Chapter 687 Fudge is a science

Vice President Cui recovered quite well.

In the afternoon, there was a gurgling sound in my stomach.

This is called bowel sounds in medicine, which means that the gastrointestinal motility function has resumed.

"Wait a little longer, when you have exhaust, you can eat some liquid food." The doctor on duty who came to make the rounds confessed these words.


Vice President Cui, who went to the hospital for surgery for the first time, obviously didn't understand.

Ye Qiushan explained: "It's just farting!"

What the hell is that liquid food?

"Rice juice or noodle soup."

Vice President Cui was disappointed.

very hungry!
I didn't eat well last night, and I didn't even allow my saliva to drink this morning, but now I can only drink some rice noodle soup?

What's the use?
When the night was already dim, Vice President Cui couldn't take it anymore, so he sent Ye Qiushan to find Yang Xi to beg for mercy, not for a dry mouthful, even if he could mix some rice into the rice juice, or make some rice in the noodle soup. Gnocchi, that's better than the clear soup in front of you!
As soon as Ye Qiushan got up, the door of the ward was pushed open.

"Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, Doctor Yang, I'm going to find you." Ye Qiushan stepped aside and gave Yang Xi the seat at the head of the bed.

Yang Xi glanced at the bowl of thin rice juice on the bedside table that could reflect the figure, and couldn't help but frowned, and asked, "Why, can't you eat?"

Vice President Cui felt aggrieved and wanted to cry. He took Yang Xi's hand and said pitifully, "It's the ward round doctor who didn't let me eat it. He said that I can only eat some liquid food today."

Yang Xi smiled, took out his mobile phone, and made a call to the cafeteria: "Bed 28 in the second general surgery ward, bring a bowl of minced meat and rice porridge."

Hearing the word Roumo, Vice President Cui finally couldn't bear it, and the corners of his eyes wet.

"Thank you, Doctor Yang..."

Yang Xi patted the back of Vice President Cui's hand, and said with a smile: "I should be the one who should say thank you! You are suffering from a chronic illness, and before the operation, you can still consider the financial difficulties in the development of our hospital. I, Yang Xi, have no idea To repay, I can only keep this kindness in my heart."

Vice President Cui showed a knowing smile.

Dealing with smart people is easy and pleasant. Are Dr. Yang's words really grateful?

He just made his attitude superficial.

After getting the 1000 million low-interest long-term loan, Yang Xi will remember the kindness of Vice President Cui, and will never tell about Vice President Cui's illness and surgery.

"Should be, should be, you are directly serving the people, and when I serve you, I also serve the people indirectly."

Yang Xi just smiled faintly.

But in my heart, I was already happy.

On the issue of the site of the institute, Dean Lin still seemed a bit petty, and his position was not firm enough when negotiating with the town leaders. In the end, he only had to settle for a bottom line of [-] acres.

To be honest, 5000 mu of land is not too small. If you want to build this land beautifully, even if you spend every penny in half, you will need at least [-] million yuan.

It's just a low-interest long-term loan of 1000 million, how can it be?

Carry out good deeds to the end and send Buddha to the west.

It's fine if you, Vice President Cui, don't open your mouth, but you have already made an opening, and you have aroused my appetite, Young Master Xi. How can you just let you, a big fat sheep, like this?

Therefore, before entering the door, Yang Xi had already made up his mind that whatever he said, he had to get the remaining 4000 million shortfall in funds.

Fudge, using language to set traps skillfully and attract people to the bait.

It seems simple, but it is actually profound.

If you want to lay out the trap without anyone noticing in the state of gongs and drums face to face, and let the other party jump happily and unknowingly, you must first find the lifeline of the other party's thinking, and then prepare the groundwork to set off the atmosphere. In the end, he led the other party to deviate from his own thinking track a little bit, and jumped into the language trap he had laid without hesitation with his head held high.

This is so amazing that it is a science!

Yang Xi got off to a good start, but a bowl of minced meat and rice porridge set off the atmosphere and made Vice President Cui's thinking deviate from the original track. Therefore, how could he be unhappy in his heart?

"To be honest, Cui Xing, there are not many leading cadres like you who can still take serving the people in their hearts!" Yang Xi pushed the boat along the way, and then sent a rainbow fart at the right time.

Vice President Cui's expression immediately became serious and upright.

"Our party is the people's party, representing the interests of the people. Naturally, we must put serving the people first and make it our purpose. This cannot be changed at any time!"

Yang Xi nodded solemnly.

"Your words reminded me of the teachings of the big boss. He also taught me the same way when he interviewed me."

big boss?

Which big boss?

A seemingly inadvertent title in Yang Xi's words immediately aroused the great attention of Vice President Cui.

"Look at my bad habits. Huang Shuji even criticized me for this, saying that the name "big boss" is very bad, and he is the last thing to be called by others." Yang Xi caught the change in Vice President Cui's expression, Intentionally or unintentionally, he added a sentence, without a sense of deliberation, but clearly set up Huang Shuji's prestige.

Vice President Cui couldn't help being shocked.

But on the surface, it showed the attitude that revolutionary comrades only have different divisions of labor and no status.Kind, plain, but full of concern and concern, he asked: "Are you familiar with Huang Shuji? Do you often see each other?"

Yang Xi remained calm and sneered in his heart.

Dude, when it comes to pretending, you're way off the mark!
Shaking his head, Yang Xi calmly replied: "How can I, a little doctor, be very familiar with Huang Shuji? However, Huang Shuji cares about people's livelihood very much, and medical care is an important part of people's livelihood, so he piloted the medical reform. The burden of the hospital was put on me, and I was required to report to him every few months on the progress of the work."

After a short pause, Yang Xi seemed to think of something suddenly, and said eagerly: "This really reminds me, before the Spring Festival, I still need to find a time to take the initiative to report to Huang Shuji on my work!"

Vice President Cui was obviously distracted.

At this moment, the cafeteria brought a pot of minced meat and rice porridge, and when the lid was opened, the whole ward was immediately filled with the tempting aroma of meat.

"Wow, I haven't eaten dinner yet. Isn't it so fragrant that it's harmful?" Yang Xi personally served a bowl for Vice President Cui and handed it to him. "Seeing that you are recovering well, I can rest assured to have dinner, Cui Xing, you should take it easy, just eat half full, and give the gastrointestinal tract a process of gradual adaptation."

Vice President Cui took the bowl and spoon with a thoughtful look on his face.

Yang Xi patted Vice President Cui on the shoulder again, and said: "After eating the porridge, you can ask Mr. Ye to help you down and walk around. If you want to take a stroll outside, you can also wear more clothes, so as not to catch a cold."

(End of this chapter)

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