Thousands of role system of strong life

Chapter 459 No one dares to gamble with their own lives

Chapter 459 No one dares to gamble with their own lives
The sharp piercing sound.

To Yin Jian, it was simply a call from the god of death.


He let out a scream in vain, trying to avoid the solid essence.

But it is doomed that this is just a futile struggle.


It was like the sound of a membrane being pierced with chopsticks.

On Yin Jian's forehead, a small hole appeared, which even went all the way to the back of the head. As the blood arrow marked, Yin Jian's eyes quickly became dull, his body stiffened for a moment, and he fell down straight.

Zhang Rui succeeded with one blow, and then a solid zhenyuan popped out into the air.



Then a tattered drone, like a dragonfly without energy, rolled and fell from the air, and fell to pieces at Zhang Rui's feet.


Deathly silence.

Zhang Rui bypassed Yin Jian's dead body, walked forward slowly, looked around at all the disciples of the Yin family who were frightened, and asked:

"Whoever refuses to accept, I will definitely accompany, but I am in a hurry, let's go together if you have the courage."

No one answered.

Everyone was silent.

Yin Chun died at the hands of Zhang Rui. Except for some high-level members of the Yin family who saw it through surveillance images, most people did not see it. Now it is different. Hundreds of pairs of eyes saw Zhang Rui kill Yin Jian on the spot. The process was simply too fast. up.

several rounds...

No, three... Two meet each other, right?

With just one flick, Ling Kong shot Yin Jian's head through.

But I didn't find that there was a hidden weapon in his hand?

Some of the inner disciples of the Yin family, most of the outer disciples, no one dared to gamble with their own lives, even one of the most outstanding inner disciples, no, two of them had already died in the hands of Zhang Rui Yes, we are just giving away heads for nothing when we go up!

No one stopped, Zhang Rui naturally rushed to Dixuan Peak to protect Zhu Huan and Lin Yi, and Yin Qun quickly followed obediently.

"What are you doing with me?"

Zhang Rui felt that Yin Qun was no longer useful, and silently took the puppet back to the super-dimensional space, but after breaking away from Yin Qun's control, he followed up willingly.

"Master, Master Zhang, help me, you can't leave me alone..."

Yin Qun almost cried.

Looking at Yin Qun's pitiful look, Zhang Rui understood.

After Yin Qun was controlled by himself, he took him to look for the cold spring of the extinct volcano, but he met Yin Chun on the way. In order to clear the obstacles, he shot Yin Chun himself. At the time, Yin Qun was on his side, and there were hundreds of people who could testify. From now on, if Yin Qun was not protected, he would be dead. Not to mention that so many Yin family members would not let him go, even Yin Gongchan wanted to kill him he.

"Aren't you familiar with Zhou Dao?"

Zhang Rui asked.

"Of course, of course I'm familiar with it, I know it well."

In order to survive, Yin Qun tried his best to show Zhang Rui that he still has value.

"Then do you know if there is a shorter way back to Earthspin Peak from here?"

"Yes, of course, follow me. We can take the cable car, which is like a bowstring. If we return by land on the island, it's like bowing our backs."

While the two were talking, Zhang Rui felt that Yin Qun was running too slowly, so he held up his collar at one end, used the land to fly into the air, and swept all the way to the entrance of the cable car.


"Who are you?"

Lin Yi looked warily at the few people who suddenly broke into the room.

"Of course we are Yin's family. Didn't Zhang Rui come back here?"

The leading young man is tall and handsome, and he can compete with Zhang Rui.

"Zhang Rui didn't come back."

Lin Yi answered truthfully.

"Didn't come back... Hey, it seems that he doesn't care about the safety of the two of you at all. He shot fiercely and wiped out a small team of our outer disciples. Of course, it's nothing. Those few incompetent outer disciples If you die, you will die, and I am happy that I finally met a decent person who can play with me a few more times, but I am afraid that these three people are not qualified to live."

As soon as the young man waved his hand, several strong men with sharp eyes escorted the three of them to Lin Yi.

If Zhang Rui was there, he would definitely know each other, even though they were in a mess and unkempt.

Guan Lingyi, Qin Yu, He Ming.

After the three of them were rescued by Zhang Rui, of course they didn't dare to run around. After discussion, they wanted to find a hidden place to hide and see if they could wait for a chance to leave Buzhou Island.

But don't forget that the Yin family has been operating on Buzhou Island for thousands of years. It was not easy for them to hide and escape, and they were quickly captured.

This young man, who is also the only closed-door disciple of Yin Jun, one of the elders of the Yin family, learned that Zhang Rui had killed a team of outer-door disciples, so he found another way and asked people to take the three hapless ghosts directly to the ground. Xuanfeng intends to control Lin Yi and Zhu Huan, forcing Zhang Rui to throw himself into the trap.

"What do you mean?"

Lin Yi looked at the three bloody people, with one hand still on Zhu Huan's lower back, he was anxious, he was old, it didn't matter if his life ended in Buzhou Island, but the girl is still young, life has just begun.

Zhang Rui, Zhang Rui, come back quickly, if you don't come back, even if I die, I won't be able to save the girl.

"Of course it is to kill the chicken and show it to the monkey."

As Yin Bufan said, he stretched out his hand to clasp the top of Qin Yu's head, exerting force with his five fingers.

Accompanied by the creepy rattling sound, Qin Yu's eyes burst out, blood gradually oozes from his facial features and seven orifices, and his head even deformed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Qin Yu's only way of resisting was to keep silent.

Even though Lin Yi had rich experience, he still felt shuddering at this extremely cruel way of killing people.

"Do not……"

Guan Lingyi and He Ming watched their companions die tragically, but they could do nothing about it. Guan Lingyi, especially, had nothing but regret and guilt in his eyes, because Qin Yu and He Ming were encouraged by him to travel across the ocean to Buzhou Island. If it wasn't for him, why would Qin Yu die tragically.

"Young man, you have something to say, why do you want to kill innocent people indiscriminately?"

If Lin Yi hadn't been unable to stop sending true energy to Zhu Huan, he would definitely have taken action to stop Yin Bufan. Since he couldn't stop it, the only thing he could do was to delay as much as possible until Zhang Rui came back.

"Innocent? Old man, you may not know that the young man who came with you just now killed a team of disciples from our Yin family's outer sect at Yuanheng Peak. These three people are accomplices. You think I shouldn't kill them ?”

Yin Bufan reached out to take a white handkerchief handed over by someone else, wiped the blood on his hand, and then threw the blood-stained handkerchief on the face of Qin Yu, who was dying.


Someone handed Yin Bufan an electronic device similar to a tablet computer. Yin Bufan took it and watched the two videos above, which were the process of Zhang Rui killing Yin Chun and Yin Jian.


Yin Bufan, who was originally arrogant, showed a look of fear on his face.

Of the three most outstanding inner disciples of the Yin family, he was the most powerful one, but two inner disciples who were as strong as him died in the hands of Zhang Rui, making Yin Bufan realize that this time he met What they want is not a durable toy, but an iron plate.

(End of this chapter)

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