Thousands of role system of strong life

Chapter 350 Double the Price Appreciation Space

Chapter 350 Ten times the room for price appreciation

"you sure?"

Mu Hong looked at Zhang Rui with a half-smile.

Because the rough stone designated by Zhang Rui was mixed among a pile of stones, it was very inconspicuous, even a bit ugly.

Many people who appear in "Tashan" today are experts in jade appreciation, but most of them still don't understand, but you can still tell whether a stone is ugly or beautiful.

Although most of the rough stones placed here look no different from ordinary stones, the bet is whether there are jadeites or jade stones with poorer quality.

But the piece Zhang Rui specified was only about the size of a dog's head, with a layer of scars on the outside, similar to elm bumps. It's hard to believe that such a stone hides treasure inside?
Besides, with such a small rough stone, the possibility of extracting jadeite or precious jade is very small, at most it can barely produce green, and the processed jade ornaments with extremely poor appearance, be optimistic, and sell for a few thousand, which is equivalent to Zhang Rui's 1 yuan Money wasted.

If it wasn't for gambling with Mu Hong, it would be harmless to play, and it would be like teaching Xiaobai to literacy.

Don't forget that Zhang Rui and Mu Hong have a gambling condition. If Zhang Rui loses, it will be too late to lose tens of thousands of yuan. He must announce his breakup with Zhu Huan in public. This result, relatives and enemies, hurry up! .

"Zhang Rui, why don't you choose again?"

Zhu Huan finally let go of her reserve, and agreed with Zhang Rui's confession in public. If she were to leave Zhang Rui so soon, she would think of reminding Zhang Rui in extreme anxiety.

"Don't worry, Huanhuan, when did I, Zhang Rui, do something unreliable?"

Zhang Rui comforted Zhu Huan.

But Zhu Huan thought in her heart, if it's unreliable, this time, right?
"Boss, I still have some money here for you to use. No matter what, you have to choose a rough stone worth 5 yuan. This... this is really not good."

Yu Binghe couldn't stand it anymore.

Like most people, he doesn't know how to play with jade, but he also knows that the larger the rough stone, the greater the possibility of unlocking top-grade jade. Seeing the piece Zhang Rui chose, it must be used to add jade. Even when the buyer buys the goods, they give them for nothing, let alone spend 1 yuan to get them, and taking them away for nothing is too heavy.

"Yes, boss, why don't we brothers chip in and support you in getting 20 rough stones, so that we can hope to win, otherwise, are you really willing to lose your sister-in-law to someone else?"

Lin Jiahui and Zeng Cai couldn't help but speak.

As for Qi Zhiyuan and the others, they also gathered around and waited for Zhang Rui to speak.

However, Zhang Rui shook his head.

"Don't worry, if you spend money wisely, you still win more with less. My rough stone, after unlocking it, should be at least 1000 million."

At least 1000 million.

Everyone fell down.

Mu Hong almost turned his face into a crooked smile.

You think you are the reincarnation of the God of Wealth, and you have a lot of money.

Just before Zhang Rui chose this extremely ugly dog's head rough stone, he had already spent 1000 points of 10 wealth points. One point represents 100 million in Zhang Rui's world, and 10 wealth points represent 1000 million. When the value became 900 points, Zhang Rui suddenly found that he could see that all the rough stones could emit halos, some were strong and some were weak.

Zhang Rui understood that the strength of the halo represented the quality of the jade contained in the original stone.

Now he only has [-] principal in his hand, so he can't buy too big a rough stone for the time being. After some weighing, he chose a very inconspicuous piece, and then all the halos of the rough stone disappeared from his vision.

This change means that the rough stone chosen by Zhang Rui can bring him 1000 million benefits.

"You've settled the gentleman's account."

Mu Hong first told the cashier that 5000 yuan had been debited from Zhang Rui's account.

This rough stone is only worth [-]. In other words, for a businessman like Mu Hong, it is a free gift when he buys it. Even for Mu Hong, it is a small fortune, and it is a huge profit without capital.

After the transaction was completed, it was time for Mu Hong to choose the rough stone. He did not do it himself, but Pei Fang did it for him.

In this way, Zhang Rui's relatives and friends were even more worried, and despair appeared on their faces.

They are playing at home, and there are experts by their side. If someone thought of this for Zhang Rui just now, and suggested that no one else should be allowed to do it for him, and Mu Hong can't rely on the experts around him for help, Zhang Rui might have a little hope. Now, it's cold , It's just a coffin board.

Pei Fang finally chose a piece of rough watermelon-sized stone for Mu Hong, with a brown skin and a little greenish corner, which seemed to be a good jade stone.


Mu Hong said to the clerk.

"Young master, the purchase price of this rough stone is 20."

The clerk quoted the price.

"Mr. Pei, based on your experience, do you think this rough stone can extract high-quality jade?"

Mu Hong and Pei Fang exchanged glances, guessed the result, and asked knowingly.

"The original price of this rough stone at the mining site was 25 yuan. Because the company purchased a large amount, it gave us a discount of 20 yuan in total. You see, here and here, there are jade veins exposed. These veins indicate that the rough stone There is a thicker emerald inside, if the stone skin is wiped off, the value may increase by ten times!"

ten times!
Everyone's eyes widened at the same time.

The price of 20 rough stones will increase tenfold if the stone skin is wiped off!
An old partner of Mu Jun patted Mu Jun on the shoulder and said:

"Old man, you always object to your young master's establishment of this trading market. You think this kind of business is really unreliable. Looking at it now, the profit is still considerable, ten times!"

Another old friend of Mu Jun also said:
"Yeah, it's like stealing money. I've been in business all my life, and I've never been in such a lucrative business."

But Mu Jun smiled disapprovingly and didn't speak.

"Zhang Rui, if I give you a chance to admit defeat, you won't need to unlock the rough stone. I'll return the money to you. Otherwise, in front of so many people, you'll lose all your face and integrity."

Mu Hong looked at the rough stone that Binghe helped to hold, then at the rough stone that Pei Fang helped him to select, and finally looked at Zhang Rui and said.

"I don't understand? You didn't turn back when you opened the bow. Could it be that you are afraid?"

Zhang Rui had seen the rough stone chosen by Pei Fang after consuming wealth points just now, before choosing the rough stone.

"I... afraid of losing? Ha..."

Mu Jun and Pei Fang laughed together, as did the princelings around and crowded at the door.

To them, Zhang Rui's words were as funny as a three-year-old telling a burly man that he could defeat him.

With Pei Fang, a senior expert in jade tasting, how could he lose to a novice.

"Then let's explain the stone, you or me first?"

Mu Hong also wanted to slap Zhang Rui in the face earlier to signal the jade workers in the store to start work.

"You first."

Zhang Rui said.

"Then I'll be blunt, and untie the piece I chose."

Following Mu Hong's order, the two stone-resolving masters skillfully started the grinding wheel to rub, and after a short while, a piece of stone skin was wiped off, revealing a blue ball...


Following everyone's exclamation, Pei Fang's face showed a smug look, and he turned to look at Zhang Rui.

(End of this chapter)

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