Thousands of role system of strong life

Chapter 402 One Slap Can't Make You Apologize, Then Another Slap

Chapter 402 A Slap Can't Make You Apologize, Then Slap It Again

"Whose family's wild child is this, and she came here to recognize her relatives indiscriminately. Are her parents here? Take her away quickly!"

Before Zhang Rui could respond, Zhang Suo, who followed Zhang Rui out of the room, reached out and pushed Yuan Jiajia.


Yuan Jiajia is small and weak, and Zhang Suo intentionally used her as a punching bag. This pushing force was not small. Yuan Jiajia's small body fell far away, and her face was scratched and almost stained with blood. half face.


"Jia Jia, what's wrong with you, who hit you?"

Li Wanxi was having a good conversation with a wealthy businessman who had established a long-term cooperative relationship, when she suddenly heard her daughter crying, and followed the crying sound all the way to find her, seeing her face covered in blood, sitting on the carpet crying, heartbroken , a glass of red wine in her hand fell to her feet, glass shards were scattered everywhere, and the red wine stained the floor red. She ran over quickly to help Yuan Jiajia up, and carefully inspected the wound on her daughter's face. After scratching the skin a little, I was relieved just now.

"How can you treat a five-year-old child like this?"

Another angry voice questioned Zhang Suo.

"Don't talk about five years old, even if I'm 50 years old, if I'm upset, I'll still beat him up. Today is my mother's birthday. This is our house's land card. If you need to be upset with us, just get out."

Zhang Suo was frustrated by Zhang Rui just now, and he was full of anger, but now facing the accusations of others, he started to make trouble again.

"Zhang Suo, how can you do this? Yes, today is Mom's birthday, but these guests are here to celebrate Mom's birthday. How can you be so rude to the guests? Besides, you are almost 20 years old. What does a child care about!"

Zhang Zhiying also blamed Zhang Suo. She is more than 20 years older than Zhang Suo, so it can be said that she is like a mother.

"Zhiying, how can you say that about your younger brother? Why don't you ask him if he has been wronged? Is there anyone like you who treats you like a sister?"

Lu Qiu then came out of the room and saw Zhang Zhiying blaming Zhang Suo, stopped him and accused Zhang Zhiying.

"Ma Ma... I saw Papa was there, I wanted to go to play with Papa, but was pushed down by that uncle..."

Yuan Jiajia's mood eased a little, and she told Li Wanxi what happened without breaking down in tears.

"Zhiying, look at the good son you raised, you have become a grandmother and you don't know?"

Of course Zhang Yuankui didn't understand that Yuan Jiajia was just Zhang Rui's goddaughter, and he and his wife blamed Zhang Zhiying for Zhang Suo.

Zhang Rui disdained to explain his relationship with Yuan Jiajia to Zhang Yuankui and Lu Qiu. While ignoring them, he first expressed his surprise to Liu Ruiqi who came suddenly and then nodded.

It was Liu Ruiqi who accused Zhang Suo of acting so rough on Yuan Jiajia just now.

Liu Ruiqi and Zhang Rui have not known each other for a long time, and the number of exchanges is not too many, but Zhang Rui, as his savior, has formed a subtle tacit understanding between the two. It only needs a look or a micro expression to communicate with each other. Understand the mind.

Liu Ruiqi understood Zhang Rui's meaning, grinned grimly twice, walked over and grabbed Zhang Suo's collar, and then slapped Zhang Suo violently.


Loud and crisp, it frightened everyone.


It was still so loud and crisp, like a whip hitting the hearts of Zhang Yuankui and Lu Qiu.


It was still loud and crisp, except for Zhang Yankui and Lu Qiu and his wife, the others were very happy.



"Stop it, if you hit my son again, I'll risk my life to fight you!"

The veins on Zhang Yuankui's forehead popped out, and he looked around, looking for something in his hand.

"It's outrageous, it's really outrageous. It's fine if outsiders bully us. Now that my daughter and grandson have made it clear that they are running on us, I'm desperate."

Lu Qiu was also reckless, several times trying to bump his head against the load-bearing pillars in the hall, but was held back tightly by others.

Zhang Rui gave Liu Ruiqi a hint, and Liu Ruiqi stopped beating, but Zhang Suo was more honest than his parents because he was afraid of suffering from flesh and blood.

"Call you grandma, I'll give you a chance, don't block all the escape routes, why don't you tell everyone what wronged your son in front of so many people, and tell everyone what we just said Listen, let's judge together, is your son wronged?"

Zhang Rui's voice was not high, but it carried a menacing aura, plus the snake hit the seven inches, Zhang Yuankui and Lu Qiu became more honest. It seemed that they also knew that in order to pamper their son, The request to force the grandson to give up his girlfriend is too absurd. If this matter is publicized, this old face will really be lost.

Seeing that Zhang Yuankui and Lu Qiu were being honest, Zhang Rui strode up to Li Wanxie, took Yuan Jiajia from her hand, hugged her like a little padded jacket, then looked at everyone and said:

"I made everyone laugh. This is my daughter, but it's not my own daughter. It's my goddaughter. If you want to ask what it's like to be a father without marrying a wife, I have the most right to speak."

When Zhang Rui said this, everyone laughed, even Yuan Jiajia, who had been crying, burst into laughter.

While Zhang Rui was speaking in public, Zhang Yuankui and Lu Qiu both gave Zhang Suo winks. Zhang Suo understood that his nephew was going to mess with his uncle again, and was about to quietly withdraw from the crowd and slip away.

"Did I let you go?"

It was as if Zhang Rui had eyes on his back, and when he opened his mouth, Zhang Suo was nailed to the spot. Liu Ruiqi and other people who were upset with Zhang Suo calmly surrounded Zhang Suo to prevent him from getting away.

"Brother, I'm afraid you have to apologize to other children."

Of course Zhang Zhiying would not spoil Zhang Suo like her parents did, reminding him softly.

"Let...Let me apologize to a child of how old? I'm your younger brother. What good will it do you if you force me to embarrass me in public? "

Zhang Suo felt that it must be because he didn't read the almanac when he went out today, otherwise there wouldn't be so many troubles.

"I don't agree with you. No one is forcing you to embarrass yourself in public. If you hadn't used a child who is only a few years old to vent your trash emotions, would you have been asked to apologize to that child?"

Although Zhu Huan didn't know what Zhang Rui and his grandparents said behind closed doors in the same room, he could guess that Zhang Rui must not have made them happy, otherwise why Zhang Suo acted so restlessly.

"But...but I got slapped several times, and you all saw it."

Zhang Suo was about to cry because he couldn't ask for a wife, and because of a child, he was slapped in the face in full view, and now he was forced to apologize.

"This friend may have acted out of righteous indignation and was not calm enough. He can apologize, and you must also apologize to my goddaughter, otherwise... I, Zhang Rui, will never spoil you, and I will make you happy for the rest of your life No, you know I can do it."

Zhang Rui said the second half of the sentence in a voice that only Zhang Suo could hear.

(End of this chapter)

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