Chapter 532

Name: Electric Lizard Eel
Body length: 26 meters (decimal point omitted)
Combat skills: body color changes with the environment, sneak attack, can release up to 10 volts of voltage, quick action, etc.

When Zhang Rui successfully avoided the first sneak attack in the pool, a text prompt from "Encyclopedia of Thousands of Characters. Creatures" appeared in front of his eyes.

Since it is possible to fight, let's simply fight.

After Zhang Rui defeated the magic slug, the opponents he met basically did not have a threat level of more than 4, and they were all mediocre. For Zhang Rui, there was no surprise or danger.

Although the situation is stable, but after a long time, Zhang Rui will inevitably feel boring.

It's like drinking cold water for nothing, and occasionally stuffing a cup of old white dry, it's also very enjoyable.

Zhang Rui, who jumped into the air, of course cannot always hang in the air, and he can't fly. In the process of falling back, the electric lizard eel stuck its head in the air but stayed still. Waiting for Zhang Rui to fall into his mouth.

Zhang Rui couldn't see the whole picture of the electric lizard eel, he could only see the head and neck protruding from the water, with an eel-like head, but from the head down, there were scales like snake lizards.

Even an upper limb divided into four fingers is half exposed on the water surface.

That's right, from the name, it's both a lizard and an eel.

In the world of small fish eating big fish, this kind of magic modification plus the existence of different species combinations is too common.


When Zhang Rui fell back to the water surface, he turned his body continuously in mid-air, and when his head rushed down, he spit out a water arrow at the electric lizard eel.

After completing several side missions one after another, Zhang Rui's strength is now much higher than before. This water arrow can actually separate more slender water arrows, completely covering the head and neck of the electric lizard eel stand up.

This process is said to be too late.

In the small eyes of the electric lizard eel, there were two balls of oily light, and then he shook his head...


A meandering electric snake was thrown out, almost in a short time of one ten-thousandth of a second, as if the whole world was eclipsed under the dazzling lavender lightning.

Where the electric snake passed, even the space could not bear the energy release in a very short period of time, and there was a vibration like a water wave, and the air expanded rapidly under the extremely high temperature, making a rumbling explosion.

As for the water arrow fired by Zhang Rui, it was scattered and evaporated in an instant.

Zhang Rui was brushed by the electric snake, not only his whole body was numb, but even his soul trembled.

As for his black thunderball, it is nothing compared to 10 volts.


Zhang Rui kept falling, and although the attack was disintegrated by a high-voltage blast randomly thrown by the electric lizard eel, the surprise attack of the electric lizard eel was successfully prevented, allowing Zhang Rui to fall into the pool safely.

The moment he dived underwater, Zhang Rui was finally able to see the whole picture of the electric lizard eel.

Generally speaking, it looks like an ordinary electric eel, but the body surface is not the mucus of ordinary eels, but lizard-like scales, colorful and long snake-like body, with four limbs, among which the four toes of the hind limbs Between, with flippers.

You say this is an electric eel, not to mention the body length of more than 26 meters, it has the same body surface as a lizard, and the same limbs as a lizard.

You say it’s a lizard. It’s acceptable to grow so big. After all, this world is like this. But with a body like an electric eel and the ability to release high-voltage electricity instantly, it’s definitely not an existence to be trifled with.

But the electric lizard eel didn't give Zhang Rui too much time to observe and think. The head from the water, with its neck bent, plunged into the water, almost close to Zhang Rui's body.

The closeness between the two sides made the difference in body size even bigger. The head of the other party was almost half the size of Zhang Rui's body, and as the body of the electric lizard eel returned to the water, the space of the entire deep pool became more and more cramped. Zhang Rui's space to retreat and dodge was reduced to a very small extent.

Under the gloomy water, a pair of playful eyes that emit yellow light are particularly eye-catching.


Although the shape of the electric lizard eel looked extraordinarily huge in front of Zhang Rui, it did not affect its agility at all, and it was dispatched like lightning.

Of course, when the pool returned to calm, Zhang Rui was not only fine, but an electric lizard eel appeared behind his head.

Teleport underwater.

This is the skill that Zhang Rui acquired after defeating the crocodile eel, and it is now in use.

No matter how fast the electric lizard eel moves, it is not as fast as teleporting underwater.


It was dispatched like lightning again.

Zhang Rui teleported to the left side of the electric lizard eel.


on the right.


Almost the entire pool of water was turned upside down by the electric lizard eel.

But Zhang Rui escaped without exception.

It is true that in terms of overall strength, the electric lizard eel is a little higher than the current Zhang Rui, but Zhang Rui is not useless in front of the electric lizard eel.

In front of the electric lizard eel, Zhang Rui was still able to protect himself.

However, if this continues, it will be a war of attrition for both sides.


A series of rough air bubbles spit out from the electric lizard eel's mouth, especially the slit-like gills on both sides of the head.

To discharge!
Zhang Rui could even feel the weak charge in the water.


Sure enough, a huge electric snake shot out along the snout of the electric lizard eel.

This time, the electric lizard eel has spent a lot of money, and almost sacrificed all its housekeeping skills-a voltage of up to [-] volts.

Zhang Rui had already predicted the enemy, saw the right moment, shook his body, and shot a ball of black thunder.

The lavender lightning collided with the unique black lightning from the Thunderfield, as if a powerful firecracker had been ignited.



la la la la...

The first sound was the explosive sound of high-intensity energy impact when the two sides released lightning and hit one place.

The second sound was the sound made when a whole pool of water was blasted into the air.

The third sound...

fourth tone...


Countless sounds were made when the pool water was thrown into the air and fell back into the deep pool. Even the high-intensity energy impact forced the waterfall and even the water on the riverbed to flow backwards for a while before returning to its original state.

It wasn't until the end that Zhang Rui and the electric lizard eel fell back into the pool one by one.



Zhang Rui only felt that in an extremely short and extremely long moment, his mind was blank.

In extreme chaos, there is no birth and death, the self, the world, etc.

It wasn't until he fell back into the pool that he regained some intuition.

The extremely long body of the electric lizard eel also fell back into the pool, and it may have been frustrated to make it feel fear. A pair of forelimbs grabbed the shore, with its mouth open, constantly exhaling, trying to escape from the dry road .

By the way, since the electric lizard eel is like an electric eel and a lizard, it can switch to a lung breathing mode, just like a lungfish.

Of course, it was impossible for Zhang Rui to let the other party escape just like that. He jumped out of the water again, with a pair of pectoral fins spread out, and a sharp cold light like a blade glowed from the edge, and he slashed towards the fat and fleshy back of the electric lizard eel...

(End of this chapter)

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