my mobile phone connects fairyland

Chapter 605 Sacrificial Life

Chapter 605 Sacrificial Life
Above the sky, even though the golden dragon is fighting hard, it is just a remnant soul, while the black dragon is a complete body. With so many years of precipitation, the enemy will eventually be stronger.

The golden rain kept falling, the roar of the golden dragon began to weaken, and its dancing became less spiritual.

Little spider looked at her father in the sky, feeling uneasy in her heart.

The light of the mother's stone statue also flickered, and it might not last long.

If they didn't do anything, the final result would probably be the death of their parents' remnant souls, and the two of them would be wrapped in black mist and torn to pieces by the gods.

The little spider had a feeling in her heart, she connected with her parents, she showed her arm.

Her body began to change.

"Xiaofan, step back a little, I want to help them!"

Chen Xiaofan didn't know what she was going to do, but instinctively felt something was wrong.

Before he could speak, the imprint on the little spider's arm had already changed.

The imprint representing the sacred tree began to hatch, and the little spider screamed in pain.

Chen Xiaofan wanted to get close to her, but a strong life force had spread out.

The imprint on the arm of the little spider began to grow something. Looking carefully, it turned out to be a seedling.

In the blink of an eye, her arms were wrapped by the trunk of the sacred tree, followed by her body and her head.

Between one or two breaths of Chen Xiaofan's astonishment, the little spider turned into a divine tree.

She took root beside the stone statue, and then grew up rapidly.

Seeing such a scene, no matter how stupid Chen Xiaofan was, he could understand that the little spider was sacrificing her own life, and she wanted to make the sacred tree stronger.

"No! No! No!"

Chen Xiaofan knew it was late, but he still rushed over.

The sacred tree has completely wrapped up the little spider, and it continues to grow and become bigger.

Looking at the sacred tree in front of him, Chen Xiaofan felt a strong breath of life. This breath blocked the stone statue of the little spider's mother, and those holy rays of light shone on the sacred tree, adding another vitality to the growth of the sacred tree.

Chen Xiaofan was helpless, he could only hug the sacred tree, hoping that it would not completely suck the little spider's life force away.

As the first sacred object of Lun Mountain, the sacred tree is already legendary.

The powerful vitality is formed after thousands of years of gestation, and the little spider dedicated her life in order to keep the remnant souls of her mother and father, and to change the battle situation in the sky.

The divine tree was absorbing life, Chen Xiaofan hugged the divine tree, and could feel the beating of his heart inside.

He knew that it belonged to Xiaozhu and belonged to her.

It's just that the voice is getting weaker and weaker, as if it will disappear in the blink of an eye.

"No, little spider, don't!"

Chen Xiaofan's voice became weak, he was helpless in the face of such a change, he could only hug the sacred tree tightly.

The power of absorbing life also affected Chen Xiaofan, a suction force was eroding his life, it was as painful as a moth gnawed.

But Chen Xiaofan didn't let go, he just hoped that the spider wouldn't die.

The sacred tree grows and grows, constantly rising.

It has no natural enemies and cannot be suppressed. As long as the absorbed force is strong enough, it can grow towards the sky.

Chen Xiaofan could only watch and feel silently, Xiaozhu's heartbeat became weaker and weaker.

The sense of powerlessness made him despair, facing the fetish in front of him, he had no ability to stop it.

He could only silently watch the little spider disappear.

My heart ached, I was so sad that I shed tears, and I muttered a few words in my throat, but I couldn't speak.

Walking all the way back home, being with Xiao Zhu, the two of them are no longer as strangers as they were when they first met. Chen Xiaofan knows all about her life experience and what happened to her.

She is not a child without the love of her parents. On the contrary, her parents love her very much.

In order not to let her be affected by Hong's curse, she was sent away.

These years, Little Spider has had a hard time. She tampered with her memory, her body was transformed, and even her identity was hidden.

These hardships and tiredness, only she knows, and only she understands.

For many years, little spider has been responsible for everything alone. If it hadn't been too hard, who would choose to end his life?

It wasn't until she met Chen Xiaofan that she smiled more.

Chen Xiaofan didn't want her to die, didn't want, didn't want.

In her ignorance, Little Spider's body had already merged with the Divine Tree, and she knew that her parents gave her a responsibility by handing over the Divine Tree to her.

The power of the sacred tree is powerful, but it also needs to be conceived and takes time. If it is strong enough, then the darkness in Lunshan will be dispelled.

Her parents gave her tasks, her mother wanted her to save Hong, and her father asked her to raise the sacred tree and restore the peace in Lunshan.

There is no conflict between the two, in fact, they are both the same thing.

But she couldn't do it now, when she took the initiative to open the imprint on her arm and offered her life force, the sacred tree would use her as nourishment and quickly absorb her life force.

The reason why the little spider did this was because after owning the sacred tree, she already had a very strong ability to detect the future.

She can see what is going to happen.

In her eyes, if she didn't do this, the Golden Dragon would lose the battle in the sky, and her mother's remnant soul would be completely consumed. In the end, she and Chen Xiaofan both died, or became slaves of the Black Dragon.

She couldn't accept such a result, and the only thing she could do was to sacrifice herself to the sacred tree and dedicate her life force.

As long as the sacred tree is strong enough, there will be a glimmer of life.

She was wrapped in the sacred tree, her ignorant consciousness still remained, her body was continuously disintegrated, and her legs were absorbed inch by inch.

Maybe it won't be long before she dies completely and turns into nourishment.

In a trance, she heard Chen Xiaofan's shout, heard his reluctant attachment.

Xiaozhu is neither afraid nor worried. In the future, he will definitely live a good life.

Is there a more meaningful death than sacrificing oneself so that the loved ones can live?
She has no ability to respond to Chen Xiaofan, and now she has dedicated everything to the sacred tree, giving her life, her destiny, and her future.

There was a haze in front of her eyes, but she could feel that the sacred tree was becoming stronger, the mother's remnant soul was preserved, and the gods outside began to fear.

The sacred tree keeps growing towards the sky, and it is already approaching the battle in the sky.

Touching the battle in the sky, sending powerful vitality to the father, then the battle can continue.

In the darkness, a ray of light suddenly appeared in front of the little spider's eyes.

The blinding light dispelled the darkness in front of her eyes and around her.

The sacred tree around him was torn open, and a figure appeared in the light.

"Little spider! You can't die!"

Chen Xiaofan, it's Chen Xiaofan.

Although Xiaozhu was ready to sacrifice, but at this moment when she saw Chen Xiaofan in the light and shadow, she still couldn't help shedding tears.

"My... sacrifice will be exchanged for hope."

The little spider spoke, her voice was no longer her own, it had been taken away by the sacred tree.

Chen Xiaofan didn't want the spider to die, and didn't want to hear her heartbeat getting weaker and weaker.

With divine power covering his whole body, Chen Xiaofan didn't care at all when facing the divine tree that sucked his life.

Putting his hands into the torso of the sacred tree, he tore open a hole.

There is only one thought in his heart, he must not let the little spider die, he has sworn that if he dies, he will die first.

Forcibly opening the sacred tree, he saw the little spider wrapped in the sacred tree.

Most of her body has been corroded, leaving only the upper half of her body.

Seeing her like this in the sacred tree, Chen Xiaofan couldn't help but get red eyes.

"Why do you do this?"

Supporting the divine tree to absorb the power of life, Chen Xiaofan knew that the little spider in front of him could not be rescued.

Just resisting the power of the sacred tree has exhausted all its strength.

From the time the two got acquainted to each other, Xiao Zhu has always trusted Chen Xiaofan, believed in him, and protected him.

The friendship between the two is also warming up in life and death again and again.

From the very beginning, when Chen Xiaofan refused to face the little spider's persistence, to the present reluctance, they have experienced a lot.

"Only... so that everyone can survive."

Xiaozhu opened her mouth with difficulty, for her, seeing Chen Xiaofan again was already a blessing, and the man with red eyes in front of her made her understand.

All your efforts are worth it.

As the sacred tree grew, it finally touched the sky.

The power of life was also given to him, and the golden dragon's injuries were healed immediately. It knew the source of the power and understood what its daughter had done.

It roared, suppressing the arrogance of the black dragon.

"God tree, god tree!"

"Why do you get its support, you are clearly a traitor and a saboteur!"

The black dragon shouted unwillingly, its voice was filled with anger and confusion.

In the sky, with the support of the sacred tree, the golden dragon regained its strength, and the balance began to tilt.

The power of the black dragon is constantly being weakened and defeated, and defeat is a matter of time.

Under the sky, Chen Xiaofan no longer cares about the battle in the sky. For him, the little spider with only half of his body in front of him makes his heart ache.

Chen Xiaofan's short life was very exciting and romantic. He met many women and left many feelings.

Sometimes it is unintentional, just like myself and the little spider.

Now when she was about to lose her life and was unable to recover, Chen Xiaofan felt lost and in pain.

In life, there will always be some regrets, and we will cherish them only when we lose them.

There were tears on his face, Little Spider stretched out her hand hard, and gently wiped away the tears for him.

"Don't worry, I will change my life to accompany you."

Up to now she has been gentle, Chen Xiaofan couldn't bear it, he didn't want Xiaozhu to die.

The Divine Tree is still absorbing her life, and her body is still collapsing.

Chen Xiaofan looked at Xiaozhu, looked at her gentle eyes, and his eyes became firm.

The little spider has merged with the divine tree, and she can already see the future in her consciousness.

After seeing Chen Xiaofan's eyes, he felt something bad.

"No, don't do this!"

Xiaozhu tried her best to speak, but Chen Xiaofan ignored her, he silently put his hand into the sacred tree, and removed the divine power.

Immediately, the divine tree absorbed the power of life and transmitted it to Chen Xiaofan.

His head was dizzy, and he could only hear the feeble cry of the little spider next to his ear.
(End of this chapter)

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