Chapter 523 Nameless Snake

Facing the increasingly deep waters in front of him, Zhang Rui instinctively tightened his nerves.

Hidden murders everywhere!
He even vaguely felt that there seemed to be a pair of eyes, hidden in a secret corner, watching his every move.

This feeling made Zhang Rui very uncomfortable.

He had to use the dense aquatic plants to hide his body while amplifying the bio-radar as much as possible, so that at least he would not be caught off guard when encountering a surprise attack.

Pa... la la la...

An unexpected voice caught Zhang Rui off guard.

He flicked his tail fin, increased his speed to the maximum, rushed out of the water, and flew into the air with a fish leap to avoid the natural enemies who attacked him.

The golden fish body drew a graceful arc in mid-air, and the golden scales reflected dazzling golden light.

However, Zhang Rui, who was in the middle of the air, saw a frog that had just jumped into the water from the lotus leaf and was paddling.


When the fish body fell back to the water surface, the splash of water shattered the calmness of the waters within a radius of more than ten meters.

The frog that startled Zhang Rui was also startled by Zhang Rui, making a protesting sound of "croak croak croak", kicking its feet on the water surface desperately, and fleeing for its life in the distance.

Although the golden carp transformed by Zhang Rui is not too powerful now, at least in a small area of ​​water, it is rare to meet opponents. This frightened frog made Zhang Rui's nerves tense. Unconsciously relax.

Maybe it's really because of my nervousness?
There may not be as many natural enemies in this water area as I imagined. Let's recharge our batteries for a while, and then try to find opportunities to complete the next side mission in other water areas.

Thinking of this, Zhang Rui swayed his tail fins lightly, and slowly paddled his pectoral fins, looking for a suitable water area to live in.

The dense aquatic plants at the bottom of the water are the best habitat for fish.

In the end, Zhang Rui took a fancy to a bottom with bitter grass and buttercups growing so densely that it could completely cover his gleaming golden body.

Although the whole body of golden scales is very beautiful, it looks out of place in the waters where there are hidden murderous intentions everywhere. It is too ostentatious, and it is easy to become the target of other natural enemies. This piece of water bottom with dense aquatic plants is just suitable for him to hide himself.

"Just here..."

What Zhang Rui doesn't know for the time being is that under a water plant not far away, a "water plant" with a strange color slowly lifts up its head and body, which is almost the same color as the water plant, and maintains the same swinging frequency as the water plant. , more like an aquatic plant that moves with the current.

This existence has followed Zhang Rui through a water area until it dives into a relatively deep water area, ready to harvest prey.


The strange sound of running water caused Zhang Rui's alarm.

After sneaking into Zhang Rui's existence and entering the detection range of Zhang Rui's biological radar, Zhang Rui didn't even have time to find out what it was, and quickly turned around to prepare to escape from the waters.


The natural enemies are dispatched.

The speed was completely beyond Zhang Rui's expectations.

He didn't even have time to complete the turn, and the existence's mouth full of fangs bit the tail.


Tortoise defense skill enabled.

The fangs, which were able to pierce the surface of the prey quickly, seemed to be biting on the hard iron armor, unable to hurt Zhang Rui at all, and Zhang Rui didn't even feel pain.

"Well, it seems that this tortoise shell defense skill is much more useful than the golden carp body armor. It's like wrapping a layer of tortoise shell on the body surface."

After Zhang Rui was caught off guard, he temporarily protected himself from harm with his tortoise shell defense skills, and his heart was a little relieved.

However, even if the existence that sneaked and raided Zhang Rui failed to succeed in one blow, while he opened his mouth to bite the fish, his long body actually coiled around the fish like a rope, like a big tie.


Zhang Rui can be regarded as seeing the whole picture of the invading enemy.

As the snake completely abandoned its camouflage, it revealed its body color of white flowers on a black background.

What amazes Zhang Rui is that this snake can behave like a chameleon, randomly changing itself into the same body color as the surrounding environment, no wonder I haven't been able to find it.

Although the bio-radar can detect other creatures in a five-meter radius, this snake is not only fast, but also good at camouflage. Not enough to watch.

In addition, Zhang Rui also particularly admires this nameless snake, which can dive underwater for such a long time without needing to come up to the surface to take a breath. After all, unlike fish, snakes can breathe in water by relying on their gills. As an animal that uses lungs to breathe, its ability to hold breath , can be regarded as a leader.

After the nameless snake finished entwining the fish, it began to exert force continuously, squeezing the body of the prey, trying to hang the prey alive, and then feast on it.

"What a great power!"

Although Zhang Rui is much stronger than a small fry at the beginning, he is only compared to some weak creatures.

The nameless snake that took Zhang Rui as its prey is four to five times as long as the fish. The diameter of the thickest part of the snake is also close to the width from the pectoral fin to the back of the fish. According to the comparison of the shape, Zhang Rui is equivalent to meeting a snake. Python!
It is conceivable that without the tortoise shell protection skills, even if Zhang Rui had great abilities, it would be difficult for Zhang Rui to escape.

Now that Zhang Rui was entangled tightly by the nameless snake, unable to fight back, he urgently needed to create an opportunity to fight back.

Black lightning thunderball.

Zhang Rui used this life-saving combat skill again.


A ball of thunder erupted from the fish, and then the ball of thunder scattered into electric fire, "biting" the body of the nameless snake covered with colorful scales.


The body of the nameless snake trembled, and the body twisted around the fish's body loosened slightly.

After Zhang Rui relieved his own pressure, he took advantage of the time when the snake's body was not completely separated from his body surface, and once again burst out a ball of black lightning and thunderballs.

Each black lightning, like a sharp blade, cuts every part of the nameless snake's body.

The nameless snake couldn't bear the pain, the numbness all over the body forced it to loosen its body, the mouth that was biting the fish's body opened, and then it shook its head, ready to poke its head out of the water and give up this painful prey .

How could Zhang Rui miss the opportunity to complete a side mission again, and used the pectoral fin knife skill to slash both at the snake's body.


The Nameless Snake didn't have the invulnerability self-protection skills, Zhang Rui cut off its colorful scales with sharp pectoral fins, exposing the flesh and blood inside.


The nameless snake suffered from pain, so it had to change its plan to jump its head out of the water, and rolled desperately, like a little dragon playing in the water, with traces of blood oozing from the wound, just like clusters of red silk threads floating in the water.


Zhang Rui flicked his tail fin and took the opportunity to bite the injured part of the unknown snake's body.

Although there are no sharp teeth in the mouths of snapping turtles and nameless snakes, after Zhang Rui grew in size, his mouth also grew fine and small teeth, which can barely bite natural enemies or prey.

Warmth poured in.

The snake died.

There was only a shriveled and stiff body left, like a half belt thrown in the water by someone, floating lifelessly on the surface of the water...

(End of this chapter)

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