Thousands of role system of strong life

Chapter 585 Monster Companion Body

Chapter 585 Monster Companion Body


"It can't be so sudden!"

"Can the system slow down first, wait until I understand what's going on here..."


Zhang Rui sent out a triple soul combo to the system.

Now Yu Binghe, Zeng Cai, and Lin Jiahui are waiting for me to come out...not just the three of them, it can be said that my family, friends and over ten million fans are all waiting for me to come out.

It just disappeared so suddenly, fans can say that after finishing this role task, it will add a sense of mystery to the fans, but Zhang Rui guessed that his mother and Zhu Huan must have seen his live broadcast.

Because of this, Zhang Rui regretted himself, Meng Lang.

This is something that should be expected.

After all, with Zhang Suo's virtue, how can he not disclose this matter to his sister!

Therefore, Zhang Rui hopes to end this live broadcast as soon as possible, and exchange his safe return for his mother's peace of mind.

But the system happened to catch this bug and started the role mission.

Substituting into this character named Leiming Dun, destroying the NT super body, blocking the plane bridge, and ending the era of alien invasion... Obviously, it is similar to the small fish eating the big fish, and it is a role task that crosses planes.

That is to say, I temporarily disappeared from this world for a period of time. The system did not give a prompt for the specific time.

Zhang Rui hated himself for drifting away after completing a series of role tasks, and regarded himself as an omnipotent figure, causing extra problems, no, the consequences came, and he was caught off guard.

[Role binding...]

When the system prompt sounded again, Zhang Rui hurriedly threw the two scavengers into the hyperdimensional space.

In the next second, a ring-shaped space-time fluctuation appeared in the water around Zhang Rui, and then Zhang Rui suddenly disappeared...

"Is this the world where Remington lives?"

When Zhang Rui's system bound him to the character, the dark waters in front of him disappeared, replaced by an urban world that was very similar to his original world.

There are countless high-rise buildings as far as the eye can see, hardened roads, and roads and bridges are densely intertwined like spider webs. Vehicles with a strong modern atmosphere and design styles that are completely different from Zhang Rui's original world quickly shuttle on the roads extending in all directions.

At this time, Zhang Rui, because he had just left the water, his whole body was like a drowned chicken, his feet left two puddles of water on the ground, and the ends of his hair were dripping with cold river water.

Even so, no one noticed Zhang Rui, who was in a state of embarrassment and whose clothes were out of tune with this world.

At the same time, Zhang Rui felt strange. Obviously, in a world with highly developed technological civilization, there was a lifeless depression everywhere.

Zhang Rui stood there for a while, and finally understood why he felt this way.


There is no living person around him at all!

Specifically, no one was seen outdoors, and only the vehicles shuttled back and forth on the traffic network showed that there were living people in this civilization.

With the fusion of the roles of Zhang Rui and Lei Mingdun, a lot of strange and huge information appeared in his mind.

time and space rift...

Monster NT...

In this parallel world, the degree of civilization development must exceed that of Zhang Rui's original world by at least a hundred years.

About half a century ago, a space-time rift appeared, breaking the tranquility of this world.

Whether it was a blessing or a curse, human beings at that time were still not sure. Some scientific pioneers began to use various technological means to explore this time-space rift, but accidentally captured alien creatures that escaped from the time-space rift.

And the appearance of this creature is the beginning of the real nightmare.

Of course, at first no one realized that the appearance of this creature would bring unexpected disasters to the world.

This soft-bodied creature looks like a giant squid in appearance, but it has much more tentacles than ordinary squid, which are as dense as sea anemones.

The technological pioneers who captured this creature discovered that the substances extracted from this creature can promote the rapid healing of wounds, and even achieve the regeneration of severed limbs!
In this way, human beings are crazy.

But this kind of living body is extremely precious, there is only one end, and it can't meet the needs of human beings all over the world. Therefore, the pioneers of science have developed a facility to stabilize this kind of space gap—plane bridge, so as to stabilize the time and space with a tendency to close. cracks, hoping to catch more of this strange creature.

People also named this creature NT.

After the first NT disappeared in the frenzied plundering behavior of human beings, the Plane Bridge was finally built after nearly 20 years. The daily energy consumption of this large-scale equipment is equivalent to that of a medium-sized power station. After all, reason was defeated, because the special substance extracted from the first NT body, after being put into use, can not only speed up the repair of the injured parts of the human body, but even promote the generation of new stem cells. The physiological indicators of people who have never used it are actually 20 years younger than those who have never used it!

Almost all the capital in this world participated in the construction of the Plane Bridge, and even the hard work paid off. People managed to capture the second NT...

With the arrival of the second NT, it is the beginning of the real opening of Pandora's box.

Because the third NT, the fourth NT... and even more NT came uninvited through the plane bridge!
In the case of a small number of NTs, human beings can still defend effectively with their technological advantages. After NTs invaded the world through the plane bridge on a large scale, the world finally fell into fear and collapse.

This kind of creature is extremely aggressive. Although it has a mollusk-like body, its tentacles like sea anemones are extremely flexible. Coupled with the sky-defying repair speed, it is not afraid of being injured at all. Even if all the tentacles are cut off by a sharp weapon, it will not take long. will grow back.

The large-scale invasion of NT, after entering the human world, seems like a tiger entering the mountains and preying on humans everywhere. In the first few years, the population dropped by hundreds of millions. After humans gradually organized effective counterattacks, the war between humans and NT, It has been going on for half a century. A large number of NTs have been hunted down and raised by human beings to produce various medical products for treating injuries...

However, as humans have gradually turned the tide of battle with their high-tech advantages, some NTs have evolved into super bodies, which can inject their own genes into the human body. When a human individual is polluted by this special gene, soon It will lose self-awareness, its tongue will change into an organ similar to NT tentacles, and it will bite its kind everywhere, and if the bitten kind survives, it will also be polluted by this special gene, and then transform into a similar monster...

This kind of mutant is called NT Companion by the scientific pioneers in this world. It is a reproduction method evolved by NT under extreme conditions... Or, in addition to NT, human beings have another enemy, NT Companion living body!
(End of this chapter)

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