I'm a god of medicine

Chapter 447 Forest Academy, Awesome

Chapter 447 Forest Academy, Awesome

After taking a taxi to the North Second Ring Road, he reached out and stopped a bus bound for Liuquan Town. At [-]:[-], Yang Xi appeared in Dean Lin's office.

"Hehe, what kind of wind is this that brought you here?" Dean Lin was full of joy. Although the obvious dark circles and slightly swollen eye bags showed that he was very tired during this period, this old guy He is very energetic, and he is full of energy when speaking.

"I haven't been back for a long time, I'm homesick." Yang Xi responded casually.

Dean Lin personally made a cup of tea for Yang Xi, brought it over, and sat down beside Yang Xi by the way. He took out the cigarette, lit it, and the whole set of actions was done in one go.

"My old brothers really have a good understanding. Last night I was debating whether to call you back, but I was afraid of delaying your work. Hehe, I didn't expect you to come back by yourself." Dean Lin Smoking a cigarette, the expression on his face was very smug, which showed that what he just said was not a lie.

Yang Xi picked up the teacup, blew away the tea leaves floating on the water, took a sip of the tea, and then asked, "Why do you have to think about getting me back for important things?"

Dean Lin replied: "Two big things. At 10:30 in the morning, I made an appointment with the general agent of Wolf Company in Nanjiang Province to talk about the product endorsement. At [-]:[-] in the afternoon, I made an appointment with Mr. Zhu from Huajian Medical Investment Company of the Mining Group. Discuss the cooperation and co-construction of Zhijia and Gamma Knife. If these two things can be negotiated, then our hospital will be in trouble."

Wolf Company is a world-renowned manufacturer of laparoscopic equipment. It can cheat a set of combined thoracoabdominal laparoscopy without spending money, plus the laminar flow operating room under construction. The development has laid a solid material foundation.If the direct injection and gamma knife can be introduced, even if the equipment is only second-hand, the radiotherapy profession can be developed.It is not difficult to deal with only one major in chemotherapy. Go outside and spend a lot of money to find a deputy senior in chemotherapy, and then match him with a few doctors, and a chemotherapy department will look like it.

In this way, with the three basic methods of surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy, the oncology department of Liuquan Town Hospital has the capital to emerge.

The question is, this empty-handed white wolf routine sounds pretty cool, but is it that easy to implement it?Capitalists are all masters who recognize money but not people, so they will be so easily deceived?

Sensing Yang Xi's doubts, Dean Lin laughed and said, "I don't believe your brother's ability, do you?"

Yang Xi nodded truthfully.

Dean Lin smiled again, and said: "Your brother doesn't believe it himself, but there is no way, once you play the banner of your Yang Xi, the other party believes it, and chases your brother to come to talk, you say, your brother, I will pay you back." What can I do? It can only be done with reluctance!"


Classmate Lao Lin can really talk, well, I believe you.

"At 10:30, it will still be nearly 10 minutes, Linyuan, why don't you take me to the newly built operating room to have a look?"

It only cost 60 yuan to build two standard laminar flow operating rooms. This is Dean Lin's proud work. If the same standard is placed in a municipal hospital, it must be at least 600 million yuan.

How did you do it?
Don't compare the hospital business to the Panjiayuan second-hand goods market. If you ask for 500 yuan for an item, even a discount of 50 yuan is considered a buyer's loss.The hospital builds a laminar flow operating room, and the market price starts at 3 yuan per square meter, so there is no need to talk about it.

On the way, Dean Lin told Yang Xi the truth.

"3 to 1 square meter is the standard price of a qualified manufacturer. They earn that qualified money, but in fact, the construction cost of the laminar flow operating room is only 3000 yuan per square meter. I paid [-] yuan. The price of one square meter is enough.”

Yang Xi stopped immediately, frowned and asked, "It's so cheap, can it guarantee the quality of construction?"

Dean Lin said disapprovingly: "Isn't it just three elements, the blueprint design, the airtightness of the color steel plate construction, and the power of the filter air conditioner. Our blueprint was exchanged for drinking, it is absolutely no problem, and the filter air conditioner is also a regular purchase of real money. The manufacturer’s cost is not less than a penny, and only the airtightness of a color steel plate is left. The boss of the construction team said that if the quality is not up to standard, he will be hanged on the big sycamore tree at the east end of the town. Besides, the construction Whether the quality is in place, after the construction is completed, it will be clear after inspection.”

What Dean Lin said was certain, and Yang Xi didn't want to doubt it, especially the last sentence that Dean Lin said really hit the point. Whether this kind of operation is feasible or not ultimately depends on the inspection after completion.

"However...if we play like this, if we are sued and we don't have the qualifications to comply with the regulations, wouldn't we have to be punished obediently?"

Dean Lin stared, and said: "Who said that we are building a laminar flow operating room? We charge according to the ordinary operating room, do you need a fart qualification? You can't say that I, Lin Tongan, look like a big star. According to the rules of big stars, Lin Tongan is required of me, right?"

Short oil - hello.

Listening to this nonsense... it really makes sense.

Although my operating room is built according to the structure and standard of laminar flow operating room, I don't recognize it as laminar flow operating room, and I don't charge according to the charging standard of laminar flow operating room. So, you are the supervisor No department has the right to ask me for the construction qualification of the laminar flow operating room.

It's like I transformed an Alto into an Audi at home. Although it is not compliant, I just don't drive on the road, but just circles in my own big yard. No matter how much you don't like the traffic police, he doesn't care. The power fined Lao Tzu's money.

However, isn't your old Lin's analogy too inappropriate?With your honor, you still look like a big star. If any big star grows up to look like an old man like you, I am afraid that if he dies every day, he will feel sorry for the country and the people.

Dean Lin seemed to see Yang Xi's doubts, and then added: "They all said that I look like Han Chen in Infernal Affairs."

Yang Xi couldn't help but look at Dean Lin more, not to mention, it really is three-pointed in appearance and seven-pointed in spirit.

The operating room is still under construction, and there are messes everywhere. However, the basic prototype has emerged, and we can use it as a basis for imagination.

Small is a bit small, the two operating rooms plus the air shower area, personnel flow channel, storage room, disinfection room and many other functional areas are only [-] square meters, compared with the thousands of square meters of laminar flow operating room in the municipal hospital It's a lot more shabby, but even though the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs. Besides, no matter how good their things are, they belong to them after all, but the little sparrow in front of them is firmly their own.

Their own children are smart and beautiful no matter how they look at them. Those parents who only praise other people's children can't make other comments except for a stupid one.

Yang Xi embraced Dean Lin's shoulders beautifully, and praised: "Lin Yuan, in one word, awesome!"

(End of this chapter)

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