I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 270 is 18 minutes, not 18 centimeters

Chapter 270 is 18 minutes, not 18 centimeters
At 35:[-], the operation began.

Three knives and three holes, inserting surgical instruments.

Pneumoperitoneum is completed and the gallbladder triangle is explored.

The free cystic duct was cut off after clipping with titanium clips.

Clamp the stump of the cystic duct, turn up the gallbladder, and bluntly separate the gallbladder bed...

"Director Yin, arrange to pick up the next patient." On the operating table, the chief surgeon Yang Xi gave an order in a deep voice.

Yin Wei, who was busy filling out the anesthesia record, suddenly raised his head, what?Is it over?

Why does it feel like I have just begun?

Gao Yong glanced at Yin Wei, nodded slightly, as if to say, yes, pull out the gallbladder, sew up the three holes in the patient's belly, and the surgery is over.

In the live broadcast room, two viewers quarreled in text.

"There's nothing special about this surgery!"

"Why is there no bright spot?"

"The anatomical structure of the patient's gallbladder triangle is simple and clear, there is no inflammatory adhesion, and the gallbladder bed is smaller than ordinary people, so it is relatively easy to peel off."

"You can do it!"

"Hehe, let me tell you, I can really easily win this operation."

"18 minutes, big brother, it's not 18 centimeters, you blow an 18 minutes to show my brother?"


The man in front fell silent.

The difficulty of the operation is indeed not that great, even if it is assigned to Zhang Yao, it can be taken safely, but it is hard to say how long it will take to take it off.

Back then, Director Ma in his heyday used a laparoscopic cholecystectomy in only 25 minutes to force the older generation of talented surgical director Jiang Pujun to give up research on laparoscopy.After that, Director Ma also performed more than 10 laparoscopic cholecystectomies that broke through the 25-minute mark, but he never surpassed the original record of [-] minutes for one operation.

After Director Ma, Qin Gewei also entered within 30 minutes dozens of times, but he was always two or three minutes behind Director Ma's record.

Records, to some extent, mean the limit.

Just like a sports game, it is difficult to come back with a champion, but it is much easier than breaking the record.

But Yang Xi, a monster, easily broke Director Ma's 15-year hospital record when he performed laparoscopic surgery for the second time.

It's so anti-human!
So fucking pseudoscience!
Gao Yong and Yin Wei crossed their eyes again, comforting each other, wanting to be a little brother, just don't treat that kid as a human being.

Fifteen minutes later, the second operation began.

The number of viewers in the live broadcast room more than doubled.

From 9 people to 19 people.

Although the number of viewers was extremely miserable, the live broadcast room was extremely lively, because the two brothers who had quarreled during the previous operation got into a fight again.

"This operation..."

"Speak up if you have something to say, don't be a little bit, we are all colleagues, there is no need to dress deeply."

"I want to say that this operation is much more difficult than the previous one. Judging from the level of the surgeon, it should be no problem to win it. But in terms of time, I think three 3 minutes are not enough."

"I admit that it is more difficult than the last one, but if you say that you can't win three 3-minute games, I don't think so."

"Brother, how about we make a bet? If the surgeon completes the operation within 50 minutes, I will lose."

"Three 3 minutes is 18 minutes, brother, why don't you send me your address, and I'll give you a computer."

"Don't worry about the 3 minutes and 5 minutes, just ask you, do you dare to take a gamble?"

"So what if I let you for 4 minutes? Tell me, how to bet."


The normal anatomical structure of the gallbladder triangle is that the left and right hepatic ducts merge with the outside of the liver to form the common hepatic duct, the common hepatic duct extends downward and merges with the cystic duct to form the common bile duct, and the end of the common bile duct connects to the duodenum.

However, the anatomical structure of the gallbladder triangle in this patient was obviously deformed.

At the lower end of the cystic duct, an extra tubular structure was born horizontally.

If the tubes in the gallbladder triangle are not sorted out, no one will dare to perform the operation lightly.Even if it is sorted out clearly, such a deformity will inevitably bring a lot of difficulty to the recipient.

This is also the core focus of the confrontation between the two in the live broadcast room.

As if deliberately taking advantage of the fact that the two were only focused on raising the bar and not paying attention to the progress of the operation, Yang Xi on the stage sorted out the patient's deformed anatomy in less than 5 minutes.

"Brother Jin, you can write a single case report for this operation. The common hepatic duct is absent, and the cases where the right hepatic duct directly joins the cystic duct are really rare." While Yang Xi was speaking, he had already clamped the short part with titanium clips. A large section of the cystic duct. "Boss, it may not be easy to peel from bottom to top, let's peel from top to bottom."

Peeling from bottom to top is like the first operation, because the stump of the cystic duct can be clamped and the gallbladder can be easily lifted to expose the gallbladder bed, so the operation is relatively simple.When stripping from top to bottom, it is difficult to clamp the gallbladder when it is full, so the bile in the gallbladder can only be extracted first, and the difficulty in stripping the gallbladder bed will increase when the gallbladder is deflated.

However, for Yang Xi, these difficulties seemed to not exist at all.

The two guys on the bar said something to each other, and when the bar was in full swing, someone suddenly interrupted.

"Can you two calm down? The operation is almost over, and I don't know if you two are here to quarrel or come to see the operation."

Just kidding, it's only been a few minutes?Is there half an hour?How do you say the operation is almost over?
The two of them aimed their guns at the interlocutor at the same time.

It's just that each of them only said a word or two before they all stopped.

Nima, the operation is really almost over.

The speed is only reflected in the results, and during the process, the viewers in the live broadcast room did not feel how fast the surgeon's movements were, but every step of the surgeon was in place, and there was almost no redundant operation or operation. It is an invalid operation, and at the same time, the force applied by the operator is just right, so that there is no need to repair after each operation.

Just like painting, one stroke is in place, even if the stroke speed is not fast, an outline can be drawn in a second, but if one stroke is not in place, you need to erase it with an eraser or use several strokes to make up for it, then , no matter how fast the writing speed is, it will take as many as several seconds.Reflected on the whole painting, even if the painter's every stroke seems to be slow, the total time spent will save a lot of time compared with the painting made by tinkering.

Moreover, it will allow the viewer to fully appreciate the beauty.

Yang Xi finally completed this difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy in 37 minutes, and it was such an unbelievably beautiful and refreshing operation that caused a lot of excitement in the live broadcast area of ​​Xinglin Garden. After a sensation, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room of 'Anesthetic Yin Wei' reached full capacity in just 10 minutes.

There is no way, Xiaoka, resources are limited, and the total number of viewers in the live broadcast room opened within the authority is only 500 people.

(End of this chapter)

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