chen Xiaofan.

After being stunned for a few seconds, the branches seemed to be a little confused, they backed away, and kept exploring around...

Chen Xiaofan was in a daze, he looked at Lu Yu behind him, his face was no longer confused, only a look of dementia remained, he hung powerlessly on the ancient tree, like a mentally handicapped man who lost his mind.It seemed that the ringtone had a greater influence on him.

The dwarf hiding in the grass changed his face when he heard the bell. He looked into the distance, with fear and fear in his eyes, and he muttered tremblingly.

" did it come here, it's obviously a confined space..."

After speaking, it quietly retreated towards the mountain, as if wanting to stay away from this place
The bell sound came and went suddenly, watching the ancient tree stop attacking, Chen Xiaofan was completely confused.

He carefully observed the behavior of the ancient tree, and felt very puzzled in his heart. Obviously the two were right in front of him, but the ancient trees seemed to have lost their minds, and they could not be found at all.

Looking around, he couldn't find who made the ringtone.

Chen Xiaofan looked at the giant python in the distant Spirit Lake again, it closed its eyes and didn't wake up, no matter it was the ringtone, the conversation between the two, or the crying of the ancient tree, it didn't wake it up.

The branches of the ancient tree were probing around, even deliberately avoiding them when they came to the two of them.

Chen Xiaofan couldn't figure out the reason, but no matter what, it was a good thing, it was an excellent chance to escape.

With such a golden opportunity, Chen Xiaofan wanted to help Lu Yu get out of the predicament.

However, as soon as Chen Xiaofan turned around, seeing Lu Yu hanging on the ancient tree, his whole body was very salty, and the motivation in his heart to save him suddenly dissipated.

He sat down directly, resting his chin on one hand, feeling that life was boring.

But Chen Xiaofan was vigilant in his heart, he knew that this state was not right, there were ancient trees and giant pythons around him, and he actually sat down, as if taking a rest on an outing, this feeling was very strange, Chen Xiaofan felt very tired.

"Lu Yu...I'm here to save you!"

Chen Xiaofan sat on the ground without any movement, he changed his hand to rest his chin, his eyes were full of exhaustion and tiredness.

Listening to Chen Xiaofan's words, Lu Yu came back to his senses a little bit, and he also became a little abnormal after hearing the ringtone.

He slowly said to Chen Xiaofan.

"Brother Big Zhuang...don't worry...I'm comfortable hanging on the old tree, don't worry about me..."

Hearing Lu Yu's lazy voice, Chen Xiaofan felt even more tired. He felt that the sky was dark, the ancient trees spread like hypnotism, and his eyelids kept fighting. It seemed that going to sleep was the most comfortable thing.

Chen Xiaofan knew it was wrong to be in such a state, but he was a salty fish in his heart, and he didn't have the slightest thought of tossing around, it seemed that a good night's sleep was the right choice.

Just when Chen Xiaofan narrowed his eyes and was about to fall asleep, the blessing stick on his waist shone slightly, and it sensed Chen Xiaofan's state.

But this time it didn't pour energy into Chen Xiaofan's eyebrows, and Bangzi's very humane female voice blessed in Chen Xiaofan's mind.

"Sleeping Nima! Wake up!"

(End of this chapter)

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