Thousands of role system of strong life

Chapter 587 He seems to have popped out of nowhere

Chapter 587 He seems to have popped out of nowhere

"what happened?"

Zhang Rui was very surprised, and glanced at the LCD screen on the vehicle's operating panel.

Danger zone, proceed with caution!
The six red fonts kept flickering, which was shocking.

"That's right, I'm going to City G, send me there!"

Zhang Rui said again to the system that controls the driving.

Danger zone, proceed with caution!
The vehicle didn't move, and the six words flashed on the LCD screen again.

Zhang Rui knew that even if he smashed the car, it would not take him to City G. Obviously, the driverless system of the vehicle was pre-set by the manufacturer, and it would not send anyone to a dangerous area at all.

"Then give me a hint, instead of going to G City, a place closer to G City is fine."

After Zhang Rui thought about it for a while, he changed his strategy.

You can't go directly to G City, you can go to a place closer to G City first.

Navigation search...

These five green characters appeared on the LCD screen instead.

The next moment, a navigation map appeared. There were several green dots marked with place names on the navigation map. Surrounded by these green dots, a very eye-catching red dot appeared.

Zhang Rui took a closer look.

The red dot is City G.

The other green dots are all cities around G city, with an average distance of about [-] kilometers.

Zhang Rui chose a city that is closest to City G, called YZ City, and tapped on the location of YZ City on the touch screen with his finger.

Ding dong.

The unmanned driving system first sounded a beep, followed by an electronic voice dialogue.

Passengers choose YZ city, please confirm again.

Zhang Rui stretched out his finger for the second time and clicked on the location of YZ City on the touch screen.

This vehicle is about to drive to YZ City, passengers please fasten your seat belts, I wish passengers and friends a happy trip...

With the electronic sound echoing in the space inside the car, Zhang Ruigang fastened his seat belt, started the car, turned around and drove away in one of the directions.

The unmanned driving system can automatically adjust the speed of the vehicle according to the road conditions and road section control conditions. Zhang Rui only needs to sit obediently, even if he falls asleep, he doesn't have to worry.

Zhang Rui rested his head on the car seat comfortably, admiring the world's highly developed infrastructure through the windshield - neat and extending roads, skyscrapers forming a dense forest of reinforced concrete, and the ubiquitous Sky Eye system.

Sometimes when you look up, you can see low-altitude aircraft similar to airships flying through the sky through the skylight above.

After a while, the highly developed modern city disappeared, but stretches of wilderness, which formed a strong contrast with the modern city, and even the wilderness looked like a virgin forest that had never been developed, if it weren't for the occasional ruins , indicating that this place once flourished.

"Is this the result of the catastrophe caused by NT that forced humans in this world to restrict their activities to quarantine areas?"

Zhang Rui sighed inwardly.

In the process of civilization development, if greed is not restrained and greed is left unchecked, it will inevitably lead to bitter results.

If it wasn't for the accidental capture of the life form NT that escaped from the space-time rift, then it was even more unexpected to discover a special substance with a powerful repair ability from this life form, which can be used to prolong life, making humans eager to capture more NT , so as to research and manufacture the plane bridge, expand the time-space rift, lead to more NT invasions, and make this world fall into a state of out-of-control, then this world will definitely not be like it is today.

Zhang Rui carried Lei Mingdun's last wish, while expressing emotion in his heart, looking at the navigation on the display screen, he was getting closer and closer to YZ City...


Jingnan command center.

It is responsible for monitoring the activities of NT, and has a monitoring network all over the world.

Lei Minghou, Director of the Jingnan Command Center.

He sat upright in his seat, with a pair of falcon-like eyes, always staring at a big screen facing him.

Below the screen, there are hundreds of people sitting in their respective positions, manipulating the computer and making voice conversations from time to time.

In the entire command center hall, the space is as spacious as a stadium, but the tense and busy atmosphere has a vague sense of depression.

Everyone's expression is serious, or in other words, expressionless, like an iron plate.

"Director Lei, there is a situation."

A staff member's voice came from Lei Minghou's earphones.

"please say."

"Our unmanned driving system just sent a broadcast saying that a person actually asked to go to City G. After being rejected by the system, he chose a city closer to City G, and this person behaved suspiciously."

"Received, please notify the relevant departments to monitor and report back in time."

Lei Minghou didn't take the news too seriously at first, but made arrangements step by step.

A few minutes later, Zhang Rui, who was under the monitoring network, fell into Lei Minghou's sight.


Lei Minghou felt strange.

The surveillance camera took photos of Zhang Rui's half-body through the windshield of the vehicle.

His hair and clothes were wet, as if he had just come out of the water, and looking at the clothes on his body, he couldn’t tell where they were made. Then his appearance was entered into the identity monitoring system, although hundreds of people and his appearance were called out. Similar portraits, but none of them can fit him perfectly, and there is no record of this person's actions... Anyway, this person seems to have popped up out of nowhere.

Due to the invasion of alien creatures like NT, this world is forced to strictly censor everyone's identity.

It can be said that a person is under strict surveillance from birth to death, which can effectively prevent NT companions from mixing in the crowd.

"This person has a problem!"

Lei Minghou suddenly stood up.

He decided to go out in person to find out the person who appeared out of nowhere.

Ever since his elder brother died in the attack of NT companions, he has been left with indelible pain.

Although NT monitors are installed in unmanned vehicles, the possibility that NT companions can ride the car is very small, but Lei Minghou believes that since NT has evolved into a more perverted super individual, NT monitoring equipment is also unreliable. Super individuals can produce special brain waves that affect any normal person who is not contaminated by the NT gene.

Maybe this person who appeared out of nowhere has some kind of connection with NT. If he was careless for a while and caused even more terrible things to happen, then he would become a sinner of mankind, and I am sorry for the heroic soul of my brother.

Lei Minghou left the command hall and boarded the vector acceleration vehicle, accompanied by two fully armed guardians.

This kind of aircraft is also controlled by an unmanned system, and it only needs to preset the target before flying.

Lei Minghou preset the target as YZ City, and then the aircraft took off, flew away from the command center, carried three people, pierced the sky, and headed for YZ City...

(End of this chapter)

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