Thousands of role system of strong life

Chapter 232 This kick is inexplicable

Chapter 232 This kick is inexplicable

The pothole with a diameter of no more than fifty centimeters is like a passage leading directly to the nether world, except for the bright spot on the top of the head, there is no trace of light...

Zhang Rui grabbed the climbing rope with one hand and asked Zeng Cai and Zhao Heng to lower him slowly.

The passage is narrow, and it is not easy for a thin child to pass through. For adults, it is almost a deadly trap.

Bursts of piercing wind rushed straight into the sky from bottom to top, rubbing against the rough cave wall, making a strange whining sound.

Relying on the strength of a martial artist in the early stage of internal strength, Zhang Rui's muscles and bones can be sent and received freely. In order to pass through the narrow hole smoothly, Zhang Rui shrunk his body like a twelve or thirteen-year-old child.


The groan revived Zhang Rui's spirit.

With that, the friend Gu Wen fell into should not be far away.

In other words, he fell in really deep enough. If he was not a martial artist in the early stage of inner strength, if he was replaced by an ordinary person, there would be nothing he could do, even a professional rescuer.


"help me……"

"Help me..."

Zhang Rui accelerated and descended, and the cry for help became clearer and clearer. He could even hear the sound of breathing deeply to ensure the body's oxygen intake because he was trapped in a narrow space.

"Hey, buddy down there, are you okay?"

Zhang Rui spoke up.

"I... not good... quickly help..."

After a few seconds, Zhang Rui heard intermittent responses.

Now Zhang Rui has gone deep into the hole, nearly 30 meters. He roughly estimated that he was no more than ten meters away from the victims.

As he approached the victim, Zhang Rui slowed down his descent for the sake of caution.

But Zhang Rui's location is too far away from the light source above, and the hole is so narrow that you can't see your fingers below.

Zhang Rui was afraid that his descending speed was too fast, and the space was too narrow, so he had no room to turn around, so he would not be able to lower his head to observe the situation below, and he might even accidentally step the victim into a deeper hole...


The distance to the sound is closer, and it can be heard that the owner of the sound is already very weak.

In this way, they may be unable to support at any time and become comatose, and the difficulty of rescue will increase several times.

"Dude, can you hear me?"

"I heard you, save me!"

Zuo Bolin also heard that the voice from above was approaching. He was about to despair, but his desire to survive was reawakened, and he shouted out with almost all his strength.

"Listen, I'm going down slowly. If you can feel my feet, you must catch them. Do you know what I mean?"

"Ok, I see."

Zhang Rui probed down bit by bit until he felt a person stuck in the narrow hole with his feet.

"Dude, I've grabbed your foot, pull me up quickly!"

Zuo Bolin wept with joy, grasping the life-saving straw with both hands, using a lot of strength.


Zhang Rui felt that Zuo Bolin was stuck so tightly that he could hardly pull him up. At least with Zuo Bolin's own strength, he couldn't cooperate with him to pull him up.

By the way, Gu Wen said just now that this man was carrying a backpack of about [-] kilograms. Fortunately, this backpack made Zuo Bolin get stuck in a certain position, avoiding falling deeper, and saved his life. It was precisely because of this backpack that he was firmly stuck, and it was almost harder to get out than to climb to the sky.

"Dude, tell the people above to pull hard, I...I feel like the lower half of my body is in a very large space, maybe there is an abyss below, please, buddy, I don't want to die ..."

Zuo Bolin had been calling for help just now, but now his voice was hoarse, like a broken gong.

Below is the abyss?
Zhang Rui's heart skipped a beat.

This proves that these natural shafts lead directly to the big karst cave below, and Zuo Bolin's lower body is obviously hanging above the karst cave. Into the cave, if you don't fall into the underground river and drown, you have to fall to your death.

After clarifying these, Zhang Rui had a bold idea in his heart.

He tugged on the rope first, motioned for another piece of rope to be lowered from above, let himself continue to descend for a certain distance, and kicked down suddenly.

In fact, Zhang Rui only used less than [-]% of his strength.

But this tenth of strength alone is enough to kick a 200-jin man into the air, not to mention Zuo Bolin, who is thinner than Zhang Rui.

Zuo Bolin, who was carrying a sixty-pound backpack, was kicked by Zhang Rui and fell straight down from where he was stuck...


Zuo Bolin never expected that he would die even faster when he thought he had grasped at straws...

It was too late and then it was too late, Zhang Rui grabbed the rope with one hand, followed Zuo Bolin and fell into the sky above the cave, and at the same time stretched his legs to clamp Zuo Bolin who was falling sharply. "Uh... ah..."

Zuo Bolin kicked his feet wildly, he didn't know whether he closed his eyes or opened them in the hole where he couldn't see his fingers, but he instinctively uttered strange screams.

"Dude, you're saved, don't scream, be careful not to disturb the things inside."

Zhang Rui noticed dense and tiny airflow fluctuations around him, as if something was flying, so he quickly reminded Zuo Bolin.


Zuo Bolin reacted and closed his mouth obediently.

"Listen to me, buddy, hurry up and throw the backpack on your back next, and I'll pull you up again."

"No, there are Xiao Xiao's things inside..."

"Brother, if you want to pick up a girl, you have to die first. Let me tell you, I don't have much strength now. If you delay, don't blame me for not being able to hold you. If you kill yourself, the girl will belong to someone else."

Zhang Rui's words really worked, Zuo Bolin obediently freed his hand to untie the backpack on his back, and threw it down.

As the weight decreased, Zuo Bolin felt his whole body lighten up, and instinctively heaved a sigh of relief.

"Okay buddy, remember to keep your belly in when you get up, but I don't think it will be difficult, don't worry."

Without the burden, Zhang Rui felt that he had saved a lot of effort. He retracted his abdomen and lifted his legs, and then sent Zuo Bolin a certain distance, let him hold his legs tightly, and then didn't even need to use the person above to pull the rope. With Zuo Bolin, the hands alternately pull the weight of two people up quickly.

At the same time, Zhang Rui heard the sound of puffing around, which reminded him of something, even if he was a martial artist in the early stage of inner strength, he still felt creepy, so he quickly speeded up, and finally took Zuo Bolin into the cave The hole in the sky above, the whole body is close to the cave wall, with knees and elbows together, and the people above are pulled by ropes, and they rise smoothly. With the light of the eyes, with the help of everyone, Zhang Rui and Zuo Bolin saw the sun again.

"Long live, long live the boss, such a difficult rescue has been done, there is nothing in this world that the boss can't do!"

Lin Jiahui had already taken out his mobile phone to take pictures, because the communication signal was interrupted again at this time. Except Zhang Rui's mobile phone was damaged by the gangsters, other people's mobile phones were almost bricked, and only the function of taking pictures remained.

"Zuo Bolin, where are the things on your back, lost them all, no, you have to go down and get them back for me!"

Liu Xiaoxiao's words were like a rat dropping into porridge, making Zhang Rui and the others frowned in disgust.

(End of this chapter)

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